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pear ball dog chair coconut apple computer game car cat train lorry fish orange clock bird cupboard lemon pineapple fruits





birthday lunch sister father 1.Suzy is Stella’s________. 2.Mr. Star is Suzy’s______.

3.He is flying his_____kite.

4.It’s lunchtime and I’m having fish and chips for______. is Simon’s _______party. 三、介词选择(10分) 1. He is _____China.

from under between in in front of on behind at 2. Simon gets up ____6:00 every morning.

3. The rabbit is _____the tree.

4. The book is ______desk.

5. The man is ______the two trees.

6. The girl is _____the boy.

7. Nice ______meet you.

8. The pandas are ____each other.

9. They are sitting _____the sun.

girl is ______the statue(雕像)四、选择(10分) ( ) is the phone

’s mine. the desk. ’s blue. ( ) is this jacket

’s John. ’s Johns. ’s John’s. ( ) are you doing

’m cleaning. can clean. , I’m. ( ) __,Maskman!

( ) can see you next __the bookcase.


1. Can I have some bread A. So do I .

2. What’s Simon doing B. They are on the wall. 3. Where are the lizards C. He is kicking the ball. 4. I love spiders D. There are five. 5. What are these E. No, I haven’t. 6. How many pineapples are there F. Yes, please. 7. Have you got a book G. Here you are. 8. Does Simon like painting H. No, he doesn’t. 9. Would you like some chocolates I. They are potato chips. 10. I like onions. J. I don’t . 六、根据图片选出与句子相关的正确单词,填入空白处(5分)

’ve got a _________.(sheep / goat)

is _________.(sleeping / running)

cat is _________(behind / next to) the cupboard.

favourite food is _________.(eggs / chips)

5. _________(Watch / Phone) is my toy.七、根据图片判断(5分)

1、A baby is playing with a ball. 2、The baby’s mum is reading a book. 3、There are three boys playing football. 4、Two girls are playing basketball.

5、The grandma and grandpa are walking. 八、读一读,选择正确答案,将其标号填写在括号中。(10’)

Today is . It’s Lily’s birthday. She is eight years old now. Her birthday party is at her home. The party begins at 9:00 am. She will sing and dance and play games with her friends at the party. ( )1. What’s the date today

A. January 19th B. January 18th C. January 20th ( )2. How old is Lily now

A. Nine years old B. Seven years old. C. Eight years old. ( )3. Lily’s birthday party is _______.

A. at school B. in the park C. in Lily’s house ( ) 4. The party begins _______.

A. At 8:00 am. B. At 9:00 pm. C. At 9:00 am. ( ) 5. Lily and her friends will _______. and dance B. play games and B 九、口语测试(10分)



