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(2020新教材)新人教版高中英语必修第二册UNIT 1 课时跟踪检测(二) Reading and Thinking

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课时跟踪检测(二) Reading and Thinking



1.The government plans to build a dam (大坝) on the River Danube. 2.The committee (委员会) has decided to close the restaurant. 3.The concert will raise funds (资金) for research into AIDS. 4.Your great help made my journey fruitful and worthwhile(值得的). 5.They have different opinions over the issue (问题) of human rights. 6.People protest (抗议) against the company's tests on live animals. 7.He moved to the sales department (部;科).

8.Parents should bear responsibility for their children's bad conduct (行为). Ⅱ.单句语法填空

1.Tickets are likely to_be (be) expensive. 2.The Old Town Hall was_established (establish) in 1338. 3.Students' interests are mostly limited (limit) to the academic realm. 4.Alan has made a great contribution (contribute) to the sport. 5.They attempted to_finish (finish) the task before July. 6.She must be feeling very lonely after the loss (lose) of her husband. 7.Why are the animals in danger of disappearing (disappear)? 8.Keeping a balanced (balance) diet in our life is necessary. Ⅲ.选词填空

make a proposal, turn to, take down, give way to, lead to, piece by piece 1.He turned_to_ all sorts of people for advice when he met difficulties. 2.Could you please take_down_ the pictures from the wall? 3.The pyramid is built with stones piece_by_piece;_man's knowledge is built up bit by bit. 4.There is no doubt that staying up can lead_to over-anxiety. 5.He should give_way_to a younger, more decisive leader. 6.We made_a_proposal for a visit to the museum the next day. Ⅳ.完成句子

1.我不但了解了你们相当多的文化而且交了很多朋友。(not only引起的倒装句)

Not_only_have_I_learned_quite_a_lot_about_your_culture but also I made many friends. 2.昨天雨很大,这阻止了我去公园。(prevent)

It rained hard yesterday, which_prevented_me_from_going_to_the_park. 第 2 页 共 5 页

3.没有协议达成,因为双方都不愿意做出让步。(give way to)

No agreement was reached as neither_side_would_give_way_to the other. 4.除了这些书,他们还捐了一些钱给这个男孩。(donate)

In addition to these books, they also donated_some_money_to_the_boy. 5.我能帮你解决这个问题,因为它在我的权力范围内。(within)

I can help you solve this problem, because it_is_within_my_power. 6.孩子们需要知道更多生活基本事实的时代到来了。(...a time when)

There_comes_a_time_when children need to know more than the basic facts of life. Ⅴ.课文缩写填空

There comes a time when the old must give way to the new. 1.Keeping (keep) the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be 2._a_ big challenge. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile 3.to_benefit (benefit) more farmers, 4.which led to protests. The government turned 5.to the United Nations for help. Then a committee 6.was_established (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings. 7.Finally (final) a document was signed, and the work began in 1960. When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great 8.success (succeed). The spirit of the Aswan Dam project 9._is_ (be) still alive today. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the 10.global (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution. 二、语篇阅读训练


France has the most beautiful castles throughout Europe.Here are some of the best French castles to visit.You'll surely want to visit one of them during your travels in France.Have a look and enjoy!

Chateau de Versailles

The Chateau de Versailles is about 20km southwest of Paris.When the castle was built, Versailles was a small village.Today, however, it is a famous area in Paris.The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (乡间小屋) for Louis ⅩⅢ in the 1620s.Years later, he made it bigger.Later, Louis ⅩⅣ also made it larger, making it one of the largest palaces of the world.

Chateau de Chambord

The Chateau de Chambord is one of the largest castles around the world.It sits in the Loire Valley.Being at the heart of Europe's largest enclosed wooded park, Chambord, it was built for King Francis Ⅰ to serve as a hunting lodge.It is one of the world's most well-known castles in the world because of its French Renaissance (文艺复兴) building.

Chateau de Chenonceau

As one of the most famous castles in the Loire Valley, the castle was built during the 11th century on the River Cher.It was passed through many hands.The castle was not destroyed during the French Revolution because it was the only bridge across the river for many miles.

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Chateau de Chantilly

This historic castle sits in the town of Chantilly, France.This beautiful castle is made up of two buildings: the Petit Chateau built around 1560 for Anne de Montmorency, and the Grand Chateau which was destroyed during the French Revolution and rebuilt in the 1870s.There are many interesting pieces of 17th century history concerning the castle.Every two years a fireworks competition is held in the castle gardens.

语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了法国一些著名的城堡。 1.What do we know about the Chateau de Versailles?

A.It sits in a small village. B.It serves as a hunting place. C.It was first built for Louis ⅩⅢ. D.It was the largest castle in the 1620s.

解析:选C 细节理解题。由Chateau de Versailles部分中的“The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (乡间小屋) for Louis ⅩⅢ in the 1620s.”可知答案。 2.What makes the Chateau de Chambord special?

A.Its long history. C.Its wealthy owner.

B.Its building style. D.Its important position.

解析:选B 细节理解题。由Chateau de Chambord部分中的“It is one of the world's most well-known castles in the world because of its French Renaissance (文艺复兴) building.”可知,该城堡的特别之处在于其独特的建筑风格。

3.Why did the Chateau de Chenonceau manage to get through the French Revolution?

A.It was far from Paris. B.It hid in the Loire Valley. C.It played a very important role. D.It was built by a famous French king.

解析:选C 细节理解题。由Chateau de Chenonceau部分中的“The castle was not destroyed during the French Revolution because it was the only bridge across the river for many miles.”可知,该城堡没有遭到破坏是因为它的重要性。 4.Which castle has a fireworks show every two years?

A.The Chateau de Versailles. B.The Chateau de Chantilly. C.The Chateau de Chambord.

(2020新教材)新人教版高中英语必修第二册UNIT 1 课时跟踪检测(二) Reading and Thinking


