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项目 教学内容 教案 Lesson A Hello! 1) Students can say the words (baby bear, baby lion, 教 学 目 标 Father Christmas) and the dialogue by themselves. They can use Mr. /Miss correctly. 2) They may know how to use “Hello” “Hi” in suitable situations. 3) Students can speak out loudly. 1) Students can say the words (baby bear, baby lion, Father Christmas) and the dialogue by themselves. They can use Mr./Miss correctly. 教学重点 2) They may know how to use “Hello” “Hi” in suitable situations. 3) Students can speak out loudly. 1 、Some word cards. 教学难点 2 、A tape and a recorder. 教学准备 图片 个性修改

I Warm-Up 1 Greeting.(师生,生生) ---Hello! Miss ___ ---Hi! Mr. ____ ----Nice to meet you. ----Nice to meet you, too. 2 Let’s sing. Hello, I Love You! 3 Read the words.(二年级学过的一部分) II Presentation 1 T: Class, today we will meet some new friends, let’s call them out. Baby bear, Baby bear … (让学生跟着读, 然后出示图片学习。) 2 同法学习Baby lion, Father Christmas. 3 听录音跟读。(Let’s talk, Magic box) 教学过程 III Practice. 1 单词游戏 1)Listen and show. 2)What’s missing? 2 角色扮演,创编对话。 3 表演会话。 4Culture----September 10, Teacher’s Day. Boys and girls, please open your books at Page3. 想知道教师节快乐怎么说吗? Please listen to the tape. (跟读、操练。) 5Let’s sing. Happy Teachers’ Day 1)Listen and check. What do you catch in the song? 2)Listen and Sing. IV Homework. 今天回家后别忘了用英语和爸爸妈妈打招呼并且听磁带。 Time is up. Bye-bye, boys and girls.

Lesson A Hello! 板书设计 Baby bear Baby lion 教学反思 项目 教学内容 教案 Lesson B I Love You! 个性修改

1 能听懂会说人称代词I, you, she, he, they, we,要求发音教 学 目 标 准确理解词义,部分孩子能根据小诗仿编. 2 让学生通过直观感知理解小诗,根据歌曲曲调正确理 解大意,有一定情绪体验. 3借助儿歌和歌曲巩固加强所学单词句子,培养创新思维和创新精神. 教学重点 1.)人称代词的发音。2.)仿编儿歌 1.)激发兴趣,培养大声说话唱歌的习惯和乐于交往的教学难点 个性 2.)有节奏地朗诵儿歌和富有情感地演唱歌曲。 1 Some word cards. 教学准备 2 A tape and a recorder. I Warm-Up 1 Greeting. 1)师生问候时渗透问候语,How are you? 及答语Fine, thank you. 教学过程 2)In Pairs. 2 Let’s sing. Hello, I Love You! Glad to meet you! 3 Let’s chant. Hello. 1) Chant. 2) Make a new one.(Baby bear, Baby lion.)

You And I II Presentation 1.教师用手势引导学生学习she, he, we, they. 教师做动作,生猜词义。 2.教师解释学生做动作、跟读。 3 操练。 A. 教师按不同顺序读,生指书中图画。 B. 师指黑板单词背影卡,生猜读。 C. What's missing? 4. 学生双人活动后请6人做Listen And Do,最后请学生做小老师。 5 Listen and repeat. III Practice. 1 Listen and number. 2 Make a new rhyme.(Group Work) 3 The New Rhyme Show. 4 Let’s sing. Happy Teachers’ Day IV Homework.



