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高中英语 老外最想聊的100个口语话题(51)讨价还价素材

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Learning TO Bargain 讨价还价

dialogue 1

Leo: Jane! What an enchenting skirt you have on! 简!你的裙子真好看!

Jane: Thank you! Guess how much it costs. 谢谢.猜猜多少钱.

L: bright colors, smooth material, exquisite craftsmanship, soft lines…Darling, it looks elegant on you! It can't be any cheap stuff. Something around two hundred, I guess.


J: your offer is way off the mark. It set me back only sixty-five. 你的报价太离谱了.我只花了65块.

L: then you got a windfall! Was sixty-five the original price, or did you get a special discount.


J: neither. I drove a hard bargain with the vendor before I got the price down. 都不是.我跟那个小贩费了老半天功夫才买到的. L: how much did she ask for? 她开口要多少?

J: three hundred! That's daylight robbery. How dare she play tricks on an old hand like me? Without hesitation, I gave my offer---no more than fifty.


L: she must be fuming with anger at such a bid, wasn't she? 你给这个低的价儿,她一定气的冒烟吧?

J: not at all! She's really been around, and seemed quite accustomed to bargaining like this. That's the trade. She only demanded a higher bid, saying the purchase price was even higher than seventy. She was lying! Then I inquired:\at sixty?\

没有没有!她一看就很老道,我这样的砍价她肯定已经司空见惯了.这就是这一行的规矩啊.她说,您再多给点,她进价还70多呢.哼,她撒谎!然后,我问她:”60块钱卖不卖?”她摇头. L: then you pretended to go without buying it? 于是你假装不买了?

J: yeah. I turned around and started to move out. Just then, she yelped behind my back:\all right, all right! I may sacrifice a little. Let's fix it sixty-five! Can't

be cheaper.\


dialogue 2

H: I swear I will never shop at a street market in China. It's a terrible place full of excellent profiteers! You have to keep an eye whenever it comes to paying for something.


J: cool down, Harry! What are you really mad about? Did you get ripped off? 哈里,消消气!你怎么了?买东西被宰了?

H: yes. Last Sunday I went to a nearby market. It was on open-air fair. I chanced upon this bag and bought it on the spot, without even trying to strike a bargain. I paid one hundred and twenty. And just now I was told by my chinese colleagues I bought it overpriced. I could have talked my way to thirty.


J: is that so? I'm afraid people here will not take pity on unlucky guys like you. Bargaining has always been an indispensable precedure in business deals. It's the norm of free trade. The seller sets a preposterous price, and the buyer tries his best to bring it down, until a compromise is reached. Yet you ignored the process. No wonder you ended up easy prey.


H: but don't you think it annoying to overcharge the customers by such a handsome margin?


J: of course, that's something really irritation. And the only way to avoid being trapped is to know in advance about the real worth of the stuff. I recommend you to consult the price tags in the supermarket first. And then you may negotiate for a real deal.

当然,是很烦人.要想不被宰,恐怕只有是先知道价格. 我建议你先去超市看看标价,然后你才能还价成功,买卖公平.

高中英语 老外最想聊的100个口语话题(51)讨价还价素材


