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1. When dealing in international trade (exporting and importing), a businessman has to face a variety of conditions which differ from those to which he has grown accustomed in the domestic trade. ( )

2. According to the CISG, once the offerer stipulates the validity on the offer ,the offerer can still cancel the offer . ( )

3. Offer and acceptance are two indispensable links for reaching an agreement and concluding a contract. ( )

4. During the negotiation , the offer is made by seller and acceptance is made by buyer . ( ) 5. Enquiry, offer and acceptance are indispensable part of a negotiation . ( )

6. If an offer remarks \( ) 7. An advertisement on paper is an effective offer . ( ) 8. Same to the offer, acceptance also can be cancel . ( ) 9. An offer may not indicate the terms of payment.( )

10. The price-list and catalogues sent to some companies are also offers with binding effect.( ) 11. Price terms are mainly applied to determining the prices of commodities in international trade. ( )

12. Warsaw-Oxford Rules clearly explain the thirteen kinds of trade terms incurrent use. ( ) 13. As an exporter, you concluded a deal with an American on basis of EXW; then your transaction risk is reduced the minimum degree . ( )

14. According to the interpretation of the Revised American Foreign Trade Definition, FAS is suitable for all kinds of transportation. ( )

15. On CIP terms, the seller must pay the freight rate and insurance premium as well as bear all the risks until the goods have arrived at the destination . ( )

16. The common feature of an FOB contract and an FAS contract is that the seller must load the goods on a named ship. ( )

17. According to Incoterms 2010, FCA is suitable for all kinds of transportation . ( )

18.在国际贸易中,一项合同的有效成立都必须经过询盘、发盘、还盘、接受和签约五个环节。( )

19.如果发盘人在发盘中没有受约束的意思,则不构成发盘,而只是邀请对方发盘。( ) 20.《公约》规定,发盘生效时间为发盘送达受盘人时。( )

21. 公司周一对外发盘,限周五复到,客户周二回电还盘,邀我电复,我未处理。但是,周四客户又来电接受我周一的发盘。则这笔交易达成。( )

22.公司对外发盘,国外的客户在发盘的有效期内回电接受,但在同一电文中要求将装运期提前一个月。这是有效接受。( )

23.一般地说,交易磋商有四个环节,其中达成交易不可缺少的两个基本环节和必经的法律步骤是询盘与接受。( )

24.一项接受由于电讯部门的延误,发盘人收到此项接受时已超过该发盘的有效期,那么除非发盘人及时提出异议,该逾期接受有效,合同成立。( )

25.我某公司10月2日向美商发盘,以每打84.50美元CIF纽约的价格提供全棉男衬衫500打,限10月15日复到有效。该盘于10月7日抵达美商,10月8日我发现问题,向美商发传真要求撤销该发盘,该发盘不能撤销。( )

26.还盘是对发盘的拒绝,还盘一经作出,原发盘即失去效力,发盘人不再受其约束。( ) 27.当事人如果明确规定采纳有关惯例时,该惯例具有约束力。( )

28.惯例是由国际组织制定的,对合同的当事人具有强制的约束力。( )

29.按FCA术语成交,应由买方订立运输合同或指定承运人。按惯例,当卖方被要求协助订立运输合同时,只要买方承担费用和风险,卖方也可以办理。( ) 30.FAS与 FOB的相同之处之一是卖方都要承担货物的装船费用。( ) 31.《华沙一牛津规则》是国际法协会专门为解释CIF合同而制定的。( )

32.在CIF条件下由卖方负责办理货物运输保险,在CFR条件下是由买方投保,因此,运输途中货物灭失和损失的风险,前者由卖方负责,后者由买方负责。( ) 33.按CIF术语成交,买方履行其交单义务。( )

34.CFR术语是在FOB价的基础上加上装运港至目的港的通常运费。( ) 35.CIF条件下,卖方交货地点是在装运港而不是目的港( )

36.采用CFR术语时卖方应承担的基本义务包括租船订舱,将货物装船并支付正常运费,办理货运保险,办理出口通关手续。( )

37.采用CFR、CIF术语成交,合同中只规定装运期或交货期;而采用CPT、CIP术语,合同中不但要规定装运期,还要规定货物到达目的地的期限。( )

38.按CIF术语成交,卖方履行其交单义务,除此之外,还必须履行交货义务。( )

39.按照《2010年通则》的解释,CIP、CPT与FCA的相同之处表现在当事人的责任相同。( )

40.按照国际贸易惯例,EXW条件下,卖方承担的基本义务有提交符合合同规定的货物,提交商业发票,提交有关的运输单据。( )

41.根据《INCOTERMS 2010》的解释,采用D组术语成交,卖方没有办理货运保险的义务,所以卖方可不必提交保险单。( )

42.按FCA术语成交,应由买方订立运输合同或指定承运人。按惯例,当卖方被要求协助订立运输合同时,只要买方承担费用和风险,卖方也可以办理。( )

43.业务中常将CIF价格称作“到岸价”,也就是说,按CIF术语成交时,卖方要承担货物运达目的港之前的一切风险、责任和费用。( ) 二、单选

1.That helps to explain ( ) business are setting up net sites even though profits aren't yet very big.

A.that B.the reason of C.why D.why that 2.The commodities you offered are ( ) line with the business scope of our clients. A.outside B.out of C.out D.without 3.Contract must renewed one week ( ) their expiration. A.on B.against C.the moment of D.before

4.It is necessary that an arbitration clause ( ) in the contract.

A.will be included B.must be included C.be included D.has been included 5.We are reconsidering those trade terms ( ) might be adverse to the interest of our principals. A.what B.that C.when D.where

6.When the seller contracts for insurance, it is a(n) ( )contract. A.CFR B.FCA C.EXW D.CIF

7.Under FOB contract, the ( ) is to arrange insurance.

A.seller B.insurer C.buyer D.carrier

8.The variations of CFR involve only the problem of who is to pay ( ) charges, with nothing to do with the place of delivery or the place of risk separations.

A.loading B.demurrage C.freight D.unloading 9.The CIF contract is a typical \ )\

A.dependent transaction B.physical delivery C.symbolic delivery D.arrival contract

10.In international export practice, in case we conclude a FOB or CFR contract with the buyer abroad, unless otherwise agreed, we must give the buyer notice that the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, so as to enable him to ( ) in time.

A.arrange shipment B.cover insurance C.take delivery D.open L/C

11.In INCOTERMS2010,under ( )trade term, the customs declaration for import is the responsibility of seller.


20.In INCOTERMS2010, under ( ) trade term, the customs declaration for import is the responsibility of seller.


21.If the first shipment ( ), we guarantee that we will send you many repeat orders. A.match B.come up C.agree D.measure

22.According to INCOTERMS2010,which of the following trade terms is not included( ) A.FCA B.FAS C.DES D.DDP 23.关于逾期接受,《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定是( )。 A.逾期接受一律无效 B.逾期接受是一个新的发盘

C.逾期接受完全有效 D.逾期接受是否有效,关键取决于发盘人 24.我国甲进出口公司于11月15日上午8:50用电报向美国乙公司发出要约,规定承诺须于11月20日前到达甲公司才有效。11月18日,甲公司同时接到乙公司的承诺和撤回承诺的通知。根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,在此情况下,( )。 A.该合同成立 B.该合同不成立

C.须甲公司同意乙公司撤回,该合同才不成立 D.须甲公司不同意乙公司撤回,该合同才成立

25.按照《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的解释,有效的接受必须( )。 A.以口头或书面声明方式表示出来 B.以某种行为方式表示出来 C.以上二者均可 D.以上二者须同时具备

26.某公司对外发盘时规定了发盘的有效期,根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,这项发盘( )。

A.不得撤消 B.可随意撤消

C.在对方表示接受前可以撤消 D.撤消的通知先于发盘到达对方即可撤消 27.某发盘人在其订约建议中加有“仅供参考”字样,则这一订约建议为( ) 。 A.发盘 B.递盘 C.邀请发盘 D.还盘

28.某进出口公司欲进口一批货物,向日本某公司发出了要求报盘的邀请。在进出口业务中,我们称这种要求对方报盘的行为是( )。 A.发盘 B.还盘 C.询盘 D.接受

29.根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,合同成立的时间是( )。 A.接受生效的时间 B.交易双方签订书面合同时 C.在合同获得国家批准时 D.当发盘送达受盘人时 30.根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,接受于( )生效。 A.合理时间内.向发盘人发出时.送达发盘人时.发盘人收到后以电报确认时

31.按照《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的解释,发盘于( )生效。 A. 向特定的人发出时. 合理时间内.送达受盘人时. 受盘人收到并确认时 32.某进出口公司欲进口一批货物,向日本某公司发出了要求报盘的邀请。在进出口业务中,我们称这种要求对方报盘的行为是( )。 A.发盘 B.还盘 C.询盘 D.接受

33.一项接受由于电讯部门的延误,发盘人收到此项接受时已超过该发盘的有效期,那么( )。 A.除非发盘人及时提出异议,该逾期接受有效,合同成立 B.只要发盘人及时表示确认,该逾期接受有效,合同成立 C.该逾期接受丧失接受效力,合同未成立

34.根据《INCOTERMS 2010》的解释,以CIF术语成交时,卖方的交货是( )。 A.实际交货 B.交单不交货 C.凭单交货 D.不交货 35.FOB与FAS的主要区别是( )

A.交货的责任人不同 B.租船订舱的责任人不同 C.办理出口手续的责任人不同 D.交货的地点不同

36.上海出口一台设备海运至新加坡,中方办理出关手续,外方办理进关手续,外商支付运费和保险费,适用的贸易术语是:( )

A.FOB上海 B.CIF新加坡 C.CFR新加坡 D.CIF 上海

37.以CIF汉堡贸易条件成交的合同,卖方应该负担货物风险直至( ) A.船到汉堡港为止 B.在汉堡港卸下货物为止 C.货物在装运港越过船舷为止 D.在目的港越过船舷为止

38.在以CIF和CFR术语成交的条件下,货物运输保险分别由卖方和买方办理,运输途中货物灭失和损失的风险( )。

A.前者由卖方承担,后者由买方承担 B.均由卖方承担

C.均由买方承担 D.前者由买方承担,后者由卖方承担 39.在交货地点上,《1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》中对( )的解释与《2010年通则》中对FOB的解释相同。

A.FOB Under Tackle B.FOB C.FOB Vessel D.FOB Liner Terms 40.按CIF成交,卖方对货物的所有权:( )

A.随运输单据交给买方时转移 B.随货物风险转移至买方时转移 C.随货物实际交给买方时转移 D.随货物交给承运人时转移 41.按照C组术语成交,货物起运后的风险由( )负担 A.卖方 B.买方 C.船方 D.保险公司

42.象征性交货意指卖方的交货义务是( )。 A.不交货 B.既交单又实际交货 C.凭单交货 D.实际性交货 43.就卖方承担的费用而言,( )是正确的。



1.trade barriers 2.benefits acquisition

3.Purchasing power 4.Domestic markets 5.investment 6.breach of contract 7.Resource acquisition 8.diversification 9.joint ventures 10.Visible trade 11.expand sales 12.Acceptance 13.Business negotiation 14.Offer 15.Market research 16.Market share 17.Enquiry 18.Terms of transaction 19.performance guarantee 20.Sales contract 21.Business contract 22.hard currency 23.Liner Terms 24.Trade terms 四、简述

1. 简述有效接受的构成条件。 2. 有效发盘的构成要件有哪些? 3. 合同有效成立的条件?

4. FOB、CFR、CIF的相同点有哪些? 五、案例

1、Company A made an offer a farm product to Company B stating:“Packing in sound bags”. Within the validity, Company B replied “Refer to your telex first accepted, packing in new bags ”. On receiving the reply, Company A began to purchase the goods for export. Days later, as market price of the commodity was falling , Company B wrote to Company A “No contract is entered between us, as you failed to confirm our changing of the packing requirement.” Company A argued that Company B’s acceptance was effective and the contract was established then. Questions:

What is your opinion ? Give the reasons to support your opinion. How to prevent such dispute?

2、 Mr. Smith, an American businessman, sold a batch of IBM computers to a Hong Kong importer, Mr. Cher. The sales contract was concluded in the United States of America on the terms of CIF Hong Kong. During execution of this contract, disputes arose between the seller and the buyer on the form and interpretation of the contract. In such a case, did the law of the U.S.A. or the law of Hong Kong apply to the disputes? Why ? 3、In 2010, a certain export company of China sent a group of businessmen to the United States for purchase of equipment. In New York both parties reached an oral agreement on such items as



