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人教版英语初二下册一课一练Unit 7 Section A

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Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world? Section A I.根据句意和首字母提示写蹬所缺的单词 1.The swimming pool is two meters d____ .

2.The camel is an animal which can live in the d____ .

3.The p____ of China may increase fast because of the two-child policy (政策). 4.China is in the east of A

5.Firefighters wear special coats and helmets (头盔) to P____ themselves from heat and falling ceilings.

6. They aren't interested in modern history. They are interested in a____ history. Ⅱ.根据旬意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词

1.The area of the pattern is about five ____ (平方)meters. 2.The cat jumped over the ____ (墙)and went away.

3.Lots of ____ (旅行者)visit the Great Wall every day. 4.The room is about five meters ____ (宽的). 5.The snow is about six centimeters ____ (厚的). 6.His writings ____ (包括)some poems and novels. 7.If you don't give up,you will ____ (成功)one day. 8.We enjoy the beauty of ____ (大自然).

9.They dropped their net to the floor of the ____ (海洋). Ⅲ,单项选择 1.(2017广东东莞中堂星晨学校期末)-What's the ____ of Guangdong? -It's about 104,300,000. A.population B.human C.person D.people

2.(2018四川成都中考)-Mary, do you prefer weekdays or Weekends? -Of course weekdays. Because I'm ____ on weekends. A.busy

B.much busier C.the busiest

3.(2018吉林名校调研月考)For most people, it's very difficult to ____ air on the top of high mountains over 4,000 meters above sea leve1. A.take in B.take away C.take up 4.(2017广西贵港中考)-I didn't see Molly last week. - ____ I know, she has gone to Singapore. A.As far as B.As long as C.As soon as D.As often as

5.(2018内蒙古北京八中乌兰察布分校月考)-I'm afraid I can't pass the exam. -Don't worry. If you work hard, you'll

A.succeed B.successful C.success D.develop 6.(2017山东济南长清区期末)Don't keep silent ____ the face of the school violence(校园暴力). A.on B.with C.in D.at 7.(2017辽宁沈阳中考) ____ it is often cold in the mountains, you need to wear warm clothes.

A.Though B.Unless C.As D.Until

8.(2018山东济南燕山中学月考)These wild animals are endangered. We must do something to____them. A.train B.protect C.catch D.keep

Ⅳ.根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词 1.这所学校招收外国学生。

The school ____ ____ foreign students. 2.你的房间和我的一样大。

Your room is ____ ____ ____ mine. 3.世界上最高的人是谁?

Who is ____ ____ ____ in the world? 4.他是中国最有名的作家之一。

He is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ in China. 5.(2018四川眉山中考)中国是世界上人口最多的国家。 The ____ of China is the ____ in the world. 6.(2018甘肃武威中考)我国已和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。 Our country has established diplomatic relations with ____ ____ 100 countries.


____ ____ ____ we know,he is the tallest boy in our school. 8.当我们到达山顶的时候,空气变得更加稀薄。

The air got thinner ____ ____ ____ to the top of the mountain. 9.一个主要的原因就是我没有记住这些单词。

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ is that I didn't remember these words. V.连词成句

1.the , what's , cheapest ,in , the , car , store __________________________________________?

2.Mary , her, a ,is ,lot , serious , more , than , sister __________________________________________.



4.the , animals ,has , more , zoo , than , that , one __________________________________________. 5.the , theater, best , what's , movie

__________________________________________? I.单项选择 1.(2018上海川中南校月考)We need to know how to protect ____ when shopping online. A.ourselves B.us C.we D.ours

2.(2017吉林中考) It's ____ known that more and more foreigners are learning Chinese culture now. A.politely B.loudly C.widely 3.(2018山东青岛中考)Mount Lao is one of ____ mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it every year. A.famous

B.the more famous C.most famous D.the most famous 4.(2018山东济南燕山中学月考)The river is only about half a meter ____ .Look! It is just above my knees(膝盖). A.long B.wide C.tall D.deep 5.(2018青海中考)-We're still expecting a new movie shown in the cinema. - ____ , there are no more new movies this month. A.After all

B.As far as I know C.So far

6.(2017河南商丘虞城求实学校月考)-What a thick fog! I went the wrong way at the corner and finally got lost.

-It's easy to make a wrong turn here even under ideal weather ____ . A.conversations B.conclusions C.conditions D.communications

7.(2017重庆万州区期末)-What does Yu Gong Moves a Mountain tell us?

-It tells us we will never give up ____ there are difficulties in front of us. A.but

B.even though C.when D.unless 8.(2016山东滨州中考)-Do you know about the scientist Tu Youyou?

-Yes, she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine because of her great ____ . A.surprise B.achievement C.education D.satisfaction Ⅱ.补全对话


根据对话内容,选择方框内最佳选项完成对话。 A.Just a little. B.What about rivers? C.I don't know it at al1. D.Are there any beautiful mountains? E.They're the birthplaces of Chinese culture. F.It's a book which introduces China in detai1. A:Dad, how much do you know about China?

B: 1 China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of history. It attracts many tourists from all over the world every year. A:Is that so? 2

B:Yes. And many of them are famous, such as Mount Tai, Mount Huang and Mount Emei. A: 3

B:There are many rivers in China. Among them the Yangtze River is the longest and the second longest is the Yellow River. 4 A : Anything else?

B:Sorry. That's all I know. If you want to learn more, you can read Guide to China. 5

A:Thanks. I'll read it.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ Ⅲ,综合填空



other move enough find desert make use another friend carry trouble get You may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true.In the desert we can 1 stones.We can see hills,too.There is a little rain in the 2 ,but it is not 3 for most plants.

The animals are 4 to the desert people in many ways.The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins(皮)to 5 shoes,water bags and even tents. They use the camels (骆驼) for 6 things. The people of the desert have to keep 7 from place to place.They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents.

When there is no more food for their animals, they take down their tents, put them on the camels and move to 8 place.The desert people are very 9 . They would never refuse to help the people in 10 and give them food and water. 1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ 6.____ 7.____ 8.____ 9.____ 10.____

Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world? Section A

I.1.deep 2.desert 3.population 4.Asia 5.protect 6.ancient Ⅱ.1.square 2.wall 3.tourists 4.wide 5.thick 6.include 7.succeed 8.nature 9.ocean Ⅲ.1.A句意:——广东有多少人口?——大约有一亿四百三十万人。What's the population of+地名?意为“某地有多少人口?”。

2.B考查形容词的比较级。对话涉及weekdays和weekends两者间的比较,因此用比较级.much用来修饰比较级。故选B。 3.A take in“吸入”;take away“带走;拿走”;take up“占据”。由句意可知在海拔4,000多米的高山上会呼吸困难。故选A。

4.A句意:——上周我没有看到莫莉。——据我所知,她去了新加坡。as far as I know意为“据我所知”,故选A。


6.C句意:面对校园暴力不要保持沉默。in the face of意为“面对(问题、困难等)”,是固定用法。



Ⅳ.1.takes in 2.as big as 3.the tallest person 4.one of the most famous writers 5.population;biggest/largest 6.more than 7.As far as 8.as we got 9.One of the main reasons V.1.What's the cheapest car in the store 2.Mary is a lot more serious than her sister 3.David is as clever as me

4.The zoo has more animals than that one 5.What's the best movie theater

I .1.A 句意:网购时我们需要知道如何去保护我们自己。protect oneself意为“保护某人自己”,故选A。


3.D句意:崂山是青岛最著名的山之一。每年都有许多游客喜欢爬崂山。one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……的……之一”。故选D。 4.D根据后面的“看!它仅仅超过我的膝盖。”可知前一句说的是“这条河仅半米深”,故选D。 5.B句意:——我们仍然期盼新的影片在电影院上映。——据我所知,这个月没有新的影片。after all意为“毕竟”;as far as I know意为“据我所知”:so far意为“到目前为止”。根据句意可知选B。


7.B句意:——《愚公移山》告诉了我们什么?——它告诉我们,即使面前有困难我们也绝不能放弃。even though意为“即使;虽然”,符合题意。 8.B surprise惊讶”;achievement“成就”;education“教育”;satisfaction“满意”。由答语中的“她因取得巨大的成就而获得了2015年诺贝尔医学奖”可知选B。 Ⅱ.1-5 ADBEF

Ⅲ.1.find 2.desert 3.enough 4.useful 5.make 6.carrying 7.moving 8.another 9.friendly 10.trouble

人教版英语初二下册一课一练Unit 7 Section A


