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关于Moby Dick 的引言《旧约·列王纪上》亚哈王

The archetype of him is Ahab, king of Israel (c.874-c.853 B.C.), son and successor of omri. In another words, the destiny (命运)of King Ahab determines the Ahab. The name stands for spite (怨恨)and revenge. 不要对我不尊敬,就算是太阳得罪我,我也会出手痛击。

Queequeg’s coffin alternately (更迭地)symbolizes life and death.

“I will have no man in my boat,” said Starbuck, “who is not afraid of a whale.“Vengeance哑的on a brute畜生!” cried Starbuck, “that simply smote 打thee from blindest instinct本能! Madness愚蠢的行为! 认为报复白鲸是愚蠢的行为。

? All three of these perspectives are used to accentuate强调 Ahab’s monomania偏执

狂. Ahab reads his experiences as the result of a conspiracy阴谋 against him by some larger force.

? Unlike Flask, he thinks and interprets.解释 Unlike Stubb, he believes that he can

alter his world. Unlike Starbuck, he places himself rather than some external外部的 set of principles at the center of the 宇宙的 order that he discerns.看清楚

Ishmael 被遗弃的人Ishmael means being discarded


The Raven (Edgar Allan Poe)

? ? ? ?

End rhyme: rhyme found at the ends of verse lines. 尾韵

Poe uses the regular end rhyme in “The Raven”, which is ABCBBB

In poetry, internal rhyme行中韵, or middle rhyme, is rhyme that occurs in a single line of verse. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before Alliteration头韵

1. What was the narrator doing when he first heard the tapping?

? The narrator nodded, nearly napping.

? 2. What did he see when he opened the door? ?

Darkness. And nothing more.

? 3. What did he see when he flung the shutter? Only a raven. ? 4. Where was the raven? And what did it look like?

? The raven perched and sat upon a bust of Pallas above the narrator’s chamber door.


A stately raven of the saintly days of yore. 一只神圣往昔的乌鸦

? 5. Why died the narrator associate the raven with an agent of the supernatural?

In fact, the raven can not talk. But the narrator felt lonely and sad. The Raven means ominous, it may just be an illustration. (不会做,瞎编的)

6. What was the only word that the raven spoke? `Nevermore ? 7. Why did the narrator think that the raven spoke only one word?

The narrator used a metonymy. He felt sad through his lost of the beauty Lenore. In fact, the raven was just cawing.(自己想的)

8. What did he guess the word “Nevermore” mean?

It is the raven’s name and the only word the raven can speak, which means hopelessness.

? 9. What did he ask the bird to do toward the end of the poem?

? Be that word our sign of parting

? 10. Did the bird leave the narrator alone at the end of the poem?

No, it didn’t. The raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting.

Transcendentalism :Nature:1)The oversoul was an all-pervading


power for

goodness, omnipresent 无所不在的and omnipotent无所不能的, from which all things came and of which all were a part.

2)It exists in nature and man alike and constituted 组成the chief element of the universe

To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. 走入孤独,远离书斋,如同远离社会一样重要。纵然无


To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. 说真话,成年人难得看到自然本身。


Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration. 越过空旷的公地,停留深雪潭边,注目晨昏曦微光芒,在满布乌云的天空下,并非出于特


Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. 大自然总是披着情感的外衣。



