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第一部分:语言知识运用(共40分)第一节 在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑.

1.(1分)Everyone except you two _______ known the plan for this weekend since last week.( ) A.has




2.(1分)They thought about if for a long time, but still couldn't ______ a solution.( ) A.come about C.come up with

B.come across D.come out

3.(1分)Following these tips will improve your memory and _______ in helping you achieve success and reach goals.( ) A.go off C.go along with

B.go a long way D.go with

4.(1分)Not only _______, but he himself was badly beaten up.( ) A.was he robbed everything he had B.everything he had was robbed of C.had everything he had been robbed of D.was he robbed of everything he had

5.(1分)We lost our way in that small village,otherwise we ____ more places of interest yesterday.( ) A.visited C.would visit

B.had visited D.would have visited

6.(1分)______ types of conflict in the workplace are, you should learn to deal with them properly.( ) A.No matter what C.No matter how

B.No matter when D.No matter who

7.(1分)She always says things like this _______ we get together.( ) A.every time that

B.every time

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C.every time when D.at each time

8.(1分)______ our fast﹣paced lifestyle, a group of people in the United States and Canada formed an

organization _______ Take Back Your Time.( ) A.Being concerned about; calling B.Concerned about; called C.Concerned about; calling D.Be concerned about; called

9.(1分)The company ____ you have been cooperating with is going to celebrate its thirtieth anniversary.( ) A.in which



D.in that

10.(1分)I want to know ______ Rome tomorrow.( ) A.that Kate has left

B.where Kate has been leaving C.when Kate is leaving D.how Kate leaves

第二节 在本节中,你将读到15个短对话或片段,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑. 11.(1分)﹣﹣Why not stay here a little longer? ﹣﹣____.but I really have to go.( ) A.Never mind B.I'd love to C.Pleased to meet you D.I can't find any reason

12.(1分)﹣﹣My teacher says she's canceling the class play.I just can't understand. ﹣﹣ .You were looking forwars to it.( ) A.It doesn't matter

B.It's very unwise of her C.Don't worry about it

D.You must be disappointed

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13.(1分)﹣This apple pie is too sweet,don't you think so? ﹣_____.I think it's just right,actually.( ) A.Not really C.Sounds good

B.I hope so D.No wonder

14.(1分)﹣ It will be only one month before we take the college entrance examination. ﹣ Time flies! __________( ) A.Many hands make light work. B.Unity is the strength.

C.Practice makes perfect. D.Every minute counts.

15.(1分)﹣ Would you please buy me a bright paper package when you go shopping? ﹣ _________( ) A.I'd rather you wouldn't. B.It's my pleasure. C.By all means. D.What for ?

16.(1分)What might be the relationship between the two people?( ) Man: Do you choose this company on account of high pay?

Woman: No, not only for high pay, but also for a good working environment. A.interviewer and interviewee B.manager and salesman C.father and son

D.shop assistant and customer

17.(1分)What can we learn from the conversation?( )

Shirley: Professor Neon, a few of us at the back didn't get the copy of your reading assignment.

Professor: Well, there are only 38 names on my class list and I didn't bring any spare copies.

A.Some students at the back can't hear the professor.

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B.The professor has changed his reading assignment. C.Some of the students are not on the professor's class list. D.Professor Neon doesn't like the students sitting at the back. 18.(1分)How much will the lady pay for the skirt at last?( ) A: How much is the skirt? B: It's 90 yuan, Madam. A: Can you give me a discount?

B: 20 percent is the best discount I can offer. A: OK. A.18 yuan

B.72 yuan

C.90 yuan

D.20 yuan

19.(1分)When will the train to London leave?( ) Man: Excuse me. Does this train go to London?

Woman: No, this is the 11:35 service to Rochester. There is a London train standing at

Platform No. 12 which leaves at 11:45. A.At 11:35.

B.At 12:00.

C.At 11:45.

D.At 12:35

20.(1分)Where did Helen stay while she was in Brighton?( )

Tom:I see you enjoyed your holidays in Brighton. Where did you stay, in a hotel? Helen: No. We camped near the mountains. And some friends went with us there. A.She stayed in her friend's house. B.She stayed in Brighton Hotel.

C.She lived near a school campus. D.She camped outside.

21.(1分)The above information may be related to ________( )

■ Ask for information about the chemicals you use. ■ Read labels and follow instructions before using.

■ Wear goggles and gloves when needed. Your boss should provide them.

■ Do not mix chemicals together.

A.laundries and other cleaning products.

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B.lifting, bending and reaching. C.doing the same motion over and over. D.slippery and cluttered floors.

22.(1分)If a girl wants to find a boyfriend, which program will help her?( )

TV Programs

Big Windmill: Children's program, has cartoons

Focus: Show dark sides of society Thirty﹣Minute News: Basic news program

If You Are the One: For young men and women to meet and know each other A.Big Windmill

C.Thirty﹣ Minute News


D.If You Are the One

23.(1分)According to the short passage, what does the weather affect?( ) In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March. A.Intelligence C.Health

B.Feelings D.IQ

24.(1分)The expression may be from a ________.( )

…I know that is very impolite and must have caused you much trouble, but I'd like to

explain myself to you. …

A.letter of apology B.letter of thanks C.complaint letter D.job application letter

25.(1分)What kind of myths about relationship is it?( )

Many people believe that finding a partner who is very different from themselves is a great relationship match. But… A.Love at first sight. B.Opposites attract.

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