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Content Book___3B___ Module___1_ Unit_1___ The __3rd period 教学目标: 1. 掌握单词:now, them, children 的音、形、义。 2. 学习运用句型 What can you see? I can see… I can’t see….描述自己看得到的东西和看不见。 3. 掌握children的单数形式以及them的主格和所有格。 4.能根据学的对话来改编和同学自信交流。 Teaching procedure Procedures Pre-task preparation While-task procedure 1. A story: the story. 文本的教学,既吸引学Teacher’s Activities 1. Sing a song. 2. Free talk. What can you see/hear? Student’s Activities 1. Sing a song. 2. Answer Purpose 通过唱一唱,说一说来为新课的学习打下基础。 I have three friends. They Spring is coming. It is 生,又能激发他们的学习are Tweety and his friends. warm. Kitty, Alice and 兴趣。同时在教学之前,It’s spring now. They fly Danny are by the window 先让学生进行他们的想back from the south. They now. They are playing with 象故事,培养他们的创新stand on the tall tree. What the toys. Tweety, Polly and 思维以及合作能力。 can they see and do they the ladybird are outside the talk? 2. Show the picture. 3. Learn the new words: children----child, them, now 3. Listen to the tape and read after it. 4. Read and spell. 6 / 7

window. They are talking. 2. Group work. 在听完自编故事之后,出 Make a dialogue by 示课文故事,设下悬念,themselves. 进行对比。 Group work. They can see green. They 1. Make the end of the story by themselves. Post-task activities 2. Ask and answer. What can you see? What can you hear? like green. They like spring. In spring they can see trees, 在故事最后让学生发挥flowers and many birds. 想象,编造一个结尾部What can you see in spring? 分,注重他们的口语训 Pair work. 1. Copy the new words. Homework. 2. Retell the story. 练,同时提升他们的交际能力。 反思与重建 教案来源

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