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Unit 16 Stories课下能力提升(一)


1.We show much sympathy (同情) for the man who has been suffering hardships. 2.All of us donated money for the victims (受害者) of the earthquake. 3.What are the criteria (标准) for deciding who gets the prize?

4.Frightened by the sudden thunder and lightning, the dog sat trembling (颤抖) in a corner.

5.Not having grasped the relations between the characters of the film, I had to rewind the video to watch it again.

6.He was in deep sorrow when he heard that his dog died.

7.Young children sometimes can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

8.Is that an authentic painting from Picasso, or a modern copy? Ⅱ.选词填空

in a way, on one's side, on the way to, once upon a time, block out, knock over, come into view 1.Our car had a flat tyre on_the_way_to the airport. 2.They are, in_a_way,_her close friends.

3.We sometimes draw a curtain across a window to block_out the sunlight. 4.He saw a shop not far away on_his_side of the road. 5.Once_upon_a_time there was a poor old fisherman. 6.As we turned the corner, a small village came_into_view. 7.She was knocked_over by a car in the accident. Ⅲ.完成句子

1.到那时为止,我已经学会了1 000个英语单词。 I had_learned 1,000 English words till then. 2.我花光了所有的钱之后,就回家了。

After I had_spent all my money, I went home. 3.上周我待在我乡下叔叔家。

Last week I stayed_at my uncle's in the countryside. 4.他执政已有几年了。

It was several years since he came_into_power. 5.我本来想见他的,但我改变了主意。

I had_wanted_ to see him, but I changed my mind. 6.他刚到就又走了。

He had_hardly_arrived when he went away again. 7.如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。

If he had_taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake. Ⅳ.课文缩写语法填空

Pliny was a Roman writer who 1.had_witnessed (witness) a volcanic eruption as a young man. He wrote about a volcanic eruption 2._which/that occurred on August 24th, 79 AD. The tragedy had left a deep 3.impression (impress) on Pliny 4.whose uncle died in the event. The whole towns and villages 5.were_buried (bury) by the ashes of Mt Vesuvius. By 1748, archaeologists started to uncover the ancient city of Pompeii. It is like a“time capsule” 6.preserving (preserve) a frozen moment in history. Not only the buildings and objects of Pompeii attract the people, but also the forms of the people 7.caught (catch) in the disaster that 8.have_captured (capture) the imaginations of people across the world. Though the bodies of people who died in Pompeii had decayed for many years, the bodies showed their exact shapes. Today, since excavations started, people and archaeologists visit Pompeii every year to learn more about the ancient world. 9.In this way, the city lives on nearly 2,000 years after the eruption that 10.had_destroyed (destroy) it.


Many years ago in the hills of Patagonia, there was a village. Its villagers were __1__. They lived in fear of a dragon in their __2__ and they would not go to harvest their crops.

One day, a traveler came to the village and asked for __3__. They explained they had __4__ to eat because they were afraid of the dragon. The traveler was __5__ and offered to kill the dragon. When he arrived at the field, he could only see a large watermelon. So he __6__ and said, “You have nothing to __7__; there is no dragon, only a large watermelon.” The villagers were __8__ and drove the traveler away. Some weeks later, another traveler came. __9__, when he asked for food, he was told about the dragon. He also offered to kill the dragon. The villagers felt __10__. When he arrived at the field, he also saw the giant watermelon and returned to tell

the villagers that they were __11__ the dragon. They drove him away. More time passed and the villagers were becoming __12__. One day, a third traveler appeared. He could see how sad they were and asked what the __13__ was. They told him and he __14__ he would kill the dragon __15__ they could go to the field to harvest their crops. When he got to the field, he too saw the giant watermelon. He __16__ for a moment, and then he drew his __17__, leaped into the field, and cut the watermelon into pieces. He returned to the village and told the villagers he had killed the dragon. They were __18__ happy.

The traveler stayed in the village for many months, __19__ enough to teach the villagers to __20__ between dragons and watermelons.


1.A.starving B.ageing C.astonished


解析:选A 由下句的“would not go to harvest their crops”可知,这里的村民正在挨饿。

2.A.kitchen C.yard

B.field D.garden

解析:选B 由本空后的“harvest their crops”和第5空后的“When he arrived at the field”可知,村民非常害怕地里的恶龙,不敢去收割庄稼。

3.A.advice C.money

B.evidence D.food

解析:选D 由第9空后“when he asked for food”可知,一位旅行者来到这里向村民讨要食物。

4.A.everything C.nothing

B.something D.anything

解析:选C 由上文内容可知,村民非常害怕地里的恶龙,不敢去收割粮食,因此,他们这里已经没有食物了。

5.A.strange C.brave

B.hopeful D.cautious

解析:选C 由本空后的“offered to kill the dragon”可知,这位旅行者很勇敢,他愿意去杀这条恶龙。

6.A.came back C.gave up

B.came in D.gave in

解析:选A 由本空后他说的话可知,他从田地里回来后告诉了村民实情。

7.A.miss C.hide

B.fear D.ignore

解析:选B 由本空后的“there is no dragon ...”可知,这位旅行者告诉村民,田地里没有恶龙,他们不用害怕。

8.A.sad C.angry

B.selfish D.greedy

解析:选C 由本空后的“drove the traveler away”可知,村民非常愤怒,不相信他的话,把他赶走了。

9.A.Therefore C.Besides

B.Instead D.Again

解析:选D 由上句的“another traveler came”可知,他也来这儿讨要食物。 10.A.regret C.guilt

B.interest D.relief

解析:选D 由上句的“He also offered to kill the dragon”可知,听到他要去杀恶龙,村民们感到轻松了。

11.A.mistaken about C.related to

B.close to D.sure about

解析:选A由本空前的“saw the giant watermelon”可知,第二位旅行者认为村民把大西瓜误当成了恶龙。

12.A.rude C.careless

B.desperate D.sick

解析:选B 连续两个人都不成功,村民们有点绝望了。另外,下文的“how sad they were”也是提示。

13.A.problem C.decision

B.secret D.challenge

解析:选A 由本空前的“how sad they were”和下句的“They told him”可知,第三位旅行者看到村民们很绝望,于是问他们怎么了。

14.A.proved C.imagined

B.promised D.doubted

解析:选B 本空后是第三位旅行者承诺给村民的话。 15.A.while C.so that

B.because D.as if

解析:选C 由本空的前后内容可知,他杀了那条恶龙,这样村民就能去地里收庄稼了。 16.A.dug


C.searched D.reflected

解析:选D 由本空后他的一系列动作可知,他先思考了一会儿。 17.A.sword C.bag

B.cigarette D.gun

解析:选A 由本空后的“cut the watermelon into pieces”可知,他拔出剑,跳进田地里,把西瓜劈成了好几块儿。

18.A.hardly C.probably

B.extremely D.absurdly

解析:选B 由上句的“he had killed the dragon”可知,听到恶龙被杀死了,村民们非常高兴。

19.A.happy C.comfortable

B.old D.long

解析:选D 由本空前的“many months”可知,第三名旅行者在这里住了好几个月,有足够长的时间教会村民辨别恶龙和西瓜。

20.A.connection C.difference

解析:选C 参考上题解析。 Ⅵ.阅读理解

Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job from a timber (木材) merchant, and he got it. The pay was really good and so were the working conditions. For that reason, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

His boss gave him an axe (斧) and showed him the area where he was to work. On the first day, the woodcutter cut down 18 trees. “Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!”

Encouraged by the boss' words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he only could cut down 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but he only could cut down 10 trees. Day after day, he was cutting fewer and fewer trees.

“I must be losing my strength,” the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on. “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked. “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut down trees.”

We sometimes get so busy that we don't take time to sharpen the “axe”. In today's world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but less happy than ever. Why is that? Can it be that we have forgotten how to stay “sharp”? There's nothing

B.balance D.conflict



