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Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars

1.system n.系统,体系,制度 the solar system太阳系;a railway system 铁路系统;a social system 社会制度;a security system安保系统 a heating system供热系统 systematic adj.有系统的;有条理的 (1)Too much drinking does harm to the system.

(2)The solar system is mainly made up of the sun and the 8 planets. (3)This weekend I’m going to install a home security system. (4)The teacher made a systematic work of teaching.

(5)How many of you think the educational system is working? (6)The school offered a systematic course in reading.

2.theory n.学说;论说 ;理论,原理;意见,看法 in theory 理论上;原则上 Malthusian theory 马尔萨斯学说,马尔萨斯人口论 scientific theory 科学理论 theory of gravity 万有引力理论 (1)There are many theories about the origin of life. (2)Your plan sounds fine in theory.

(3)She has a theory that drinking milk prevents colds. (4)Not in theory. But in practice?

(5)Every boy and girl had a theory (七嘴八舌)about the nature of that book. (6)Many scientists accept the theory that the universe is growing larger.

3. in time 及时,终于,迟早 on time 准时,按时 at a time 一次,每次 at one time 曾经;一度;同时 at times 有时,偶尔 at no time 决不 in no time马上;立刻

(1)The doctor came in time to save his life.

(2)You will realize the mistakes made by you in time.

(3)I saved my bacon(save one’s bacon救某人的命) by arriving just in time for the meeting. (4)Although he is a good student, he is late for class at times. (5)You borrowed money; you didn’t return it on time. (6)He checked them off one at a time as they came in. (7)At no time should you give up studying. (8)In no time he will come back.

4.atmosphere n.空气;大气层;大气圈;气氛;氛围;环境; atmospheric adj.大气的;大气层的;令人激动的 词语辨析:atmosphere指地球或其他天体的气体或大气层;air指环绕在地球周围并且人和动物能呼吸的空气或大气层。 (1)These gases pollute the atmosphere of towns and cities. (2)He sets the atmosphere and shapes the scenes pleasingly. (3)I love the beautiful,atmospheric music.

(4)The old harbour is still full of atmosphere and well worth visiting.

(5)There were no windows to admit moist(潮湿的) air/atmosphere to enter the room.

5.unlike adj. 不同的,不相似的 prep.不同;不像 it’s unlike sb to do sth likely adj.可能的。 unlikely adj.不大可能发生的;未必会发生的

(1)They are both teachers. Otherwise,they are quite unlike. (2)The boy is unlike his brother who is much fatter. (3)It is very unlike him to be so late..

(4)He is likely to arrive a bit late.

(5)They are so unlike that nobody believes they are sisters. (6)Music is quite unlike any other art form.

(7)Since their parents strongly disagree, they are unlikely to marry.

6.fundamental adj.根本的;基本的;基础的;必不可少的 be fundamental to…是……的基础;对……必不可少 fundamentally adv.根本上,完全地 foundation n.基础;地基 (1)Water is fundamental to survival.

(2)The two ways are fundamentally different.

(3)He dug the foundation with a pick(镐) and shovel(铁锹).

(4)It was not simply a practical matter, but a fundamental question of principle. (5)Fresh air is fundamental to good health.

(6)The development of things depends fundamentally on internal causes.

7.exist vi.存在;生存 exist in 存在于 exist on 靠…生存 existence n.存在,生存 come into existence 开始存在;成立 in existence 现存地;现有地 existing adj. 现存的;现行的 (1)Hunger exists in many parts of the world. (2)He exists on bread and water.

(3)Nobody knows when the earth came into existence.

(4)There exists many sources of energy both potential(势能) and kinetic(动能).

8.give birth to 生产,分娩 at birth 出生时 by birth 天生地,生来,在血统上 a second birth 新生,再生 be born 出生 (1)He was 3 kilograms at birth when he was born. (2)Her parents were in fact Americans by birth.

(3)The cubs (幼仔)were the first giant pandas to be born in the United States. (4)I don’t think it’s my fault that the TV blew up.

9.block out 挡住(光线);草拟(大纲);画轮廓 block off 封闭;封锁道路 block one’s way 挡住某人的路 block up 阻塞;阻挡 (1)The heavy curtain blocks out the light.

(2)We put a piece of cloth across the window to block out the sunlight. (3)They blocked up the entrance to the cave with big rocks. (4)Snow has blocked off traffic on the motorway.

10.crash n.撞车事故;失事;突然发出的巨响 vt. vi 碰撞;坠落;使撞毁 crash down 撞塌 crash against 撞到…上 crash into撞进… crash out 坠毁,入睡 (1)John crashed his car last night. (2)The door was crashed open.

(3)The door swung(摆) inwards(里面) to crash against a chest of drawers(五斗橱) behind it. (4)The plane crashed,its bombs exploding as it hit the ground. (5)There was a serious car crash this morning.

11.pull n.vt.拉力,拖;牵引力 pull down 摧毁,推翻,拆除 pull in 进站停靠;驶向路边或某处停靠 pull out 离站;使摆脱困境 pull through 恢复健康;度过危机 pull up 停车,停住 (1)The firemen pulled down some nearby sheds to stop the fire spreading.

(2)When will the Paris train pull in?

(3)When all passengers were on board, the train pulled out of the station. (4)The economic situation was serious, but they pulled through. (5)He pulled out my tooth yesterday.

(7)He waited several minutes for a car to pull up alongside.

12.break out突发,爆发 break up 解散;打碎 break away from…脱离 break down 出故障,抛锚,垮掉 break in 进入,插话 break into强行进入,突然开始(大笑,欢呼) (1)They decided to break up the partnership. (2)He must break away from such bad habits.

(3)The machine must break down at this bust hour. (4)Children shouldn’t break in on adults’ conversation.

13.be+不定式 表示受某人指示、安排或按规章制度、客观规律将要发生的事。也可表示命令、吩咐、禁止等。 (1)The President is to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. (2)What the boy is to be is hard to imagine.

(3)The form is to be filled in and returned within three weeks. (4)Their daughter is to be married soon.

(5)His plan in the following year is to go abroad to get further education.

14.so+adj.+a/an+名词单数+that从句 so + many/few/little/much+n.+that从句 such+an+adj.+名词单数+that从句 such+adj.+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that从句

(1)The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it.

(2)There was such little traffic that it took us only ten minutes to get there.

(3)He is such a clever boy that everybody likes him.=He is so clever a boy that everybody likes him.

15.violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的 violently adv.猛烈地 violence n.暴力;暴行 take…by violence 强夺…… (1)Suddenly he began to tremble violently. (2)People called for an end to the violence.

(3)Meanwhile they were preparing to take control by violence. (4)One must deplore(被谴责;被触犯)their violent behavior. (5)It was the most violent film that I have ever seen. (6)A violent storm had struck the area.

16.harmful adj.有害的 be harmful to…对……有害 harmless adj.无害的 harm n. 损害;伤害 v.对……有害;伤害;损害 do sb harm/good; do harm/good to sb 对某人有害处/好处 mean no harm 没有恶意 there is no harm in doing sth做某事无害处 (1)It is obvious that smoking is harmful to health.

(2)There is no harm in asking your teachers for advice more often./Asking your teachers for advice more often does no harm to you. (3)Too much worry does harm to one’s soul and body./Too much worry is harmful to one’s soul and body. (4)It’s harmful to your eyes to read books on the bus. (5)He means no harm to anyone.

(6)He may not be able to help but there’s no harm in asking him. 课堂测试 1.用适当的词填空

(1)Firemen reached the house on fire _____time.

(2)There are so many clouds; they almost block___ the sky.



