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重点语法 (结合考题讲解)



1. 大多数集体名词可作单数,也可作复数,如: army , audience , class , committee , crew ( 全体船员,乘务员 ) , crowd , faculty , family ,

government , group , orchestra , team , union 等。强调整体时谓语动词用单

数,强调个体时谓语动词用复数。如: The government is paying close attention to economic development. The government are having a heated discussion on this matter.

2.有些名词形式为复数,却用作单数,如 :electronics( 电子学 ) , mathematics( 数学 ) , optics( 光学 ) , politics , statistics( 统计学 ), economics (经济学), physics 等。例如 :

Linguistics is a difficult subject to study.

3. 名词作定语时,除了man和woman要和中心词一起变成复数之外,其它修饰词不能变成复数。例如

a woman teacher ---- two women teachers a man doctor ---- two men doctors a girl student ---- five girl students a boy student ----six boy students

4. 复合名词的复数只把其中所包含的主体名词变成复数。如 : looker(s)-on , runner(s)-up , sister(s)-in-law , editor(s)-in-chief , passer(s)-by , grand-child(ren) , shoe lace(s) , blood type(s) 等。

5. 如果没有主体名词,就在最后一个词上加复数词尾。如 : go-between(s) , drawback(s), grown-ups “Of+抽象名词”相当于形容词 Of interest----interesting Of importance---important Of value---valuable Of necessity---necessary Of possibility---possible

Of great importance--- greatly important/very important Of no value---valueless 切记invaluable=priceless

这里主要讲一下 不定代词some和any。通常some用于肯定句,any 用于疑问句和否定句。但在下列情况下例外:

(1)在表示请求、建议时,some及其派生词可以用于疑问句。如: Would you like some coffee?

Can somebody come and help me? Could you lend me some books?

Why don’t you buy some flowers for her birthday?

注意“any +单数名词”和“any other +单数名词”的区别。现在用两个例子进行说明。 China is larger than any other country in Asia. (China belongs to Asia.)

China is larger than any country in Africa. (China does not belong to Africa.)

(2)any及其派生词用于肯定句时,起强调作用,意思是 “任何的……” .如: You can come any day you like. 你哪天来都行

He is taller than any of the other boys in the class. (any of the other boys=any other boy)


以下情况形容词常用于后置定语 :

1) 一些表语性形容词要后置,如 :present (到场的,出席的) , available , involved , concerned , etc 。

2) 形容词修饰不定代词 something , anything , everything 时要后置。例如 : There was something wrong with her.

I came across a tricky question hard to answer. I wondered if there was a room available.

注意enough的位置:enough 修饰名词时放在名词前后均可,修饰形容词或副词时要放在后面。如:

enough water /water enough careful enough/ well enough

形容词和副词的原级比较由 “as + 形容词或副词原级 ( 或后跟名词或短语 )+as” 构成, “as…as” 前可加 not , just , almost , nearly , quite , twice , several times 等词修饰。否定式中 not 后面的 as 可改为 so 。如: He is as tall as I.

He is not as/as careful as his brother.

形容词与副词的比较级形式为 :“ 形容词 ( 副词 ) 比较级 +than+…” ,应注意 than 前后相比较的人或物要一致 (否则没有可比性)。比较级前可以跟 even , much , stilI, far, a lot 等副词修饰比较级,表示强调。

You voice is more beautiful than your classmates’/that of your classmates. The population in China is much larger than that in America.

The values of the young differ from those of their elders. 不可数名词或名词单数,后面用that代替,可数名词复数后面用those代替。


be junior to ---be younger than be senior to ---be older than be posterior to ---be later than be anterior to ---be earlier than

be prior to ---be earlier than/be more important than be inferior to ---be worse than be superior to ---be better than


the +比较级, the +比较级 ( 越 …… 就越 ……) ,常考选择或翻译。如: The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you make. The earlier you come, the better (it is).

形容词与副词的最高级的形式分别为 :“the+ 形容词最高级 + 名词十范围表达 ” 和 “ 副词最高级十名词 + 范围表达 ” ,副词的比较级和最高级不需要加 the 。例如 : We are the happiest when staying with friends.

I carried out the task more successfully than he had expected.

Most 有时并不都是最高级形式,相当于very,该用法比较正式。如: It is a most touching film. 这是一部非常感人的电影。 They shall most certainly come. 他们很可能回来。



只有延续性动词可以和时间段连用,瞬间动词要改为相应的持续性的表示状态的短语。 die-be dead

leave/go-be away

buy/borrow-keep/have start/begin-be on


It is (has been)…since…这一结构也常用于现在完成时。

It has been (也可用is) a long time since they last met each other.

“This/It/That be the first (second) time that…”句型中,从句常用完成时态。 例如:Is this the first time that you have visited Hong Kong?

This will be the second time that I have broken a cup this week. That was the third time he had been interrupted that afternoon.


I have knocked at the door five times, but I’m afraid nobody is in. The pop singer has sung three songs.




