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新目标人教版英语八年级上册Unit 4 What s the best movie theater?单元过关试题及答案

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UNIT 4单元过关卷

时间:100分钟 满分:120分

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(20分)

Ⅰ. 关键词语选择(每小题1分,共5分) 1. A. song 2. A. seat 3. A. everything 4. A. milk 5. A. got up

B. son B. ticket B. anybody B. menu B. put up

C. sun C. kite C. everybody C. meal C. made up

Ⅱ. 短对话理解(每小题1分,共5分) 6. What does Tony do?


7. What does Sam want to do?



8. Where will they go this evening?


9. What is Li Ping doing now?


A B C10. How will they get to the theater?


Ⅲ. 长对话理解(每小题1分,共5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。


11. What does the store sell?

A. Books. C. Clothes.

12. How much are the things in the store?

A. 70 to 100 yuan. C. 120 to 150 yuan.

听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。 13. Where is Tony's sister?

A. In the kitchen. C. In the living room.

14. Which radio station is Tony's sister listening to?

A. 107. 9 FM. C. 109. 7 FM.

15. What does Tony's sister like doing?

A. Singing. C. Writing.

Ⅳ. 信息转换(每小题1分,共5分)

A Talent Show Place Liu Ying Wang Hong Zhang Lei and his bird At the(16)________center There were (17)________performers. She played the(18)________. She danced without(19)________. They got the prize for the(20)________act. 第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(100分)

Ⅴ. 单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)

21. — I want to see a play. Is there a ________ near here?

— Yes. There is one behind the Center Library. A. clothes store C. restaurant A. enough careful C. enough carefully

23. — When will Joe come here again?

— Next Tuesday or Wednesday. It's up ________ him.

B. Shoes.

B. 100 to 120 yuan.

B. In her bedroom.

B. 109. 7 AM.

B. Reading.

B. post office D. theater B. carefully enough D. careful enough

22. Amanda read the article ________, and found something important in it.


A. on C. to

24. — What can I do for you, sir?

B. for D. with

— Tomorrow is my son's birthday. I want to ________ a gift for him. A. share C. dream A. big C. fresh A. in common C. the same — July, I think. A. hot C. hotter A. It C. That A. quickly C. proudly

— About 7 minutes on foot. A. How much C. How long A. give up C. cut up

32. —The weather is too bad!

—So it is. It's reported that it will be even ________ later on. A. bad C. worse

B. choose D. give B. cheap D. full B. in public D. in person

25. Anna, your coffee is cold. Let me make you a ________ cup.

26. My sister and I have much ________, but we're still different from each other.

27. — Which is ________ month of the year?

B. more hot D. the hottest B. This D. One B. seriously D. easily

28. ________ is always sad to say goodbye to someone you love.

29. You should think ________ before taking the job, and don't do it just for fun.

30. — ________ is it from here to the next town?

B. How far D. How often B. turn up D. make up

31. The teacher asked the students to ________ a story about a trip to the moon.

B. badly D. worst


33. Mark is a member of our school basketball team. He is much ________ basketball

than me. A. better at play C. the best at play in it.

A. the more interested

C. more interested and interested — ________ A. Not at all. C. Of course.

B. Sounds good! D. That's right.

B. more and more interested D. interested and interested B. better at playing D. the best at playing

34. My cousin started to play the guitar at the age of five. Now he becomes ________

35. —Bill, thanks for helping me move the box.

Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1. 5分,共15分)

My name is Peter. I live in a small village. In my village, there aren't many cars or buses, and the streets are clean. I____36____all the neighbors and at the end of the day, we get together and talk. We go to bed____37____, because there isn't much to do in the evening. There aren't any theaters, cinemas, museums or clubs. But the children can play in the streets or in nature (大自然). They can____38____keep animals at home. There is no noise (噪音). We can hear a lot of beautiful sounds from nature____39____the birds singing and the rain pouring (倾盆而下). In the evening, we can see lots of clear and beautiful ____40____ in the sky.

My pen friend Ken lives in a big city. He says there are more workplaces in the city, better schools, ____41____shops, finer restaurants and hundreds of cinemas, theaters and museums. Children can go to clubs and parks to ____42____ themselves. I went to the city to visit Ken last month. He took me to the biggest shopping center and we bought some nice gifts for my ____43____. For example, a cool T-shirt for my dad.

“Which is better, the city or the village?” many of my classmates asked me when I came back. I'm not sure, ____44____I know that I like the clean streets, friendly neighbors and fresh air in my ____45____better. 36. A. ask 37. A. early 38. A. still 39. A. like

B. thank B. late B. ever B. with


C. know C. fast C. almost C. about

D. teach D. slowly D. also D. around

40. A. kites 41. A. smaller 42. A. help 43. A. school 44. A. and 45. A. town

B. stars B. nicer B. find B. friends B. so B. village

C. planes C. fewer C. enjoy C. classmates C. but C. city

D. birds D. quieter D. save D. family D. as D. country

Ⅶ. 补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)

A:Hi, I'm doing a survey for Daily News. (46)________ B:I guess Jamming 107. 9 FM is the best. A:Why?

B: (47)________It's much better than the other radio stations in town. A:What about the other radio stations?

B: Well, I think Oldies 102. 1 FM is very bad. (48)________ A:I heard that. (49)________ B:Not for me. A:Why not?

B:(50)________ They're worse than the commercials of All Talk 97. 0 FM!

A. Because it has the best clothing. B. It has the worst music. C. What's the best clothing store? D. Because it has the most interesting music. E. But Easy Listening 97. 9 FM is the most popular. F. Just listen to their commercials. G. What's the best radio station? Ⅷ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


Many people think that TV programs have little or no educational value (教育意义). It is true that lots of programs are meaningless. However, some programs are good and we can learn many things from them. Here are a few of my favorite programs.

As a child, this was the only program I could watch. I watched it Blue Peter three times a week. You can learn about different countries around the world from it. As the show is for children, the language in it is easy.


新目标人教版英语八年级上册Unit 4 What s the best movie theater?单元过关试题及答案


