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2020年高考事实热点英语新闻外刊课件: 溯源新冠病毒--蝙蝠如何炼成“百毒不侵”课件

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How do bats live with so many viruses? 为什么蝙蝠能携带大量病毒而不死?

If previous outbreaks of coronavirus are any indication, the Wuhanstrain that is now spreading may eventually be traced back to bats.


outbreak/?a?t.bre?k/ n. 爆发

搭配短语:the outbreak of the Second World War 搭配短语:an outbreak of disease indication/??n.d??ke?.??n/ n. 标示;表明;显示

相关词汇:indicate(v. 指出,表明)

英文释义:to point something out or to present evidence 例句:There are indications that this woman is pregnant. strain/stre?n/

n.(病菌的)类型;品种;(肌肉)扭伤 词性拓展:strain (v.)

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搭配短语:to avoid straining ourselves


v. 追溯;查明…的起因

词性拓展:trace(n. 痕迹)

词性拓展:trace(n. 微量,少许)

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

英文释义:a very slight amount

搭配短语:a trace of smile

搭配短语:a trace of accent

搭配短语:a trace of emotion

One bat can host many different viruses without getting sick. 一只蝙蝠可以携带多种病毒而自己并不生病。


v. 提供场所、环境

词性拓展:host(n. 主人;房主,屋主;主持人;主办方;宿主)

get sick 生病,患病

例句:I feel like I'm getting sick. 口语表达:I'm under the weather.

口语表达:I have come down with something.(sth. 可以替换成具体疾病的名称)

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例句:I have come down with the common cold.

口语表达:I'm as sick as a dog.

In a 2018 paper in Cell Host and Microbe, scientists in China and Singapore reported their investigation of how bats handle something called DNA sensing.

《细胞宿主与微生物》(Cell Host & Microbe)于 2018 年刊登了一篇论文,撰写者是来自中国和新加坡的科学家,在论文中科学家们报告了他们对于蝙蝠的新发现:蝙蝠具有一种叫做 DNA 感应的能力。

The energy demands of flight are so great that cells in the body break down and release bits of DNA that are then floating around where they shouldn’t

be. Mammals, including bats, have ways to identify and respond to such bits of DNA, which might indicate an invasion of a disease-causing organism. But in bats, they found, evolution has weakened that system, which would normally cause inflammation as it fought the viruses.

飞行对于能量的需求是如此巨大,以至于蝙蝠体内的细胞会破裂并释放出 DNA 片段,而这些片段会飘散到不该去的地方。包括蝙蝠在内的所有哺乳动物,都有办法识别这些 DNA 片段,并做出反应,(因为机体会认为)这些片段或许标志着,某种引发疾病的微生物在入侵。然而研究人员发现,进化过程弱化了蝙蝠体内的这一系统,通常来说,这一系统会让机体在对抗病毒时,产生炎症。

float/flo?t/ v. 漂浮;飘散

例句:I saw a plastic bag floating in the water. mammal/?m?m.?l/ n. 哺乳动物

invasion/?n?ve?.??n/ n. 入侵,侵略

相关词汇:invade(v. 侵犯,入侵)

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例句:The Romans invaded Britain 2000 years ago.


n. 生物体;(尤指)微生物

相关词汇:organize(v. 组织;(古)形成有机体) inflammation/??n.fl??me?.??n/ n. 炎(症)

相关词汇:flame(n. 火焰;v. 气得脸涨红) 相关词汇:inflame(v. 让...激动;让...更生气)


英文释义:to set on fire with passion

例句:His comments further inflamed public feelings.


Bats have lost some genes involved in that response, which makes sense because the inflammation itself can be very damaging to the body. They have a weakened response, but it is still there. Thus, the researchers write, this weakened response may allow them to maintain a “balanced state of ‘effective response’ but not ‘over response’ against viruses.”


make sense


相关词汇:sense(n. 意思)

例句:Your sentence doesn't make sense.

Scientists in China were already studying the bats carefully, well aware that an outbreak like the current one would most likely happen.


Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, who has been working in China for 15 years studying diseases that jump from animals to people, stressed that stopping the sale of wildlife in markets is essential to curtail future outbreaks. But monitoring and studying wildlife, like bats, is equally important.

彼得·达斯扎克博士是生态健康联盟的主席,他在中国已经工作了 15 年,主要研究动物传染给人类的疾病。达斯扎克博士强调说,停止野生动物在市场中的贩卖是阻止病毒爆发的根本,但是,跟踪调查和研究类似于蝙蝠这样的野生动物,同样非常重要。

alliance/??la?.?ns/ n. 联盟,联合

搭配短语:to form/make a defensive alliance between the two countries

2020年高考事实热点英语新闻外刊课件: 溯源新冠病毒--蝙蝠如何炼成“百毒不侵”课件


