Purchase Order
Order nu mber: Order date: 订单日期:
供应厂商: Supplier: 公司名称: Compa ny n ame: 地 址: 地址: Address: Address: 电 Tel: 话: 电话: 真: Tel: 传 Fax: 传真: Fax: 序号 No. 物料名称 Material descripti on 规格型号 Specificati on 数量 Qua ntity 单位 Un it 单价 Un it price 总价 Total price 交货日期 Delivery date 备注 Remark 1 2 本页小计 Subtotal JPY 日币 合计 Total JPY 日币 送货方式:CIF中国主要港口上海 Shippi ng Method: CIF SHANGHAI BY SEA 结算方式: Type of payme nt: 申请人:
Applica nt
Checked by
Supplier: sig nature con firmati on (
2.3.1. 请按我司要求开具相应税率的发票,发票备注栏内必须注明我司对应的订单号码和贵司的送货单号码。
Please click our requireme nts of the in voice issued corresp onding tax rate, i nvoice n ote colu mn must in dicate the order n umber and the corresp onding our your compa ny's delivery order n umber.
When sending your company produce the delivery note should be correct and fill in we order number, specification, quantity.
Whensending to each product must make proper and packaging, packaging to indicate this product in the drawing number, name, and the corresponding n umber 4. 请严格按质按量按时交货 ,若因贵司质量、数量、交货时间等非不可抗力原因影响我司的,
我司有权追究责任; 给我司造成损失的, 我司有权向贵司进行索赔。Please strict quantity to quality, on time delivery if because of your company quality, quantity, delivery time and so on the force majeure
cause in flue nce our, our compa ny has right to pursue resp on sibility;For our losses to your compa ny, our compa ny have the right to claim for compe nsati on.
5. 货物送至我司后,经我司检验合格且得到我司采购通知后,方可向我司岀具当批货物发票。
The goods sent to us by our in specti on, and get our purchas ing no tice, and the n after that month to our in voice issued by. 6. 凡是经检验不合格的产品应在
All by inspection qualified products should be in 2 working days, such as failed to recover in time according to supplement to our company, we have the into loss to your compa ny claim.