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activator记忆激活者 presentation呈现 demonstrator示范者 drill操练

organizer or director组织者或指挥者 practice 练习

supervisor or monitor 监督者或监听者 consolidation巩固

helper or marker帮手或记分员

能够实现的目标:achievable goals; 理解检查:comprehension check; 结伴学习:cooperating with others; 手段:device;

自我测评:evaluating one’s learning ; 细读:full reading ; 功能词:function word;

基本思路:general tendency; 小组活动:group work; 分类聚词:grouping; 圈划重点:highlighting;

明确目的;identifying the purpose of a language task; 输入假设:input theory; 内省法:introspection;

以学生为中心:learner-centered; 学习策略:learning strategy; 逻辑思维:logical thinking;

排除焦虑:lowing one’s anxiety; 记忆策略:memory strategy; 误解misunderstanding; 需要分析:needs analysis; 观察(法):observation; 口头报告:oral report;

片面理解:partial understanding; 解决问题:problem-solving; 步骤:procedure;

有目的的听说读写purposeful listening/ speaking/ reading/ writing; 规则演绎:reasoning deductively; 现场记录:recording ; 查阅:scanning;

争取机会:seeking practice opportunities;


自选话题:selecting the topic; 自我意识:self-awareness; 自我评价:self evaluating; 社交策略:social strategy;

列单式笔记:shopping list note form; 提要式笔记:standard outline note form; 有声思维:think aloud




achievement test 成绩测试 acquisition 习得,语言习得 acquisition 语言习得顺序 active mastery 积极掌握

active vocabulary 积极词汇,主动词汇 affective filtering 情感筛选 aim,objective 目的,目标 analysis of errors 错误分析

analytic approach 分析教学法,分析法 analytical reading 分析性阅读 application to practice 运用于实践 applied linguistics 应用语言学 approach 教学路子 aptitude test 能力倾向测验 Army method 陆军法

associative learning 联想性学习 auditory discrimination 辨音能力 auditory feedback 听觉反馈 auditory memory 听觉记忆 auditory perception 听觉 audio-lingual method 听说法 audio-visual method 视听法

aural-oral approach 听说教学法,听说法 aural-oral method 听说法


basic knowledge 基本知识


basic principle 基本原则 basic theory 基本理论 basic training 基本训练 basic vocabulary 基本词汇 behaviourism 行为主义 bilingual 双语的

bilingual education 双语教育 blank filling 填空


chain drill 链式操练,连锁操练 choral repetition 齐声照读,齐声仿读 class management 课常管理 classroom interaction 课常应对 cloze 完形填空

cognitive approach 认知法

common core 语言的共同核心,语言共核 communicative drill 交际性操练 communicative exercise 交际练习

communicative langunge teaching 交际派语言教学法,交际教学法 community language learning 集体语言学习法 comparative method 比较法 communicative approach 交际法 comprehensible input 不难理解的输入 comprehensive method 综合法

computer-managed instruction 计算机管理教学 concord and coordination 默契与配合 console 控制台

consonant cluster 辅音连缀 context 上下文


controlled composition 控制性作文 course density 课堂密度 course design 课程设计 cramming method 灌输式 cue word 提示词

curriculum 课程,教学大纲

curriculum development 课程编制,课程设计 cultrual objective,aim 教养目的 cclical approach 循环教学法,循环法


deductive learning 演绎性学习 deductive method 演绎法

delayed auditory feedback 延缓听觉反馈 demonstration 演示

demonstration lesson 示范教学 describe a picture in writing 看图说话 describe a picture orally 描写语言学 diagram 图解

diagnostic test 诊断性测验 dicto-comp 听写作文 direct application 直接应用 direct comprehension 直接理解 direct learning 直接学习 direct method 直接教学法


educational objective, aim 教育目的 EFL 英语作为外语

English as a Foreign Language 英语作为外语



