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Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Name Stories


come across in particular count on end up name...after put up with stand out figure out hold up now that 1.Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing . 答案:in particular 2.Volt its discoverer. 答案:was named after 3.When you a word you don’t know,you don’t have to look it up in the dictionary at once. 答案:come across 4.We must how to solve the problem. 答案:figure out 5.I can’t the hardship any more. 答案:put up with

6. I’ve seen how he lives,I know why he needs so much money. 答案:Now that 7.I my hand to show that I had a question. 答案:held up 8.He is a good person you can . 答案:count on - 1 - / 9


9.If he goes on driving like that,he will dead. 答案:end up 10.He is the kind of person who in a crowd. 答案:stands out 二、根据汉语提示完成句子


This student has parents who wanted their daughter to be any boy. 答案:as strong as 2.这个单词不仅仅只有一个特定的含义。

The word doesn’t have just one meaning. 答案:specific 3.在我的父母为我取名字的时候,他们找到了“楠”这个字。

When my parents were looking for a name for me,they the character “Nan”. 答案:came across 4.中国的名字也有根据读音而来的意义。

Chinese names can also have according to their sounds. 答案:significance 5.有些人认为给一个女孩取名“健楠”不太正常。

Some people think it’s to name a girl “healthy boy”. 答案:abnormal - 2 - / 9



Many English words have Latin . 答案:origins


His parents him a singer. 答案:discouraged;from becoming 8.他从1,000多名候选人中脱颖而出。

He among more than 1,000 candidates. 答案:stood out 9.我的父亲在17岁的时候离开农场去找工作,最终留在了曼彻斯特。

My father left his farm to look for work when he was seventeen and Manchester. 答案:ended up in 10.为了给家人提供一个好的未来,他忍受了很多困难和痛苦。

He a lot of and to provide a good future for his family. 答案:put up with;hardship;suffering 11.这些年来,杰克一直努力想搞清楚到底是什么使得布朗先生如此成功。 For many years,Jack has been trying to what it is that made Mr.Brown so successful. 答案:figure out 12.我弟弟对所有学科都喜欢,但他尤其喜欢数学。

My brother likes all his subjects,but he likes maths .

- 3 - / 9


答案:in particular 13.这个故事如此感人,我控制不住自己的泪水。

The story was so touching that I could hardly my tears. 答案:hold back 14.“楠”是一种木头,在传统的中国建筑中用它来支撑屋顶。

“Nan” is a type of wood that is used to the roof in the construction of traditional Chinese houses. 答案:hold up 15.他成为作家我一点也不惊讶。还是孩子的时候他就有生动的想象力。 I’m not surprised that he became a writer.Even as a child he had a imagination. 答案:vivid 三、单句语法填空

1.The meeting held in Hangzhou was of great (significant). 答案:significance 2.His body temperature is 40℃,which is (normal). 答案:abnormal 3.His dream is to become a (violin). 答案:violinist 4.The city Washington was named the first president of the US. 答案:after - 4 - / 9


5.Although the result was (discourage),they didn’t get (discourage)and decided to carry on. 答案:discouraging;discouraged

6.After the earthquake,the (suffer)of the people was extreme. 答案:suffering 7.The shop sells (music)instruments. 答案:musical 8.His courage is really (admire). 答案:admirable 9.He likes fruit in general,but apples particular. 答案:in 10.Our (origin)plan was better. 答案:original 四、单句改错

1.I haven’t seen as lovely girl as Mary since I came here.


2.We have to figure the direction and the distance before we take action.


3.We are short of money,so every coin count now.

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