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教学资料范本 【2020】中考英语三轮复习综合题型全解析练习1无答案 编 辑:__________________ 时 间:__________________ 1 / 4 (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) 54. Tony’s father and uncle are both_________. They help keep the city safe. (policeman) 55. Could you pass me the _______dictionary from the right on the shelf? (seven) 56. Everyone believes that__________ team will win the match this weekend. (we) 57. “Be ___________ not to touch the paintings in the museum,” Mum said. (care) 58. The artist’s ___________ helps him go further on the road to his dream. (wise) 59. The children enjoy the life in the country and live_________ with their families. (happy) 60. I have something important to __________ with you through the video talk. (discussion) 61. Some wild animals may___________ forever if we don’t stop hunting them. (appear) 题二:If you pay a visit to Liu Hasheng’s restaurant in Harbin, you will find 18 robots there. They are ready to serve you and make sure that your dining e 1 is perfect. After the visit, you can tell others that robots serving customers isn’t a dream any 2 / 4 more. It’s wonderful to see h 2 the 18 robots work in the restaurant. The wonder s 3 when you walk in. You’“” When you have ordered your m 4 , the robots in the kitchen begin to do the cooking. After the food is p 5 , a robot waiter will glide (滑行) out of the kitchen to serve you with the meal you’ve ordered. And as customers enjoy their d 6 food, a robot sings lovely songs for them. You may ask, “”“meal”, which is e 9 . After 5 hours, the robots can continue their work for a day. The restaurant now provides a menu with more than 30 dishes (菜肴), and the average (平均) cost for a dinner is a 10 40 to 50 yuan. Do you want to go and have a try in this restaurant? 题三:填写单词 根据句子意思, 在横线上填写适当的单词, 使句子完整、正确。 61. March is the ________ month in a year. 62. My little baby sister is so lovely. We all like ________. 63. The sun rises in the _____ and falls in the west. 64. The age of my friends is ______ 14 to 16 years old. 65. Would you mind ________ the window, please? It is too hot here. 66. This kind of sweater is too ________. I want to buy a cheap one. 3 / 4 67. The 31st Olympic Games will ________ place in Rio, Brazil. I can’t wait to watch it. 68. To avoid mistakes in your writing, you should write more ________ and slowly. 4 / 4



