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3.anachronism 3.ongoing

4.extemporaneous 4.happening at the same time 5.synchronous 5.talk to fill time 6.temporize 6.unplanned 7.chronology 7.measurable by time 8.contemporary 8.something from the past 1.ancient 1.perennial 2.of the same age 2.longevity 3.yearly payment 3.primeval 4.era of earthly paradise 4.coeval 5.of the Middle ages 5.millennium 6.worn out 6.annuity

7.length of life 7.medieval

8.continuing 8.superannuated

1.domination a. name b. control c. attraction d. movement 2.habitation a. custom b. limit c. dwelling d. chewing 3.domicile a. imbecile b. ridicule c. home d. supremacy 4.inhibit a. live in b. laugh at c. restrain d. retrain 5.dominion a. weakness b. kingdom c. game d. habit

6.habitual a. customary b. concise c. ordinary d. gnawing 7.predominant a. longest b. lightest c. strongest d. earliest

8.exhibitionist a. show-off b. shower c. show time d. showdown 1.perennial a. flowerlike b. excellent c. everlasting d. thorough 2.longevity a. length b. long life c. longitude d. longing

3.superannuated a. amazing b. huge c. aged d. perennial

4.coeval a. ancient b. simultaneous c. same-sized d. continuing 5.millennium a. thousand b. century c. era d. a thousand years

6.annuity a. annual event b. annual payment c. annual income d. annual garden 7.medieval a. antiquated b. middle-aged c. romantic d. knightly 8.primeval a. wicked b. elderly c. primitive d. muddy 1.codify a. conceal b. list c. disobey d. interpret

2.signet a. stamp b. gold ring c. Pope’s sign d. baby swan

3.codicil a. small fish b. one-tenth c. amendment to a will d. legal objection 4.assignation a. signature b. assassination c. secret lover d. appointment 5.resign a. accept b. appoint c. assign d. arrest

6. codex a. private seal b. handwritten book c. secret letter d. coded message 7.signatory a. document b. agreement c. banner d. consigner 8.decode a. explain b. conceal c. symbolize d. disguise


1.philology a. study of cigars b. study of trees c. study of language d. study of love



2.negligible a. small b. correctable c. noteworthy d. considerate 3.oenophile a. pig lover b. book lover c. word lover d. wine lover 4.renegade a. restorer b. rebel c. reformer d. realist

5.philatelist a. stamp collector b. gem collector c. wine collector d. coin collector 6. abnegation a. abundance b. abruptness c. self-denial d. self-satisfaction 7.philter a. healing lotion b. sieve c. car part d. love potion 8.renege a. repeat b. go back on c. renegotiate d. overturn 1.fungible a. identical b. unique c. exchangeable d. defective

2.permutation a. perversion b. rearrangement c. deviation d. inflation 3.functionary a. bureaucrat b. hard worker c. activist d. executive 4.transmute a. reconsider b. send away c. silence d. convert 5.perfunctory a. perfect b. mechanical c. thorough d. persuasive 6.immutable a. unchangeable b. immature c. noisy d. defiant

7.malfunction a. work slowly b. work improperly c. work evilly d. work mechanically 8.commutation a. driving b. train ride c. replacement d. review

1.correlate a. carry over b. show a relationship c. get along d. compare

2.degrade a. reduce in size b. raise in esteem c. lower in rank d. increase in importance 3.collate a. arrange in order b. distribute c. review d. produce

4.graduate a. go to school b. measure exactly c. increase in size d. rise to a higher stage 5.prelate a. high church official b. foremost player c. important officer d. graduate degree

6.gradation a. program in a series b. stage in a series c. eventual decline d. definite improvement 7.relativity a. galactic travel b. altered speed of light

c. relationship between mass, energy, and time d. relationship of human races

8.retrograde a. moving in reverse b. grading again c. primitive d. switching grades 1.dynamo a. powerhouse b. force unit c. time interval d. power outage 2.incumbent a. coming in b. retiring c. holding office d. standing up

3.dynasty a. glamorous clam b. ruling family c. great wealth d. powerful leader 4.succumb a. rest b. enchant c. approach d. give up 5. incubate a. brood b. store c. lie down d. sleep

6. hydrodynamic a. relating to moving fluids b. water-resistant c. relating to boats d. relating to water

7.recumbent a. tired again b. lying down c. vulnerable d. not straight 8.dynamic a. explosive b. energetic c. excited d. dangerous 1.recapitulate 1.free-market system 2.misanthropic 2.charitable act 3.capitalism 3.surrender 4.anthropoid 4.summarize 5.decapitate 5.hating humans 6.anthropology 6.study of cultures 7.capitulate 7.ape 8.philanthropy 8.behead



1.telepathic 1.incomplete 2.refraction 2.quarrelsome 3.telemetry 3.mind-reading 4.fragmentary 4.distortion 5.telegenic 5.violation

6.fractious 6.well-suited to television

7.teleological 7.long-distance measurement 8.infraction 8.relating to design or purpose


1.persevere 1.seep

2.metonymy 2.equating one thing with another 3.permeate 3.spread throughout 4metaphysics 4.keep going

5.peremptory 5.use of an associated term 6.percolate 6.study of the nature of things

7.metaphorical 7.biological absorption processes 8.metabolism 8.abrupt and final

1.prerequisite a. pattern b. requirement c. preference d. direction 2.paragon a. geometric figure b. imposing figure c. model of excellence d. location

3.predispose a. recycle b. eliminate c. demonstrate d. influence 4.paradigm a. example b. punishment c. tale d. characteristic

5.precept a. general rule b. teacher c. contradiction d. model

6.paradox a. contrary belief b. instructive c. opposing truths d. painful truth 7.precocious a. nearly cooked b. maturing early c. self-contradictory d. necessary

8.parameter a. rule b. requirement c. large framework d. characteristic element 1.paternlistic 1.wrong name 2.nomenclature 2.aristocrat 3.patrimony 3.exercising fatherly 4.misnomer 4.heritage 5.expatriate 5.naming system 6.nominal 6.disgraceful

7.ignominious 7.in name only 8.patrician 8.living abroad

1.hyperactive 1.breathe deeply and rapidly 2.subjugate 2.secret effort to overthrow



3.hyperventilate 3.extreme overstatement 4.subconscious 4.not strong enough to be sensed 5.hypertension 5.beneath the level of consciousness 6.subversion 6.overly active 7.hyperbole 7.conquer 8.subliminal 8.high blood pressure

1.place of misery 1.tempera 2.unrestrained 2.purge

3.remove offensive material 3.temperance 4.mix or moderate 4.purgative 5.purifying 5.temper

6.moderation or abstinence 6.expurgate 7.remove impure elements 7.intemperate 8.egg-based paint 8.purgatory


1.vivacious a. sweet-tempered b. loud c. lively d. gluttonous

2.extort a. obtain by force b. pay up c. engage in crime d. exterminate 3.vivisection a. living area b. animal experimentation c. experimental treatment d. removal of organs

4.torsion a. elasticity b. twisting c. body trunk d. axis 5.convivial a. life-giving b. drunk c. contrary d. sociable 6.tortuous a. painful b. winding c. harmful d. monstrous 7.revivify a. revive b. reclaim c. retain d. restrain 8.tort a. deformity b. law c. product d. injury 1.explicate a. explain b. bend c. fold d. mutilate

2.expunge a. mop up b. partially restore c. remove completely d. hesitate slightly 3.supplication a. substitution b. plea c. use d. subdivision 4.pungent a. sharp b. rotten c. round d. funny

5.punctilious a. pointed b. careful c. prompt d. unusual 6.replicate a. reflect b. breed c. copy d. measure

7.compunction a. desire b. bravery c. scruple d. conviction 8.implicit a. difficult b. unspoken c. written d. faithful 1.complaisant 1.relating to written matter 2.context 2.unchangeable 3.placebo 3.underlying meaning 4.texual 4.eager to please 5.placidity 5.setting of spoken or written words 6.subtext 6.harmless substance 7.implacable 7.excuse hiding a real motive 8.pretext 8.peacefulness



1.autocratic 1.recovery 2.declaim 2.noble 3.plutocracy 3.noisy din

4.acclamation 4.government official 5.reclamation 5.speak formally

6.bureaucrat 6.ruled by one person 7.clamor 7.rule by the rich

8.aristocrat 8.acceptance with cheers


1.needless repetition 1.mandate 1.commensurate 1.prohibit 2.required 2.undulant 2.proscribe 2.aspect

3.flood 3.commendation 3.immensity 3.engraving 4.formal citation 4.redundancy 4.conscription 4.equivalent 5.reflect 5.inundate 5.dimension 5.measurable 6.direct 6.remand 6.circumscribe 6.limit

7.wavy 7.mandatory 7.mensurable 7.hugeness 8.send back 8.redound 8.inscription 8.draft 1.prevalent 1.brave

2.virago 2.masculinity 3.vituosity 3.confirm

4.virility 4.strong woman 5.valorous 5.skill

6.triumvirate 6.widespread

7.equivalent 7.three-person board 8.validate 8.similar in value

1.sanction a. criminalize b. punish c. trade d. approve 2.elocution a. public opinion b. public speaking c. public platform d. public transportation

3.sacrilege a. religion b. blasphemy c. priest d. conviction 4.sacrosanct a. sacred b. churchlike c. Christian d. priestly 5.loquacious a. abundant b. silent c. talkative d. informative 6.sanctuary a. belief b. holiness c. cemetery d. refuge

7.colloquial a. slangy b. disrespectful c. conversational d. uneducated

8.circumlocution a. exaggeration b. excess of words c. falsehood d. confusion 1.excrescence a. disgust b. outgrowth c. extremity d. unusual formation 2.suffuse a. overwhelm b. flow c. spread through d. inject 3.accrection a. layer b. eruption c. decision d. buildup 4.effusive a. emotional b. gradual c. continual d. general 5.increment a. entrance b. slight increase c. construction d. income

6.diffuse a. consider b. make harmless c. spread widely d. pour in 7.crescent a. pie-shaped b. half-full c. stickle-shaped d. increasing 8.profusion a. distinction b. abundance c. addition d. completion 1.ascendancy a. growth b. climb c. control d. rank

2.extenuating a. partly balding b. partly excusing c. partly specific d. partly mending



3.descendant a. offspring b. ancestor c. cousin d. forerunner 4.tenure a. teaching b. term of office c. election d. grasp 5.transcend a. exceed b. astound c. fulfill d. transform

6.attenuate a. make free b. make late c. make friends d. make thin 7.condescend a. stoop b. remove c. agree d. reject

8.tenuous a. stretching b. tender c. insubstantial d. arranged




