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reporting good conditions with six inches of new snow in the last twenty-four

hours; Aspen is reporting good conditions with eight inches of new snow; and

Vail is reporting very good conditions with nine inches of new snow.

This has been the weekend guide. Thank you for listening. Exercise 2 Item Sports Program 1. Two basketball games; 2. Skiing at Steamboat Springs, Aspen and Vail 3. A concert given by Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band 5. Exhibits of famous rock and mineral collection; 6. Exhibits of early people; 7. A special exhibit of American Indian pottery and sand painting Ticket/Admission Tickets available Music Museum Exhibits 4. Mostly $10 tickets but a very few $5 seats still on sale 8. Free Unit 2 Celebrities Part A Exercise 1

Jackie Chan Born in 1954. At the age of 7 he was sent to the Chinese Opera Research Institute. At the age of he became a movie stuntman, performing very 17 exciting and often dangerous acts for actors

His big breakthrough Exercise 2

in movies. came in 1978, when he made the movie Snake in Eagle’s Shadow, in which he combined comedy and dangerous stunts. 1. public figures 2. chief 3. is admired for doing something

4. noble or brave 5. is admired for the accomplishment 6. enduring efforts

7. great courage 8. confidence in oneself 9. fills people’s minds with respect

10. entertainment or business circles, may sometimes inspire envy

Part B Conversation 1

Exercise 1 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. b The Person I Admire Most

M: Can you think of a person you admire?

W: A person I admire? Hmn. Yes, I think the person I admire most is

Steven Hawking.

M: Isn’t he the professor at Cambridge with motor neurone disease?

W: That’s right. He’s spent most of his life fighting the disease. He found

out that he’d got it when he was a student. He was at the time only about 20.

M: Goodness. What did he do then?

W: Well, he stopped wasting time. And he started applying himself to his

studies. He knew that he risked dying young, but he became a leading cosmologist.

M: Where have I heard of him? I know nothing about cosmology. W: He wrote a book about it for the average person. In fact I remember

seeing it on your bookshelves.

M: Oh, right. “A Brief History of Time”, is that it?

W: Yes, it was a real bestseller, mostly to people who put it on their

bookshelves and didn’t read it. M: Yeah. How old is he now?

W: He’s in his sixties; I think He’s succeeded in living far longer than

anyone expected him to.

M: But what kind of life can you have with a disease like that?

W: He’s managed to lead a fairly normal life. He has married twice and

has three children and a grandchild now. I think he needs to use a computer for

almost everything now, you know, eating, speaking, writing M: Mmm. It’s very sad, isn’t it?

W: Well, in a way. He considers himself lucky. You see, despite his

disability, he is recognized as one of the greatest minds of our time.

Exercise 2 1. …a professor… 2. …fighting motor neurone disease

3. …he was about 20 4. …A Brief History of Time….average person…bestseller

5. …twice…three…grandchild 6. …a computer….eating, speaking, writing… Conversation 2

Exercise 1 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. d Interview with a Celebrity

W: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? M: Sure.

W: First of all, where were you born?

M: I was born in London, but I’m living in Madrid now. W: Oh, really? How long have you been there?

M: Not long. I moved from London with my two daughters about six

months ago.

W: Are you happy there?

M: Yeah, very happy. We love the outdoor life. Also, my mother's Spanish.

W: And what do you do in your free time?

M: I love reading. Sometimes I feel like wanting to buy every book in a

bookstore. I’m crazy about books. And I’m a fast reader. W: Do you ever feel the need to take a break so you can recharge your batteries?

M: All the time. There’s always so much more to learn. Going away helps.

W: You’ve obviously traveled a lot, too. What’s your favorite place in the world?

M: That’s a difficult question because I’ve been to so many amazing



