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第一部份 课程考核说明




本课程期末考试为开卷笔试,考试时间90分钟。 3.适用范围、教材


考试命题的教材是由Duncan Sidwell、刘黛琳主编,中央广播电视大学出版社2006年1月第2版《开放英语1》教材。






考题类型及分数比重大致为:交际用语(10%);词汇与结构 (40%);阅读理解(20%);句型转换 (15%);英译汉(15%);

第二部份 期末复习重点范围

章 节 重点掌握 Unit 1 1、不定冠词a/an、代词、名词的复数、一般现在时的用法;2、动词work and like 的用法; Unit 2 1、行为动词的否定形式的构成;2、频度副词的用法;3、动词to have 的用法;4、12小时表达法和介词at 和for的用法 Unit 3 1、there be 句型的用法;2、定冠词与不定冠词和指示代词的用法;3、介绍他人及提议与应答的主要句型; Unit 4 1、对一般疑问句做简略回答;2、现在进行时的构成及其用法;3、谈论工作的表达法; __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ Unit 5 1、提出建议和询问价格的基本句型; Unit 7 1、 句型:It takes + (时间)+to do sth.; 2、表达批评性评论常用的句式及打电话用语; Unit 8 1、情态动词can的用法; 2、描述天气的表达法;3、祈使句肯定和否定的结构和用法; Unit 9 1、问路和指路和谈论他人的外贸和性格特征的常用句型;2、本课书中的短语动词; Unit 10 1、可数名词规则复数的变化形式和不可数名词;2、need动词的用法;3、some和any的用法; Unit 11 1、询问他人意见和提出自己意见的句型;2、So am I/ So do I/ Me too句型;borrow和lend、neither、how的用法;3、谈论喜好的常用句型; Unit 13 1、介词at、 on、 in 表时间的用法;2、特殊疑问代词what和which的用法;3、动词to be的构成和用法;4、用来询问他人对所经历之事的总体感觉的句型:What was …like and How was…? Unit 14 1、情态动词can的用法;2、用进行时表示将来动作的用法;3、形容词比较级的构成和用法; Unit 15 1、have to 句型的用法;2、一般将来时的构成和用法;3、带双宾语动词的用法;4、可数名词和不可数名词的用法以及too much, too many and enough的用法; Unit 16 1、询问病情和描述病情的常用句型;2、有关疾病的常用词汇; Unit 17 1、Shall I…? Let’s… and Why don’t we…句型的用法;2、be going to do 句型的用法;3、反身代词的构成和用法;

第三部分 综合练习题


1.-Hello. I’m Xiaoyan. Nice to meet you. - _______C__________. A. I’m nice, too B. Fine, thank you

C. Nice to meet you, too. I’m David Manning 2.—Hello, Linda, how are you? — ________B_________. A. Very good. Are you good?

B. Very well, thank you. And you? C. Hello, Rose, how do you do? 3.—What do you do?

— _________A________. A.I am a policeman



B.I am washing the dishes now C.I do my homework


—My father is a manager. My mother is a nurse. A. Where are your parents B. What do your parents do

C. What are your parents doing right now

5. —How long does it take from Beijng to London by plane? — ____________B_____. A. It costs 1,200 dollars B. It takes about 7 hours C. It’s not near enough

6.—How long does it take to go there by train? — _____________B____. A. It is 20 pounds B. It takes 20 hours

C. The training is very fast

7.— What time does the train leave? — ________C_________. A. On Tuesday B. In the morning C. At half past five

8.—The shower isn’t working. — ______B___________. A.I come to call the plumber B. I’ll call the plumber C.I like calling the plumber

9.—Would you like to go with us? — ________C_________. A. Ok, I’d love B. I would like C. I’d love to

10.—_______B__________? —An orange juice, please. A. What do you like B. What would you like

C. Would you like an orange juice 11.— ________C_________. — That’s a good idea.

A. When can you write the invitations B. What do you think of the invitations C. Why don’t we write the invitations now

12.—Could you ring them up please? I’m sometimes quite nervous on the phone.

—_________C___________ A. Are you? I am fine.

B. Yes, why don’t you call them?



C. Yes, of course. I will phone them for you. 13.— How about seeing a film this evening?

— Yes, _____A________. A. that’s a good idea B. please C. that’s right

14.— Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? — __________C_______. A. It’s not sure B. That’s all right

C. It’s next to the newsagent

15.—Excuse me, how do I get to the gym, please? — ________A_________.

A. You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket B. It takes about an hour to get there C. I’d like to see them

16.— What does your English teacher look like? — _______B__________. A. She likes singing

B. She’s tall and has long, wavy hair C. She looks sad

17.—What does her boyfriend look like? — _______C__________. A. He is intelligent and confident B. He likes playing football

C. He is quite tall with fair curly hair

18. — What’s the weather like in this area?

— ________B_________. A. That’s all right B. It’s rainy C. Yes, it’s fine

19.—How much is the rent of the flat? — _______B__________. A. The hotel room is expensive B. It is 450 pounds a month

C. It is near the center of the city 20.— ______A___________? — I’ve got a bad cough. A. What’s the matter with you B. What is it like

C. How was your day yesterday


阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. What’s ___B___ job?

A. yours B. your C. you __________________________________________________


2. Who is that man over there? Do you know ___C___ name? A. he B. he’s C. his 3. Mary is making ___C___a beautiful dress.

A. myself B. himself C. herself

4. You have more apples than __B___ do. But _____ are better than yours.

A. us, we B. we, ours C. ours, us 5. ____C____ name is Clair.

A. She B. She’s C. Her

6. ___A__ people are my friends. _____ people are my husband’s friends. A. These, Those B. This, That C. Here, There 7. ---Whose dog is it?

---_____C_____ our dog. __________ name is Rex.

A. It’s…It’s B. Its…Its C. It’s…Its 8. I have two brothers. One is a driver, ___C___ is a policeman. A. one B. other C. the other

9. London is __B___capital of Britain, and it is _____ great city, too. A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a

10. David is __C___ only accountant in my son’s company. A. a B. an C. the

11. He works in __A___ Finance Department (财务处) of _____ large company. A. the, a B. a, the C. a, a 12. The Business Banking Department is on __C___ third floor. A. / B. an C. the

13. I go to see my grandparents once ____C_____ week with my parents. A. the B. / C. a 14. — B was the meeting like? — It was very exciting.

A. How B. What C. Which 15. — ___B___ is the man near the window? — Oh, he is Tom.

A. What B. Who C. How 16. ___A__ of these two books do you prefer?

A. Which B. What C. How 17. __A___ wine do you need for the party?

A. How much B. How little C. How many 18. — C will the meal take? — It’ll take two hours, I think.

A. How many B. How much C. How long 19. B does the flat cost a month?

A. How many B. How much C. How about 20. How many ____A___ can you see on the table ?

A. cups of milk B. cup of milk C. a cup of milk 21. ____C______people are coming for the party?

A. How little B. How much C. How many 22. _____A______ wine do you need for the party? A. How much B. How little C. How many __________________________________________________



