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一、英语说课常用教学术语...........................................................2 二、英语教学术语...........................................................................3 三、英语教学法术语.......................................................................8 四、教学常用英语..........................................................................23 五、校园常用英语口语..................................................................27



A. Brief introduction to the teaching material 教材分析 Teaching Tasks 教学任务 Teaching contents 教学内容

B. Teaching objectives; Teaching aims; Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Language knowledge objectives 知识目标 2. Language skills objectives 能力目标 3. Emotion objectives 情感目标

C. Emphases and consolidation 重点与巩固 D. Difficulties and breakthrough 难点与突破 E. Ideas of language teaching 教学思想

F. Teaching methods and teaching aids 教法教具

G. Teaching process and distribution of time 教学过程与时间分配 Teaching procedure 教学过程 Teaching steps 教学环节 (Warm up) 1. Presentation 2. Sample drills

3. Explanation to the linguistic points 4. Consolidation practice 5. Summary 6. Test

7. Homework

8. Distribution of time

H. Layout of blackboard writing 板书 Blackboard design 板书设计

Whole class work 全班活动 Pair work 双人活动 Group work 小组活动

Learning strategies 学习策略 After class reflection 课后反思

Description of students Junior 2 (45students) Main structure Main vocabulary Visual aids Review

Background information

Optional activities and assignments Presentation Practice Production

Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Warming-up 热身活动;准备活动 Lead-in 导入



1. Plans and objectives计划和目标 aims and demands目的与要求 plan for the topic课题计划

analysis of teaching materials教学分析 main points重点

difficult points (trouble spots)难点 allocation of time时间分配 lesson plan课时计划

teaching objectives教学目标

develop skills (in listening, speaking, reading and writing)培养/发展(听、说、读、写)技能

2. Types and content of lesson课型和内容 old(new) lesson旧(新)课 revision/ review复习(课) reading 阅读课 dialogue对话课 listening 听力课

conversation会话(课) (writing) precis(写)概要 composite lesson综合课

open class(demonstration lesson)公开课

3. procedure程序

introduction导言(课) checkup/ checking检查

(have) dictation(进行)听写 listening to recording听录音

model reading (by the teacher) 范读,示范朗读 read in chorus声朗读 watching lantern-slides

point to … in the chart/ diagram在图/表中指示 retelling (retell the story) 复述(故事) rewrite the paragraph 改写段落 generalize , induce 概括、归纳 row work一排(座位)同练 pair work 结对儿练习 group work 小组练习 summing-up 总结

4. Assignments and tests 作业与考查

assign class work / homework 布置课内(外)作业


hand in / collect the homework 交(收)作业 oral / written work 口头/书面作业 quiz 随堂小测验

(unit) test (单元)测验

mid-term exam(ination) 期中考试 term(inal) exam(ination) 学期考试 make-up exam(ination) 补考

sit for an exam(ination) (在)参加考试

mark the homework / paper 改作业/卷(给分) full marks 满分, A+

excellent (superior) 优,A(优减,A-) good 良,B

normal/ fairly good /fair 中、尚好,C not good / bad 差,D fail 不及格, F 教学法流派:

audio-lingual approach or aural-oral method听说法; cognitive approach认知法; compromise method 折中法; deductive method演绎法; inductive method归纳法; cramming method灌输法; comparative method比较法; direct method直接法;

discovery learning发现学习法; eclecticism优选法;

grammar translation method语法翻译法; language teaching methods语言教学法; the natural approach自然法(途径); reading method阅读法; silent way沉默法;

the communicative approach 交际法(途径); notion-al approach意念法; functional approach 功能法; comprehensive method综合法; situational method情景法;

heuristic method of teaching启发式教学法; oral method口授法; didactics教授法 ;

audio-visual method视听法; suggestopoedia 暗示法; activity method活动教学法; card system卡片教学法;

group training method分组训练方法;


computer aided instruction计算机辅助教学; discussion method讨论教学法; demonstration method演示法;

Total Physi-cal Response全身反应法; Structural Method 结构法;

Com-munity Language Learning 集体语言学习法;

Zhang Sizhong’s Method of Foreign Language Teaching张思中外语教学法 Teaching grammar in situations情景法语法教学

Teaching grammar by charts and diagrams用图表概括教语法 Teaching grammar in sentence patterns结合句型教语法 Teaching of grammar by comparison比较法语法教学 Teaching grammar in various ways多样化语法教学

Teaching grammar in a communicative way交际式语法教学 Teaching of grammar by inductive method归纳法语法教学 Teaching of grammar by deductive method演绎法语法教学 Teaching vocabulary in situations情境法词汇教学

Teaching words in cultural context结合文化背景教单词

Teaching of sentence patterns句型教学 Mechanical drills机械操练 Meaningful drills意义操练

Communicative drills交际性练习

Presenting patterns in situations情景呈现句型

Presenting patterns by raising questions问题呈现句型 Presenting patterns by pictures看图呈现句型 Presenting patterns by narration叙述呈现句型

Presenting patterns through action动作表情呈现句型 Pattern drills by imitation模仿式句型操练 Pattern drills by substitution替换式句型操练 Pattern drills by conversion转换式句型操练

Teaching methods and classroom techniques教学方法与课堂技巧 Micro-teaching微型教学

Teaching of pronunciation语音教学 Teaching liaison连读教学

Teaching words in sentence patterns利用句型教单词 Teaching vocabulary by comparison比较法教词汇

Teaching words by rules of word formation利用构词法教词汇

Goals/ objectives目标 Aims目的


Role of the English Teacher 英语教师的作用



