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It was around the 4th grade when I started noticing that I didn't fit in that well with a lot of kids in my grade. While the other girls were starting to wear make-up, style their hair, and only wear fashionable clothing, I stayed the same. At first I didn't care, but then I started to feel a little worried. I was afraid that the other girls wouldn't like me. I wanted to be like them, but I really hated that.

After I entered the 5th grade my mom found a local vocal (歌唱的) studio. I had always loved to sing, and taking lessons seemed like fun. I was thrown into a brilliant world of music. Something inside me just clicked, and I had finally

found where I belonged. Music gave me a place of my own in the world.

Starting voice lessons was the first of many times that music has changed my life. In the 7th grade, I really didn't fit in at middle school. Being an athlete is what made you popular, and I was not super athletic. Music saved me again. Every day I knew I could come home from school and sing. I would become someone else. I would let the music fill my body and shine its light in the darkest corners. The light gave me strength. I became friends with other people who were into music. Music also gave me courage.

Friedrich Nietzsche once said,“Life without music would be a mistake.” This is true for me. Without music, my life would be a mistake. Maybe I would have found another hobby, but I doubt that it would help and change me the way music did. I know that music had changed my life.

语篇解读:作者在学校时并不是很合群,幸好她有音乐,是音乐给了她勇气,改变了她。 1.What was the problem that faced the author in the 4th grade? A.No one around her liked her. B.She had no fashionable clothing. C.She didn't know how to dress up. D.She didn't fit in well with others.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“It was around the 4th grade when I started

noticing that I didn't fit in that well with a lot of kids in my grade.”可知,作者当时的问题是不很合群。

2.Taking music lessons made the author most probably ________. A.worried C.cheerful

B.disappointed D.surprised

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段的“I was thrown into a brilliant world of music. Something inside me just clicked, and I had finally found where I belonged.”可推断作者很高兴。

3.When the author was in middle school, she ________. A.fell in love with sports B.became very popular at school C.decided to become a great athlete D.made friends with those who loved music

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段的“I became friends with other people who were into music.”可知作者跟一些喜欢音乐的人成为了朋友。

4.What would be the best title for the text? A.Music Changed Me B.My Young Life C.I Found Myself D.My Hobbies

解析:选A 标题归纳题。根据文章内容可知,作者在学校里并不是很合群,后来是音乐给了她勇气,改变了她,故选A项。


Should I stay or should I go? An LED device (设备) for driverless cars aims to give pedestrians at a crossing the power to communicate with cars, signalling for them to stop or drive on.

Blink, created by researchers at the Royal College of Arts and Imperial College London, turns the awkward dance of eye contact and hand gestures that happens when a car slows down while someone is waiting to cross the road into something driverless cars can understand.

Blink combines an organic light display with the windscreen (挡风玻璃) and windows of a car and uses light signals to show pedestrians when the car is aware of their presence. If the car detects a pedestrian, a figure lights up.

If a pedestrian raises a hand as a stop sign, the figure turns green, directing

the pedestrian to cross, and the car is prevented from moving forward. If they place a hand out to the side to signal for the car to go forward, the figure turns red and the car continues.

But George Filip at the University of Nottingham, UK, isn't certain it is a good idea to give pedestrians control over driverless cars. He says cities could end up crowded because pedestrians keep stopping cars.

Producers should wait until the novelty of driverless cars has worn off before creating car-pedestrian communications systems, he says. “We need to learn how people actually communicate with autonomous cars.”

The idea is to help people feel more comfortable around driverless cars, says Blink co-creator Raunaq Bose. “It effectively gives pedestrians the car-stopping powers of lollipop men and women (帮助学童过马路的交通安全员).”

The team hasn't yet tested the device on a driverless car, but Bose says several automotive companies have expressed interest.


5.What do we know about Blink? A.It's a new car brand. B.It's a driving-aid system. C.It's a car-producing company.

D.It's already widely known to the public.

解析:选B 细节理解题。由第二、三段的内容可知,Blink可以辅助行人和车辆进行交流,是一种辅助驾驶系统。

6.What will a driverless car do when a pedestrian puts a hand to the side? A.Pick up speed. C.Come to a stop.

B.Slow down. D.Keep moving.

解析:选D 细节理解题。由第四段中的“If they place a hand out to the side to signal for the car to go forward, the figure turns red and the car continues”可知,行人手放旁边的话意味着车辆可以继续前行。

7.What's George Filip's attitude towards Blink? A.Negative. C.Uninterested.

B.Curious. D.Appreciative.

解析:选A 推理判断题。由第五段中George Filip提到的这种设备可能造成交通拥堵可知,他对此持反对态度。



