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round? ss: yes. t: let’s sing the song: “apple red”. then watch cai ,sing the song. 【点评】唱歌活跃了课堂气氛,使学生尽快融入到英语学习中。又大又圆的苹果一定能使学生由衷的表达:i like apple。

step 2 presentation (1) use the fruits or word cards to teach the fruit words: orange. lemon. grape. apple. pineapple. banana. coconut. mango. watermelon. then put the cards on the bb. (2) games: take away a piece of word card each time, let ss guess: what is not here? then read in high or low voice and once or twice . 【点评】利用实物和卡片教单词,通过猜what is not here?和多种形式的读(师高声读,生低声读,师低声读,生高声读;师读一遍,生读两遍。然后让学生当小老师领读。)达到师生互动,巩固所学单词。

step 3 practice. (1) ask and answer: t: i like apple. do you like apple? ss: yes, i do. change a bad apple and ask: do you like this apple? ss: no, i dont. then tell them to say: i don’t like this apple. because it’s bad. ss work in pairs: i like … i don’t like … 【点评】又大又圆的苹果让人喜欢,坏苹果可没人喜欢,由此自然地引入:i dont like (this) apple. pair work时一些学生还说出了喜欢和不喜欢的原因,用上了歌曲中的形容词(big round juicy sweet),让老师和学生都竖起了大拇指。

(2) watch and act: watch cai, there is a dialogue between the cat and the dog.(cat: i like fish. dog: i dont like fish.) act in

pairs. 【点评】同学们最喜欢带头饰表演了,这个对话很简单,一些学困生在表演中士气得到了高涨。

(3) chain work: i like apple. what colour do you like? tell ss we can also ask: whats your favorite fruit? then ask again: i like apple. what’s your favorite fruit? 【点评】本单元还不需要告诉学生favorite和like的区别,他能用i like…来回答whats your favorite fruit?但此时一定要让学生把favorite读准。

(4) watch and act: watch a dialogue on the cai. (girl1: whats your favorite fruit? boy1: i like apples. girl2: i like grapes. boy2: i like pineapples. ) ss act in groups. (5) let’s chant: (ex1) ss listen and chant. then chant in four groups. 【点评】读准了favorite,本部分就迎刃而解了。

step 5: extension (1) about drink. show cards and ask ss: whats this? (tea water juice milk coffee coke) tell ss they are drinks. then ss ask in pairs: what’s your favorite drink? then

watch cai. (lady: what’s your favorite drink? boy: i like apple juice.) (2) about food. show cards and ask ss: what’s this? (hamburger hot dog bread sausage cake french fries ) tell ss they are food. then ss ask in groups: what’s your favorite food? then watch cai.(dog1: what’s your favorite food? dog2: i like milk. ) (3) go and ask friend: what’s your favorite

colour/animal/lesson/...? (4) play cai, ss sing: “fruit song” 【点评】由水果延伸到饮料、食物等与学生生活相联系的内容。 step 5: homework (1)listen and read part 1and ex1 twice. (2)group work: make a survey: whats your favorite…? why? (3)draw your favorite fruit and write the english words down

below. 【教学反思】 本节课选材贴近学生生活,从水果延伸到饮料、食物等,从猜单词到当小老师,让学生体验到学英语的乐趣,在学习的过程中同时运用chant、song、cai、tape进一步规范学生的语音语调。新课程标准提出在教学中应注意激发和培养学生学英语的兴趣,教师非常注重帮学生树立自信心,在快乐的活动中获取新知识,使不同层次的学生得到相应发展,本节课圆满的完成了教学任务。



