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六年级下册英语教案Unit 4 Feeling Excited广东开心英语

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Unit 4 Feeling Excited

◆ 教材分析 The words learned in this class are more vivid, students will learn to be interested, but there are some difficulties. ◆ 教学目标 【知识目标】 Learn and master the words in Vocabulary, tired, scared, excited, upset, stayed up late, heard a noise. 【能力目标】

Master and use sentence patterns:

(1) I 'm tired. Why? Because I stayed up late last night. (2) Why did you stay up late? Because I watched TV. 【情感目标】

Learn to use the words you learn to contact your life, and to learn to use it. ◆ 教学重难点 【教学重点】 学习并掌握 Vocabulary里的单词tired, scared, excited, upset, stayed up late, heard a noise, got a kitten, got a poor grade. 【教学难点】

能熟练掌握Why are you scared?和Because he’s going into the hole. Why did you go into the hole? Because it’s great.这些句型及其问答。 ◆ 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia ◆ ◆ 教学过程 Step 1. Free talk What did you do last Sunday? Where did you go? What happened?

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Step 2. Listen and say What happened? I got a poor grade. stayed up late.

I stayed up late last night. I stayed up late last night. He heard a noise. she got a kitten. got a kitten. tired I’m tired. Why are you …? Because …

Step 3.Look, listen and read

I’m excited because we’re going to climb the mountain! I’m excited because… —I’m scared. —Why are you scared?

—Because he’s going into that cave. Step 4. Listen, point and say mountain house

Step 5. Say and write

选一张自己的照片,请说出照片上的活动发生在什么时间,当时自己在做什么(或者发生了什么事),以及自己当时的心情。(至少6句话) Step 6. Homework

The lesson of the word dictation. ◆ 教学反思 略。

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六年级下册英语教案Unit 4 Feeling Excited广东开心英语


