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65. The veteran in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one metre.


66. The cube in the tubular cup occupies one cubic meter. 筒状杯中的立方体占有一个立方米(的体积)。

67. Put the spotless potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco atoms into the hot pot. 把无斑点的土豆、番茄和烟草微粒放进热锅里。

68. The preacher preached to the teacher's teacup. 传教士对着老师的茶杯说教。

69. \ “我的行为代表了一半斑马的利益。”代数老师说。

70. Unlike my uncle, I likely like that bike (bicycle). 我不象叔叔,我很可能喜欢那辆自行车。

71. She likes nothing but things of clothing and cloth. 除了衣物和布料之类的东西外,她什么也不喜欢。

72. The doctor's doctrine undid one dollar and a dozen of collars. 博士的学说毁掉了一美元和一打衣领。

73. On the bus the busy businessman did a business with the buyer. 在公共汽车上,忙碌的商人与买主做了一笔生意。

74. Vegetables and tablets on the stably established table show no instability. 放在稳定设置的桌子上的蔬菜和药片没有显示不稳定性。

75. Primarily, the prime criminal's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


76. The ring on the spring string rings during springtime. 弹簧弦上的环在春天鸣响。

77. Shut in the hut, I'm puzzled how to cut down the output of nuts. 关在茅棚里,我为削减坚果的产量犯难。

78. It's better to put letters at the inlet and outlet.


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79. During this serious period, the superior asked the inferior a series of questions about the supermarket.


80. I tuned the tone of the stone phone with a bone. 我用骨头调整了石质耳机的音调。

81. On Revenue avenue, the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely. 在税收大道上,严肃的旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑。

82. The slave safely saved the sharp shavers in a cave nearby the cafeteria. 奴隶将锋利的剃刀安全地保存在自助餐厅附近的洞穴里。

83. Most hosts are hostile to the foremost ghost hostage almost to the utmost. 大多数主人对最前面的幽灵人质的敌对态度几乎到了极顶。

84. The mapper trapped in the gap tapped the tap wrapper with strap. 陷在缝中的制图者用皮带轻击塞子套。

85. The scout with shoulder-straps shouted on the outermost route as a routine.


86. The reproached coach unloaded the loaves to the approachable roadside. 遭到责备的教练把面包卸到可接近的路旁。

87. The news about the broadened breadth is broadcast abroad. 宽度加宽的消息被广播到国外。

88. The motive of the emotional movie is to move the removed men. 那部情感电影的动机在于感动被开除的人。

89. Otherwise, mother will go to another movie together with brother. 不然,妈妈就和弟弟一起去看另一场电影。

90. Furthermore, we gathered leather and feather for the future colder weather. 而且,我们收集了皮革和羽毛以应付将来更冷的天气。

91. Before the premier, the old soldier scolds the cold weather. 老兵当着首相的面咒骂寒冷的天气。

92. Whether the weather is good or bad, neither father nor I am going to the


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93. The Particle party's partner participated in the particular Parliament. 粒子党的合伙人参与了特别议会。

94. For convenience of intensive study, he has an intense intention of making friend with me.


95. The virtueless girl's duty is to wash the dirty shirts and skirts in the outskirts. 无美德女孩的职责就是在郊区洗脏衬衣和裙子.

96. I glimpsed the dancer balancing herself on the ambulance by chance. 我碰巧瞥见舞蹈者在救护车上使自己保持平衡。

97. Balloon, baseball, basketball, football and volleyball all dance ballet on the volcano.


98. A gallon of gasoline and the nylon overalls fall into the valley. 一加仑汽油和尼龙工作裤落进了山谷。

99. Palm calmly recalled the so-called caller. “手掌”平静地回忆了那个所谓的拜访者。

100. In the hall, the shallow challenger shall be allowed to swallow the swallows.



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