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Unite 1


(1) This ability to take familiar bits of language and to combine them to make new words and sentences is what sets language apart from other ways that human beings use to communicate.

=Because of the existence of morphological and syntactic rules, language enables to create new words and sentences making use of available materials. This is not possible with other ways that we use to communicate, such as the use of facial expressions or bodily gestures.

(2) We have to beware the word ‘language’. It’s often used in a vivid way to mean any kind of connection between people.

=We have to be cautious about the use of “language” because it is often used figuratively, refering to any means of communication (body language) or even the basis of mutual understanding (speaking the same language).

(3) We learn many rules of grammar in order to express different meanings, such as changing the order of words in a sentence. But we don’t have rules which change the order of our facial expressions to express different meanings.

=Facial expressions are different from real language in that there are no grammatical rules such as word order to help us express different meanings when we communicate with facial expressions.

(4) If I have the ability, I can paint them, draw them, sculpt them, dance them, compose them into a symphony or a ballet or a piece of jazz, and express myself in all the ways that are called “arts and crafts”.

= “Arts and crafts” are also means of communication. If I have the ability, I can express my thoughts and feelings in painting, drawing, sculpture, dance and music.

(5) In our everyday lives we produce and comprehend language with such apparent ease that we take it for granted. Yet the ease with which we use




language belies a level of complexity of immense proportions.

=Our everyday use of our native language, whether to express ourselves or to understand others, is so easy that we have never realized the great complexity behind this simple fact.


(1)Once we’ve learned a few thousand words, and learned the ways our language allows us to put them together into sentences, we can say things that nobody has ever said before.


(2)When people use their faces or hands to show their feelings, they’re doing something that is very different from what they do when they speak, write, or use a deaf sign language.


(3)Language allows us to talk about our experience of the world in a way that no other means of communication can.


(4)那件鲜红的大衣使她在姑娘们中间显得特别突出。(apart from) Her bright red coat set her apart from the other girls.

(5)我们的触觉能力也可以演绎出一套语言。(develop into) Our ability to touch can also be developed into a language.


He orders his assistants around in a way that is very offensive.




(7)与书面语不同的是,我们在口语中并不是按照段落或章节来组织思想的。 Unlike writing, our thoughts are not framed in paragraphs or chapters in speech.

Unite 3


(1) Scollon points out that Athabaskan Indians consider it inappropriate to talk to strangers, and that this has an odd effect when an Athabaskan meets a non-Athabaskan, white or black. One wants to get to know the other by talking and the other feels it is inappropriate to talk until they know each other.

=Athabaskan Indians consider that it is inappropriate to talk to people they do not know. According to Scollon, this causes a strange effect when the Athabaskan Indians meet people from other cultures. The non-Athabaskans may want to make acquaintance with the Athabaskans by talking to them, but the Athabaskans will not talk to the non- Athabaskans before they become acquaintances.

(2) As she puts it, Gonjans are so aware of the indirect function of questions to imply

unstated meaning that “the pure information question hasn't got a chance.”

=Gonjans take it for granted that questions are always asked to achieve indirect functions, so they never ask questions for pure information.

(3) This is the value associated with \\

to facts\-values taken for granted in American business and education, and




perhaps more generally by American men.

=The Americans usually take it for granted that in communication people should be direct and say no more or less than needed, and that what people say is exactly what they mean. This is especially true in business and education and applies more to American men than to women.

(4) To the extent that no two people have exactly the same communicative background, to that extent, all communication is cross-cultural, and understanding cross cultural communication is a means to understanding language at the same time, it is also a means to understanding and, one hopes, improving problems and tasks facing the world and the people in it, including the task of teaching and learning new languages.

=No two people have just the same cultural background. Therefore, all communication is cross-cultural to some extent. In this sense, understanding cross-cultural communication can help us understand the nature of language and tackle problems in the world, especially those caused by and related to the use of language, e.g. obstacles in foreign language teaching and learning.


(1)Just as physicists understand the nature of physical elements by observing their

behavior in various environments and in interaction with other elements, so we

come to understand the nature of language by observing it in communication and in contact with other systems of communication.


(2) One who learns the explicit vocabulary and grammar of a new language is

likely to stuff it into the implicit paralinguistic and discourse casings of the

native communicative system.





(3) As social networks are always local, not global, people in different communities have different ways of using linguistic means to communicative ends, and their ways of talking, like other cultural patterns, define them as a community.



You are very likely to find many people who have stereotyped ideas about the forms and functions of language.


Please let me elaborate on my proposal.


Runaway inflation further plagued the wage- or salary-earner.


Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.

Unite 4


(1) They are on the road to acquiring the sound system of their language. =They are in the process of acquiring the sound system of their language.

(2) Sometime around the child’s third birthday, give or take six months, language takes a giant leap, and children start producing long sentences with varying degrees of morphological and syntactic complexity.





