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06月大学英语四级考试完整版答案及解析 Part I Writing 原则版

Doing Shopping Online

With the development of the Internet,shopping is no longer a tiring thing. Just click your mouse to choose the articles you like,and the purchase is done. You don't even have to step out of the room. It seems all easy and quick.

However,people's opinions vary on this trend. Some believe that on line shopping is time and money saving. With plentiful selection options,they can buy whatever they like at any time convenient. Still others insist that mis-purchasing alone is annoying enough,not to mention the credibility of the sellers and the safety of their accounts.

In my opinion,the convenience and excitement of on line shopping is beyond all doubts. In the meantime,we must always bear in mind that certain traps do exist,so we'd better make sure the sellers are trustworthy before buying. In addition,we should also guard ourselves from the potential hackers who might steal our account information. 文章点评:

这是一篇“中档偏上”学生作文。 本文先对网购热潮进行简介,引出全篇;接着对网络购物正反两方面进行对比;最后提出自己看法结束全篇。整体看思路清晰,逻辑严密,行文流畅,用语较为地道。 下面说一下这篇文章有待提高之处:

1. 文章构造上,能看得出该同窗试图采用议论文“三段式”(提出问题、分析问题、解决问题)。 但是,以“With the development of the Internet”为开首语,有些落入俗套,有硬套模板嫌疑。稍加注意,应当能写出更好句子。

2. 微观语言点方面,有些语句稍显啰嗦,例如With plentiful selection options… 简化成With plentiful selections… 更好,意思没有丝毫减损,表达力反而增强许多。


Nowadays,can we find a person who has not experienced online shopping?Definitely not. Online shopping is coming into fashion in most of cities due to the rapid development of internet technology.

Online shopping is welcomed by most people due to various reasons. From the perspective of consumer,it can save some time for people who don’t have much spare time. Just click the mouse,they can get whatever they want while staying at home. For the retailers,it can cut some costs for those who don’t have much circulating funds. They don’t have to rent a house and spend money on employees compared with the traditional trade mode. However,there are still some defects in online shopping. First,face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. Second,people will lose the fun of bargain.

It is undeniable that shopping on the internet has become an irresistible trend in modern society. It’s of great urgency that we need to regulate the relative laws in accordance with the rapid growth of online shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of being treated. 点评:本次四级作文探讨是近来热点话题之一——互联网网 购。当前网购风靡限度是众所周知,因而,考生对于该话题还是比较熟悉。但是,比较特殊是,题干所列出规定是考生从一种客观角度来阐述该话题, 而不是简朴陈述自己意见。因此,考生应当审清晰题,在写作时不但仅要列出网购长处,还必要给出相应缺陷。


第 二段考生应当从正反两方面来阐述网购,分别铺陈其优缺陷;关于长处,网购长处诸多,考生可择其最突出明显方面来阐述,例如说网购可以节约诸多时间;网 购可以节约诸多成本开支等;另一方面,缺陷方面考生可以把重心放在诚信方面;为了不至于跟长处相比,缺陷方面太轻,考生可以考虑稍微提一下其她缺陷,例如说与 老式购物相比,网购少去了诸多砍价乐趣;


整篇作文话题比较好展开,难度不大,只要考生审好题,列出相应点,相信作文不会是难题。 外教版

Online shopping has been a boon to many industries and companies looking to expand their markets. Also,it's convenient for shoppers who are too busy to leave the house. However,in some cases nothing can replace a true face to face shopping experience.

Internet shopping is convenient for the mothers who spend all day doing house chores and for the fathers who work a full-time job. On the other hand,there are limits to shopping online,for example:guessing the correct size of clothing on a computer screen can be very frustrating.

For the busy mother and father,online shopping is a very useful and convenient tool. But,there are instances,like clothes shopping,where nothing beats the real thing. 点评:


第二段重要还是从正反两方面分析了网购优势和局限性,以此描述人们对网购不同反映。 第三段作者表白了自己观点,对网购便利和局限性之处都做了描述。


Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. B. Its bad taste

解析:题干中generally known for 相应原文a reputation for,依照原文第一句Why does British food have a reputation for being so bad?Because it is bad!可知核心词为bad,故选B。 2. A. an inadequate supply of production

解析:由题干核心词the Second World War可以定位到原文第四段,二战之前,英国食品都是进口,二战之后,食品供应船只遭到袭击,只能依托配给。故选A,食品供应局限性。 3. B. Its people cared more for quantity

解析:由compete with some of its neighbouring countries可以定位到原文第6段,they weren't looking



