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Name _____________ Marks_____________

Listening (30 points)

Part 1、.听录音,选择正确的答案(8’)

( )1.A pen B. pencil C. book D. bag ( ) 2.A horse B. fish C. duck D. dog ( ) 3.A orange B. mango C. coconut D. pear ( ) 4.A hair B. head C. mouth D. arm ( ) 5.A hat B.sock C. book D. flower ( ) 6.A cousin B. lizard C. tomato D. potato ( ) 7.A blue B .yellow C. green D. red ( ) 8.A table B. cow C. rabbit D. eraser Part 2、听录音,写出Yes 或No (5’)

1.ear_____ 2.goat_______ 3.mango______ 4.nose_____ 5.potato_____

Part 3、听录音补充丢失的字母。(5 ‘)

1. te__ 2.d__sk 3.h__t 4.m__p 5.d__d 2.6.b__at 7. __nder 8. l__g 9. ha__r 10. turt__e Part 4、根据你所听到的内容把下列短文补充完整(12’)

This is my (family / father) . There are (six / five) people in my family. Look! This is my grandfather. He is old. He is (76 / 67) years old. He is drinking (water / tea). This is my grandmother. She is


watering a (flower / tree). This is my father. He is tall and (fat / strong). He is reading a (book / newspaper). This is my mother. She is thin and beautiful. She is (cook / cooking) in the kitchen. This is my brother. He is very lovely. He is only (5 / 6 ) years old. He is playing with a toy (plane/ car). This is me. I’m a pretty (boy / girl). I am eating an ice-cream. We feel very ( happy / sad).

Writing (70 points)

Part 1、将下列单词分类(以给出的几个单词不用再写)。(10’)

pen horse bag fish apple pig pencil eraser cat cow mango ruler Tom rabbit red Li Ming yellow Sam

1、pen 2、horse 3、apple 4、red 5、Tom Part 2、完成下列单词。(10’)

1、b_ k(书) 2、o e(数字1) 3、 h p(绵羊) 4、d g(狗) 5、c t(猫) 6、fr (青蛙) 7、g t(山羊)8、p r(梨) 9、gr p (葡萄) 10、or ge(橘子) 11、pea (桃子) 12、c c nut(椰子) 13、bl e(蓝色) 14、bi_ e (自行车) 15、lorr (卡车) 16、betw n在….中间 17、ni e(九) 18、t mat (西红柿)


19、s__ck (袜子) 20、s ster (姐妹) Part 3、 请按要求作答。(10’)

1. 请写出5个元音字母____________________________________ _ 2. 请写出数字1--10的英文_____________________________________________________ 3、 写出以下单词的复数形式

cat ________ sheep_____ tomato_______ peach _______ potato ________ mouse

Part 4、根据元音判断,用a或an填空. (5’)

______ ice cream _____ banana ______ apple _____ arm

_____ pear _______ rabbit _______ orange _______ class ______ pen _____animal Part 5、 连线。(10’)

( )1、How old are you? (A). My name is Tony. ( )2、Where is the cat? (B).Four

( )3、What’s your favourite colour? (C).It’s under the desk. ( )4、Have you got a toy car? (D).Blue. ( )5、What’s your name? (E). I’m seven. ( )6、Good morning. (F). Yes, I do. ( )7、Do you like apples? (G).Yes, please. ( )8、How many people are there in your family? (I)Good morning., ( )9、Nice to see you. (J)No, I haven’t.. ( )10、Would you like an apple? (K). Nice to see you, too.




