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牛津英语7B U1-U8 词组归纳

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Unit8 词组归纳

1、给我带些吃的东西 2、这就对了。

bring me something to eat (brought)

That's it.

watch the goldfish swim around (watched, swam) love to sleep on my knees hold it in my hand (held)

feed her carrots feed carrots to her (fed)

3、看着金鱼游来游去 4、喜欢睡在我的膝盖上 5、把它拿在手里

6、给她喂胡萝卜(2种) 7、教鹦鹉说话

teach a parrot to speak (taught)

the cleverest animal

8、最聪明的动物 9、追逐一个球 10、睁大眼睛


run after a ball (ran) with eyes open wide open your mouth wide do/play wonderful tricks

play a trick on sb./play tricks on sb



12、用树枝搭建营地(2种) build camps out of sticks use sticks to build camps 13、直到最后 14、陷入困境

till/ until the end be in trouble

have trouble doing sth. make trouble

don't have to do

don't need to do

做某事有困难 制造麻烦


need't do



16、一次轻柔的触摸 17、躲在椅子下

a gentle touch

hide under the chair (hid) make nice sounds


发出噪音 make much noise make a big noise

19、金鱼很安静并且很容易照顾。Goldfish are quiet and easy to look after. 20、重复我的话

repeat my words

come back home return home all the time

21、返回家(2种) 22、一直,始终

23、我认为没有人会想要一条蛇。I don't think anybody wants a snake.(否定前置) 24、同意某人观点


agree with sb. agree to do

25、如果你喜欢蛇的话,养条蛇也没什么错的。There is nothing wrong with keeping a snake, if you like it. 26、用你的手去捞金鱼 27、把金鱼放在太阳下 28、重达400克

……的重量 减肥 增肥

pick up goldfish with your hands put goldfish in the sun

weigh (up to)400 grams

the weight of

lose weight (go on a diet) put on weight

grow up to be 20 centimeters long a 20-centimeter-long goldfish





30、这条金鱼重多少?(2种)How much does this goldfish weigh? How heavy is this goldfish? 31、了解

learn about

How big can goldfish grow? make noise like exercise (n.)a lot

walk the dog take the dog for a walk

32、金鱼能长到多大? 33、发出噪音

34、非常喜欢运动 35、遛狗(2种) 36、刷毛

brush its fur feed them too much

weigh about 2 kilograms (weighed过去式)

37、给他们喂太多 38、重约2公斤 39、玩球

play with a ball

40、当她饿了的时候她就喵喵叫。When she is hungry, she will miaow. 41、把……照顾好(2种)

Unit 7词组归纳 1、信不信由你 2、小心

believe it or not

take good care of look after... well

look out / take care/ be careful

Look out for/ take care of / be careful with be careful (not) to do sth. 3、植树

plant trees

help an old man cross the road clean up the park

give a seat to somebody on the bus collect things for Project Hope collect some books for children visit an old people's home

What can we do for the children in poor areas?

4、帮助一位老人过马路 5、把公园打扫干净

6、在公交车上给某人让座 7、为希望工程收集物品 为孩子们收集一些书 8、访问敬老院




10、最需要衣服和鞋 11、寄某物给某人

need clothes and shoes most

send sth. to sb. send sb to s.p (把某人派往某地)

be able to pay for pens and notebooks

12、有能力支付钢笔和笔记本的费用 13、为某人募捐

raise money for

donate money to 14、把他的邻居从火灾中救出来

save his neighbour from a fire

15、他足够勇敢能,把他的邻居从火灾中救了出来。 He was brave enough to save his neighbour

from a fire.

16、独自在家(3种) 17、听到有人正在叫喊

听到某人求救 18、跑出来 19、伤得很重

be at home alone/ on one's own/ by oneself

hear sb. shouting hear sb. calling for help

run out of

be badly hurt

pour water over his clothes protect ... from ...

20、把水泼在他的衣服上 21、保护……不受……伤害 22、冲进去 24、把火扑灭 25、住院

rush into

put out the fire (stop the fire from burning) be in hospital (for months) give him flowers and presents at that time/ just then have time to think about sth. sound dangerous four pieces of advice be careful with fire

26、给他送花和礼物 27、在那时(2种) 28、有时间做考虑某事 29、听起来很危险 30、四条建议 31、小心烟火

32、不要玩火柴 don't play with matches

don't put anything hot into the rubbish bin

33、不要把任何烫的东西放入垃圾箱 34、使你的头发远离火 35、游过扬子江

keep your hair away from fire

swim across the Yangze River

a good place to have fun make a call on your mobile





38、把我的手机掉家里了 39、顺便问一下

leave my mobile at home by the way

take your camera with you no problem see through walls

be like X-rays

40、随身带好你的相机 41、没问题 42、透过墙看 43、就像X光

44、用他的眼睛使东西燃烧 burn things with his eyes

45、用他的双手使火车停下来 stop the train with his hands 46、飞得像光一样快 47、需要多读和多说 48、努力学习

fly as fast as light

need to read more and speak more work hard on know a lot about

49、对……非常了解 50、写得好文章

write good articles

do/ try one's best to do sth. play the piano at school shows do well in do better in practise hard

get into the school team

start to play the violin at the age of six recommend sb. for recommend sb. to do learn things quickly

51、尽某人最大努力做某事 52、在学校演出上弹钢琴 53、在……上做得好

在……上做得更好 54、刻苦操练 55、进入校队

56、在六岁开始拉小提琴 57、推荐某人得……奖

推荐某人做某事 58、学东西快

59、为俱乐部做大部分的电脑工作 do most of the computer work for the club 60、仔细考虑

think carefully plan everything well take part in activities

61、把每件事都计划的很好 62、参加活动

63、为需要帮助的孩子们收集衣服和书 collect clothes and books for children in need 64、迷路(2种) 65、得到一个奖项


get lost lose one's way

get an award


