Radio link monitoring(无线链路监控)
UE监视主小区的下行链路无线链路质量,以便向更高层指示不同步/同步(out-of-sync/in-sync)状态。UE只需要在Active DL BWP中进行无线链路质量监控。如果激活的DL-BWP是初始DL-BWP,并且对于SS/PBCH块和CORESET复用模式2或3,则当相关的SS/PBCH块索引由RadioLinkMonitoringRS提供时,UE将使用相关联的SS/PBCH块来执行RLM。
如果未向UE提供RadioLinkMonitoringRS并且该UE用于PDCCH接收,则包括一个或多个CSI-RS的TCI(Transmission Configuration Indicator)状态。
? 如果PDCCH接收的活动TCI状态仅包括一个RS,则UE用于无线链路监
? 对于Lmax?4,UE按照从最短监视周期的顺序选择为与搜索空间集
(search space sets)相关联的CORESET中的PDCCH接收的活动TCI状态提供的NRLM 个RS。如果多个CORESET与具有相同监视周期的搜索空间集相关联,则UE从最高CORESET索引确定CORESET的顺序。 ? UE不希望使用非周期或半静态RS。
Table 5-1: NLR?RLM and NRLM as a function of maximum number Lmax of SS/PBCH
blocks per half frame
Lmax 4 8 64 NLR?RLM 2 6 8 NRLM 2 4 8 模式操作中,UE中的物理层根据
CellGroupConfig .rlmInSyncOutOfSyncThreshold配置的阈值(Qout和Qin)中定义的前一时间段内评估无线电链路质量。UE将指示周期确定为无线链路监视资源的最短周期与10毫秒之间的最大值。
38.133 Table 8.1.1-1: Out-of-sync and in-sync block error rates(默认值)
Configuration 0 BLERout 10% BLERin 2% 在非DRX在DRX模式操作中,UE中的物理层根据rlmInSyncOutOfSyncThreshold提供的阈值(Qout和Qin),对在先前时间段内评估的无线电链路质量进行评估。UE将指示周期确定为无线链路监视资源的最短周期与DRX周期之间的最大值。
阈值Qin被定义为可以以比Qout显著更高的可靠性接收下行链路无线链路质量的水平,并且应当对应于表8.1.1-1中定义的同步块错误率(in-sync block error rate BLERin)。对于基于SSB的无线链路监测,Qin_SSB是根据表8.1.2.1-2中列出的假设PDCCH传输参数推导的。对于基于CSI-RS的无线链路监测,Qin_CSI-RS是根据表8.1.3.1-2中列出的假设PDCCH传输参数推导出来的。
38.133 Table 8.1.1-2: Maximum number of RLM-RS resources NRLM Carrier frequency range of PCell/PSCell FR1, ≤ 3 GHzNote FR1, > 3 GHzNote FR2 Lmax4 8 64 Maximum number of RLM-RS resources, NRLM 2 4 8 基于SSB的RLM
Table PDCCH transmission parameters for out-of-sync evaluation
Attribute DCI format Number of control OFDM symbols Aggregation level (CCE) Ratio of hypothetical PDCCH RE energy to average SSS RE energy Ratio of hypothetical PDCCH DMRS energy to average SSS RE energy Bandwidth (PRBs) Sub-carrier spacing (kHz) DMRS precoder granularity REG bundle size CP length Mapping from REG to CCE 24 SCS of the active DL BWP REG bundle size 6 Normal Distributed 4dB 4dB Value for BLER Configuration #0 1-0 2 8 Table PDCCH transmission parameters for in-sync evaluation
Attribute DCI payload size Number of control OFDM symbols Aggregation level (CCE) Ratio of hypothetical PDCCH RE energy to average SSS RE energy Ratio of hypothetical PDCCH DMRS energy to average SSS RE energy Bandwidth (PRBs) Sub-carrier spacing (kHz) DMRS precoder granularity REG bundle size CP length Mapping from REG to CCE 24 SCS of the active DL BWP REG bundle size 6 Normal Distributed 0dB 0dB Value for BLER Configuration #0 1-0 2 4 UE应能够通过配置的RLM-RS资源对下行链路无线链路质量进行评估,在上一个TEvaluate_out_SSB [ms]期间估计的值是否比TEvaluate_out_SSB [ms]评估周期内的阈值Qout_SSB更差,当然,也会在该周期内评估是否比阈值Qin_SSB更好。
Table Evaluation period TEvaluate_out_SSB and TEvaluate_in_SSB for FR1 Configuration no DRX DRX cycle≤320ms DRX cycle>320ms NOTE: TEvaluate_out_SSB (ms) Max(200, Ceil(10 ? P) ? TSSB) Max(200, Ceil(15 ? P) ? Max(TDRX,TSSB)) Ceil(10 ? P) ? TDRX TEvaluate_in_SSB (ms) Max(100, Ceil(5 ? P) ? TSSB) Max(100, Ceil(7.5 ? P) ? Max(TDRX,TSSB)) Ceil(5 ? P) ? TDRX TSSB is the periodicity of the SSB configured for RLM. TDRX is the DRX cycle length. Table Evaluation period TEvaluate_out_SSB and TEvaluate_in_SSB for FR2 Configuration no DRX DRX cycle≤320ms DRX cycle>320ms NOTE: TEvaluate_out_SSB (ms) Max(200, Ceil(10 ? P ? N) ? TSSB) Max(200, Ceil(15 ? P ? N) ? Max(TDRX,TSSB)) Ceil(10 ? P ? N) ? TDRX TEvaluate_in_SSB (ms) Max(100, Ceil(5 ? P ? N) ? TSSB) Max(100, Ceil(7.5 ? P ? N) ? Max(TDRX,TSSB)) Ceil(5 ? P ? N) ? TDRX TSSB is the periodicity of the SSB configured for RLM. TDRX is the DRX cycle length. 基于CSI-RS的RLM
Table PDCCH transmission parameters for out-of-sync evaluation
Attribute DCI format Number of control OFDM symbols Aggregation level (CCE) Ratio of hypothetical PDCCH RE energy to average CSI-RS RE energy Ratio of hypothetical PDCCH DMRS energy to average CSI-RS RE energy Bandwidth (PRBs) Sub-carrier spacing (kHz) DMRS precoder granularity REG bundle size CP length Mapping from REG to CCE 48 SCS of the active DL BWP REG bundle size 6 Normal Distributed 4dB 4dB Value for BLER Configuration #0 1-0 2 8
Table PDCCH transmission parameters for in-sync evaluation
Attribute DCI payload size Number of control OFDM symbols Aggregation level (CCE) Ratio of hypothetical PDCCH RE energy to average CSI-RS RE energy Ratio of hypothetical PDCCH DMRS energy to average CSI-RS RE energy Bandwidth (PRBs) Sub-carrier spacing (kHz) DMRS precoder granularity REG bundle size CP length Mapping from REG to CCE 48 SCS of the active DL BWP REG bundle size 6 Normal Distributed 0dB 0dB Value for BLER Configuration #0 1-0 2 4 与基于SSB的监控类似,UE应能够通过配置的RLM-RS资源对下行链路无线链路质量进行评估,在上一个TEvaluate_out_CSI-RS [ms]期间估计的值是否比TEvaluate_out_CSI-RS [ms]评估周期内的阈值Qout_CSI-RS更差,当然,也会在该周期内评估是否比阈值Qin_CSI-RS更好。
Table Evaluation period TEvaluate_out_CSI-RS and TEvaluate_in_CSI-RS for FR1 Configuration no DRX DRX ≤ 320ms DRX > 320ms NOTE: TEvaluate_out_CSI-RS (ms) Max(200, Ceil(Mout×P)×TCSI-RS) Max(200, Ceil(1.5×Mout×P)× Max(TDRX, TCSI-RS)) Ceil(Mout×P) × TDRX TEvaluate_in_CSI-RS (ms) Max(100, Ceil(Min×P) × TCSI-RS) Max(100, Ceil(1.5×Min×P)× Max(TDRX, TCSI-RS)) Ceil(Min×P) × TDRX TCSI-RS is the periodicity of the CSI-RS resource configured for RLM. The requirements in this table apply for TCSI-RS equal to 5 ms, 10ms, 20 ms or 40 ms. TDRX is the DRX cycle length. Table Evaluation period TEvaluate_out_CSI-RS and TEvaluate_in_CSI-RS for FR2 Configuration no DRX DRX ≤ 320ms DRX > 320ms NOTE: TEvaluate_out_CSI-RS (ms) Max(200, Ceil(Mout×P×N)×TCSI-RS) TEvaluate_in_CSI-RS (ms) Max(100, Ceil(Min×P×N) × TCSI-RS) Max(100, Ceil(1.5×Min×P×N)× Max(TDRX, TCSI-RS)) Ceil(Min×P×N) × TDRX Max(200, Ceil(1.5×Mout×P×N)× Max(TDRX, TCSI-RS)) Ceil(Mout×P×N) × TDRX TCSI-RS is the periodicity of the CSI-RS resource configured for RLM. The requirements in this table apply for TCSI-RS equal to 5 ms, 10 ms, 20 ms or 40 ms. TDRX is the DRX cycle length. 所以,CIS-RS占用的频域资源是SSB的2倍,其他参数基本一致,在失步参数配置方面,PDCCH上的RE功率比平均SSS的功率要强4dB,更容量解码,无线链路失败难度更大。