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译林版中考英语中考英语总复习 任务型阅读综合测试卷

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6. A. Bought 7. A. refused 9. A. lazy 11. A. teach 12. A. where 13. A. It 14. A. fun 15. A. left

B. opened B. decided B. afraid

C. Chose C. imagined C. shy

D. Brought D. avoided D. Brave D. research D. offer D. when D. We D. silly D. threw

8. A. looked into B. put down C. searched for D. left Behind 10. A. homework B. housework C. practice

B. encourage C. surprise B. why B. He B. strict B. took

C. how C. She C. hard C. received

【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)A;(5)C;(6)B;(7)C;(8)D;(9)A;(10)B;(11)A;(12)B;(13)C;(14)A;(15)C;


(1)句意: 马里兰州莱昂纳尔敦的特里·考克斯不是这些父母中之一。 A孩子们,B父母,C学生们,D朋友们,根据 Most parents send 可知是父母,故选B。

(2)句意: 几周前,泰瑞给她18岁的儿子康纳寄了一个包裹,康纳现在在宾夕法尼亚州威斯敏斯特学院学习。 A工作,B教书,C学习,D检查,根据 at Westminster College 和18岁的线索,可知是在学校学习,故选C。

(3)句意: 当康纳第一次收到包裹时,他认为这是一份通常的礼物,里面装满了必需品。 A当......的时候,B如果,C所以,D尽管,根据 first got the package,可知表示时间,故用when,故选A。

(4)句意: 我当时很激动,因为这就像从5岁开始收到圣诞节礼物一样,尤其是在大学的时候。 A激动的,B仔细的,C生气的,D难过的,根据 because it's like Christmas when you get gifts,可知是感到激动,故选A。

(5)句意:我当时很激动,因为这就像从5岁开始收到圣诞节礼物一样,尤其是在大学的时候。 A班级,B邻居,C家人,D商店,根据 get gifts from 可知圣诞节期间礼物是从家人那收到的,故选C。

(6)句意:但是当康纳打开包裹时。A买,B打开,C关闭,D带来,根据 he found the things inside were quite different from 可知打开了才发现的结果,故选B。

(7)句意:他发现里面的东西和他想象的完全不同。A拒绝,B决定,C想象,D避免,根据 he thought it was a usual gift filled with necessities可知是他认为,想象是什么东西,故选C。

(8)句意: 这是他在家里过圣诞节时留下的东西——他的垃圾。 A调查,B放下,C搜索,D留下,根据下午 Thinking what happens to rubbish if left for a long time 可知是left behind,故选D。

(9)句意:箱子里满是垃圾,是在圣诞期间,当他妈妈让他拿出来,但他太懒了而没有拿走的东西。A懒惰的,B害怕的,C害羞的,D勇敢的,根据 his mother had asked him to over Christmas 可知妈妈让他做,而没做是因为懒惰,故选A。

(10)句意: 事实上,康纳在家根本不做家务。 A作业,B家务,C练习,D研究,根据上文说Connor很懒惰,可知是不做家务,故选B。

(11)句意: 所以妈妈想出了一个主意,把他的垃圾寄给他,因此来教育他。 A教,B鼓励,C使惊讶,D给与,根据 Big punishment 可知是妈妈教他学会什么,故选A。 (12)句意: 康纳不明白他妈妈为什么这么做,直到他给她打电话。 A哪里,B为什么,C怎么,D什么时候,根据上文妈妈把垃圾寄给他,这是一个奇怪的举动,因此康纳不明白,表示原因,用why,故选B。

(13)句意: 她通常并不严格,我不认为这是一个很大的惩罚。A它,B他,C她,D我们,此处指代妈妈,故用she,故选C。

(14)句意:更有趣的是它提醒我我有责任。A有趣的,B严格的,C困难的,D愚蠢的,根据 we have a good laugh on the phone 可知这种方式很有趣,故选A。

(15)句意:康纳后来说,他在箱子里收到的垃圾只是被要求带走的一部分。A离开,B带走,C收到,D扔掉,根据 post his rubbish to him 可知Connor是收到的东西,故选C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。

17.阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Painting from Memory

I was born in Damyang, a beautiful place known for its bamboo forests in Korea. I spent much time in the forests painting pictures of the 1 . Painting is one of my talents. I lived there until last year when my family moved to New York. My mother, a scientist, was asked to come work here.

There are no bamboo forests, I said, there is nothing to 2 in NewYork. Don't worry, you will find many things to see and paint there, my mother said. I still felt 3 . But I will miss home, I said. Then you can paint pictures of your favorite places. They will make you feel at home even in New York, she said. So when we moved, I brought my forest paintings with me. New York was not easy at first. I missed home a lot. Yet when I looked at my paintings of bamboo, I felt much better. I soon 4 friends at school too. They also like painting, and we now paint in a group after school.

Last month, we had a new neighbor, Varvara, an old lady who moved from Russia, to be closer to her daughter. She was sad to leave her home. My mother and I often visited her. She told us her unbearable homesick and everything about her hometown Vyborg. I could 5 her home in my head.

Varvara missed her home so much that she became ill. I worried about her and I wanted to do something for her. I had ever been in her 6 before. At least, I had my forest paintings of home. However, she didn't even have that. Unless …

A few days later, I met Varvara on the stairs. She looked better but still sad. I gave her my gift: a painting of Vyborg. I had painted it from her 7 .

She began to cry as she saw the painting. At first, I was worried that she didn't like it. Later, she told me that those were tears of joy. I knew just how she 8 wherever you go, hometown is always with you. 1. A. trees 2. A. play

B. house B. buy

C. flowers C. paint C. helped C. face C. secrets C. chose

D. bamboo D. study D. praised D. name D. memories D. lost

3. A. unusual B. unsure 4. A. missed B. found 5. A. picture B. change 7. A. friend 8. A. felt

B. daughter B. cried

C. unfamiliar D. unnecessary

6. A. direction B. imagination C. situation D. conversation

【答案】 (1)D;(2)C;(3)B;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)D;(8)A; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文叙述出生韩国大阳,一个以韩国竹林闻名的美丽地方。花了很多时间在森林里画竹画。绘画是他的天赋之一。为了思念家乡去美国是随身携带带了他的森林画。起初还是很想念家。但是当看他的竹子画时,感觉好多了。很快也在学校找到了朋友。他们也喜欢画画,现在放学后一起画画。但是上个月,来了一位邻居从俄罗斯搬来的老太太,她离她的女儿更近了。她离开家很难过。作者和妈妈经常去看她。她告诉我们她无法忍受的思乡病和她家乡维堡的一切。最后得了相思病作者根据她的的描述,为她画了一张她家乡的画,她激动地留下热泪。

(1)句意:我花了很多时间在森林里画竹画。A:trees树; B:house房子; C:flowers花; D:bamboo竹子。根据上文I was born in Damyang, a beautiful place known for its bamboo forests in Korea.可知作者花了很多时间在森林里画竹画。 故选D。

(2)句意:纽约没有竹林,也没有什么可画的。A:play玩; B:buy买; C:paint用漆写或画; D:study学习。根据上文There are no bamboo forests,他认为无竹子可画, 故选C。

(3)句意:我仍然感到不确定。A:unusual不寻常的; B:unsure不确定的; C:unfamiliar不熟悉的 D:unnecessary不需要。根据上文 Don't worry, you will find many things to see and paint there, my mother said. 和still,可知作者仍然怀疑母亲的说法,故选B。

(4)句意:我很快也在学校找到了朋友。A:missed错过; B:found找到; C:helped帮助; D:praised表扬。根据下文 They also like painting, and we now paint in a group after school. 可知他在学校找到喜欢画画的朋友,故选B。

(5)句意:我可以在我头脑中国想象她的家。A:picture想象; B:change改变; C:face面对; D:name命名。根据上文She told us her unbearable homesick and everything about her hometown Vyborg.可知作为爱好画画的人作者能够在自己的头脑中能够想象出她家的样子。故选A。

(6)句意:我以前也遇到过她的情况。A:direction方向; B:imagination想象; C:situation情况; D:conversation会话。根据上文 Varvara missed her home so much that she became ill. 可知作者之前的思乡之痛与她思乡病同样的感受,能够理解老人的现在的


(7)句意:我是根据她的记忆画的。A:friend朋友; B:daughter女儿; C:secrets秘密; D:memories记忆力。A:felt 感到;B:cried哭; C:chose 选择;D:lost丢失。根据上文She told us her unbearable homesick and everything about her hometown Vyborg.可知作者是根据她在上文叙述(她记忆中的)她家乡的样子画出的,故选B。

(8)句意:我知道她对对家乡的感觉,无论你去哪里,家乡总是和你在一起。A:felt感到; B:cried哭; C:chose选择; D:lost丢失。根据下文wherever you go, hometown is always with you.可知不管身处何地,总会有思家之痛的感觉,故选A。

【点评】考查完形填空。做题时,应先通读全文,了解大意,理清文章的内容和逻辑关系。然后逐 一做题,注意上下文的提示和空前后的搭配;最后再读短文,印证答案。


On June 2, 1886, a German threw a message in a bottle into the water while his ship crossed the Indian Ocean. Around 132 years later in January, the bottle was 1 on the Australian coast, making it the oldest-known message in a bottle in the world.

The bottle was thrown into the water to study ocean currents(洋流). But throwing messages in bottles into the ocean is not just for 2 . People send out such messages for many reasons. Some people write information about themselves in 3 of finding a pen friend. 4 write down secrets, hoping that waves will 5 those secrets. And still other people just write down some jokes, songs or anything else they think might be 6 . The reasons and ways might be different, but the 7 is always the same: to reach out and try to connect 8 someone. This kind of shared feeling might be 9 this tradition has remained popular for so long. In 1989, the British band The Police wrote a song called Message in A Bottle that described this 10 : A hundred billion bottles washed up on the beach. \ 1. A. sold 3. A. fears

B. showed B. hopes

C. found

D. made

2. A. scientists B. tourists 4. A. Another B. Other 6. A. fun 7. A. price 8. A. with 9. A. what

C. friends D. families C. worries D. cares C. All

D. Others

5. A. put off B. wash away C. pick up D. call at

B. dangerous C. terrible D. boring B. speed B. by B. why

C. plan C. into C. how

D. goal D. on D. when

10. A. result B. feeling B;(10)C;

C. situation D. accident

【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)B;(4)D;(5)B;(6)A;(7)D;(8)A;(9)【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了漂流瓶很受欢迎的原因以及漂流瓶的类型。 (1)考查动词及语境的理解。句意:在大约132年后的一月份,那个瓶子在澳大利亚海岸被找到。A. sold出售; B. showed展示; C. found 找到; D. made制作;根据 a German

threw a message in a bottle into the water while his ship crossed the Indian Ocean. 可知一个德国人把一个装有信息的瓶子扔进海里,此处应是找到了那个瓶子,故选C。

(2)考查名词及语境的理解。句意:但是把带有信息的瓶子扔进海里不仅仅是为了科学家。A. scientists 科学家; B. tourists 旅游者; C. friends 朋友; D. families家庭;根据The bottle was thrown into the water to study ocean currents(洋流). 可知用于研究洋流,因此这是为科学家用的,故选A。

(3)考查名词及语境的理解。句意:有些人写关于自己的信息,是希望找到一个笔友。A. fears 恐惧;B. hopes希望; C. worries 担心; D. cares照顾;in hope of希望,故选B。 (4)考查代词及语境的理解。句意:其他的一些人写下秘密。A. Another 另一个; B. Other 其他的; C. All所有的; D. Others其他的(人或事);此处与some people相对应的,是other people,故用others代指,故选D。

(5)考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:希望波浪冲走那些秘密。A. put off 推迟;B. wash away 冲走; C. pick up 捡起;D. call at拜访;根据前文的The bottle was thrown into the water可知此处表示把漂流瓶扔进海里,应是冲走它们,故选B。

(6)考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:仍有其他一些人写下笑话,歌曲或者其他一些他们认为可能有趣的事。A. fun 有趣的; B. dangerous 危险的; C. terrible可怕的; D. boring无聊的;根据some jokes, songs可知与笑话和歌曲相并列的,应是有趣的事,故选A。 (7)考查名词及语境的理解。句意:原因和方法可能会不同,但是目标总是一样的。A. price 价格; B. speed 速度; C. plan 计划; D. goal目标;根据后文的to reach out and try to connect _____8_____ someone. 可知此处表示目标,故选D。

(8)考查介词及语境的理解。句意:为了接触并尝试和某人联系。A. with 和; B. by 凭借;C. into进入; D. on在……上面;connect with和……联系,故选A。

(9)考查代词及语境的理解。句意:这种共享的感情可能是这种传统仍然受欢迎这么长时间的原因。A. what 什么; B. why 为什么; C. how 如何; D. when何时;此处表示这种扔漂流瓶的传统受欢迎的原因,故选B。

(10)考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在1989年,英国乐队“警察”写了一首名为《瓶中信》的歌曲,描述了这种情况。A. result 结果; B. feeling 感觉; C. situation 情况; D. accident事故;根据后文的A hundred billion bottles washed up on the beach. 可知海边上冲出来很多漂流瓶,这是在介绍漂流瓶受欢迎的情况,故选C。



One day I was watching a movie at home and tears dropped from my eyes as I saw a moving picture. My three﹣year﹣old son came to me and asked me why I was crying. I 1 silent as I couldn't explain to him it was just an emotional(情感的) thing. To my surprise, he 2 my face with his little hand and said, \

译林版中考英语中考英语总复习 任务型阅读综合测试卷


