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人教新课标 必修二 Unit4 Wildlife protection 全单元教案

Period1: Warming up& New words .Step2. Leading in

Have you ever been to the zoo? Do you like animals?

Do you keep animals as pets?

Can you list the names of some animals? Step3. Warming up

1. Why does wildlife need help/ Why are some of the animals endangered?

(Their habitat is threatened./they cannot find enough food./They have enemies that kill and eat them./They are hunted by human beings. Their numbers may decrease; these endangered animals may even die out.) 2. Discussion

What should we do to protect wildlife? 1) Protect the environment 2) Build conservation zones 3) Stop people from killing them 4) Collect money to protect them

3. Read a report on some endangered wildlife in China. 1)What problems are some wild animals in China facing? 2)What has China done to solve the problem? 3)What’s the result after concerning?

Example: The problem---face in China is that---. To solve the problem, China has set up---. Thanks to the effort/After concerning, the number of---has risen from---to---. Period 2: Reading

Important point: Understand the reading passage How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife. Procedures:

Step1: Pre-reading

1. Endangered animals: panda, Milu deer, south China tiger, antelope, African elephant, golden monkey---

2. Reason of disappearing: lack of food; the loss of habitat; bad environment; human’s hunting

3. Pictures: a Tibetan antelope; elephants Title: How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife

Predicate: It is mainly about how Daisy learned to help wildlife through what she saw and heard about animals. Step2. Reading 1. Fast reading

What places did Daisy visited and which animals are mentioned? Tibet antelope Zimbabwe elephant

The rain forest monkey, millipede insect, mosquito 2. careful reading

1Step3. Analyze some difficult and important sentences. Step4. Summary and homework.

2. Read the words and text more. 3. Ex1 on P28

Period3&4 Language Study

Important point: Learn some useful expressions. Procedures: Step1. Revision Step 3. Warming up

1. Show a video about WWF.

2. Ask students what animals are they can see in the video and find out the endangered animals. 3. Ask students why the animals are endangered.

4. Let’s listen to some animals news:

A. Dolphin: Last night, a little dolphin’s dead body was found on one coast in Hongkong. People think it died from hunger because it could not find any food in the dirty sea…

B. Antelopes: The Canadian government announced last week that more and more antelopes in the wildlife park died in Road-kills.

5. Ask students why the animals mentioned above are endangered.

6. Give them 3 to 5 minutes to discuss in pair and then invite some of them to give their opinions. And show some of my own opinion below: killed by the enemies in the nature not enough food

not enough place to live in

the living environment is worse and worse hunted by human beings aten by people

7. Talk about the wildlife Protection ① Panda:

Problem: No enough food; loss of bamboo growing areas

Improvement: There are about 70 after bamboo areas set up to help them grow Home in China: Wolong Nature Reserve, SichuanProvince ② Milu deer:

Problem: Disappeared in China

Improvement: About 500 after being brought back from UK. Home in China: NanhaiziMiluPark in Beijing ③ South China tiger:

Problem: too much hunting in the 1950s

Improvement: About 30 – 60 after being left in peace with no hunting

Home in China: Baishanzu National Natural Protection Zone, in ZhejiangProvince Step 4. Reading – How Daisy Learned to Protect Wildlife

1. Show some pictures of the things appear in the text, and ask students to read aloud them. (Daisy, sweater, mosquito, rhino, antelope, money, monkey, elephant, flying chair)

2. Listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph, and find out the answers to the questions below: Paragraph 1:

Which place did Daisy arrive in? (Tibet)

Who did Daisy talk to? (Tibetan antelopes)

What did they talk about?

(Tibetan antelopes were killed for wool.) Paragraph2:

Which place did Daisy arrive in? (Zimbabwe)

Who did Daisy talk to? (An African elephant)

What did they talk about?

(Elephants and rhinos were becoming endangered.) Paragraph3:

Which place did Daisy arrive in? (Thick rain forest) Who did Daisy talk to? (A monkey)

What did they talk about?

(A powerful drug affects mosquitoes.)

3. Read the passage silently again, and the try to finish the True or False exercises that are showed on the screen.

① Daisy saw an antelope as well as mountains and people in Tibet. (T) ② The antelope felt very sad and happy when he saw Daisy. (T)

③ Antelopes were killed for the skin that is taken from under their stomachs. (F)

④ The elephants and rhinos in Zimbabwe used to be protected well by the farmers in the past. (F) ⑤ Mosquitoes protect the monkey from a millipede insect. (F) 4. Put the following sentences in the right order:

① In the dream, she flew in a wonderful chair to talk with an antelope in Tibet. (2)

② Later, she flew to Zimbabwe and talked with an elephant and knew the farmers no longer hunted them. (4)

③ Although finally everything was gone, she had learned so much about the wildlife! (7)

④ The antelope told her they were hunted because their fur could be used to make sweaters. (3) ⑤ At last she arrived at the thick rain forest (6) ⑥ One day, Daisy dreamed a strange dream. (1)

⑦ That’s because the government decided to help and the farmers made a lot of money at last. (5) Step 5. Homework

1. Finish the translation exercise on p64 2. Finish Ex 21-35 on English Weekly 15th 小结:本节课将warming up和阅读理解整合在一起。Warming up里片断和图片活跃了课堂气氛,迅速激发了学生的积极参与。看片断和图片的同时,也给学生灌输了保护野生动物的概念。由于本课篇幅比较长,所以将其层次来逐段理解,使学生更容易掌握。TRUE OR FLASE 和课文排序的练习,进一步帮助学生理解课文,与此同时也可以提高学生的阅读能力。总而言之,本节课上得蛮成功,达到了预期的良好效果。今后阅读理解可以采取这种阅读方式。 Period 5 Grammar

Important point: The formation and usage of the Present Continuous Passive Voice. Procedures: Step1. Dictation

Step2. Discovering useful structures

1. Find out the sentences in the passive voice using the present continuous tence.

--- is being protected---

---are being killed--- ---is being used--- ---is being done--- ---are being done--- 2. Formation and usage

am/is/are being done 现在进行时态 的 被动语态 The door is being closed.

表示说话时正在进行的一个被动的动作。 Many buildings are being built.

表示目前这一阶段正在进行的一个被动的动作。 《英语周报》20期 Step3. Consolidation

1. 《英语周报》20期 1)Grammar 练习 2)Part3 2. Exercises2&3 on P29

3. Exercise1 on P64 be under + n.(有现在进行时态的被动语态的含义) Exercise2 on P64

Step4. Summary and homework HW:1. Revise the grammar item

2. Preview the reading passage: Animal Extinction (on P30). Period 6 Using language: Reading and listening

Important point: Understand why dinosaurs and dodo disappeared. Procedures: Step1. Revision Step2. Reading 1. Skimming

1) When did dinosaurs live?

2) When did dinosaurs die out quickly?



