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荒诞的, 奇异的, 古怪的 极大的, 异乎寻常的

极好的, 极出色的, 了不起的 What a fantastic goal! 这球进得多漂亮!

Have you heard his new opera? It is fantastic. 你听过他的新歌剧吗?那好极了。 fantasy D.J.['f?nt?si] K.K.['f?nt?si, -zi] n.

想像, 幻想

Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion. 每个人都应偶尔沉浸在想像之中。 空想的产物, 怪念头 vt. & vi. 想像, 幻想 far D.J.[fɑ:] K.K.[fɑr]


到很远距离, 遥远地 Have you come far? 你是远道而来的吗?

They live into far beyond the hill. 他们住在山那一边很远的地方。 久远地

He's fallen far behind in his work. 他的工作远远没有做完。 到很大程度, 很, 极 This book is far different. 这本书很不一样。

These jokes would be far too difficult to translate. 这些笑话也许极其难译。

Automobile accidents are far too common. 汽车事故太常见了。 adj.

远的, 遥远的

I long to travel to far places. 我渴望去远方旅行。 France is far from China. 法国离中国很远。

fare D.J.[f??] K.K.[f?r] n.

费, 票价

A single fare is 170 dollars. 单程票价为170美元。


The taxi driver stopped to pick up a fare. 出租车司机停车让一个乘客上车。 食物

The fare here is simple but good. 这里的伙食简单而可口。 vi.

吃, 进食 She fared plainly. 她吃得很简单。 进展, 遭遇

I think I fared quite well in the interview. 我觉得我这次面试情况不错。 farewell D.J.['f??'wel] K.K.[f?r'w?l] n.

告别, 欢送

He made his farewell to his family. 他向他的家人告别。 farm D.J.[fɑ:m] K.K.[fɑrm] n.

农田, 农场; 饲养场 He lives on a farm. 他在农场里住。 vt. & vi.

耕作, 经营农场

He is farming in Africa. 他在非洲经营农场。

He farmed in the south for many years. 他曾在南方务农多年。

They should farm the land instead of letting it lie waste. 他们应当在这块地里种庄稼, 不要让它荒了。 farmer D.J.['fɑ:m?]

K.K.['fɑrm?] n.

农场主, 农民 farther D.J.['fɑ:e?] K.K.['fɑre?]


更远地, 较远地, 再往前 Shall we go farther?


I can throw the ball farther than you can. 这个球我能比你扔得远。 在更大程度上, 进一步 adj. 更远的

The farther hill is five kilometres away. 那座更远的小山在五公里以外。 fascinate D.J.['f?sineit] K.K.['f?s?,net] vt.

使着迷, 使极感兴趣

Her beauty fascinated every boy.

她的美貌使所有的男孩子都着了迷。 慑住?使动弹不得

The serpent fascinated its prey.

这条蛇震慑住了它要捕食的动物。 fashion D.J.['f???n] K.K.['f???n] n.

方式, 样子

He walks in a peculiar fashion. 他走路的样子很奇特。 He did it in his own fashion. 他按照自己的方式做了。 流行款式, 时尚款式, 时装 She was dressed in the latest fashion. 她穿着最新时装。 fashionable D.J.['f???n?bl] K.K.['f???n?b?l]


流行的, 符合时尚的, 时髦的

We ate at a fashionable new restaurant. 我们在一家新开张的时尚餐馆吃饭。 fast D.J.[fɑ:st] K.K.[f?st] adj.

快的, 迅速的

She was a fast weaver and the cloth was very good. 她织布织得很快, 而且布的质量很好。 You're very fast, aren't you? 你动作很快, 对吧? 紧紧的, 牢固的

Nothing can undermine their fast friendship. 没有什么能破坏他们忠实的友谊。 Is the window fast? 窗子关紧了吗? adv.

快地, 迅速地

He was running so fast that he couldn't stop himself. 他跑得太快了, 一下子停不下来。 Don't speak so fast. 不要说得那么快。 紧紧地, 牢固地

The boat was stuck fast in the mud. 那艘船深深地陷在泥里。 fasten D.J.['fɑ:s?n] K.K.['f?s?n] vt.

系紧, 拴牢 vt. & vi. 闩住

The door will not fasten. 这门关不上。

I shut the door and fastened the bolt. 我关上门, 拴上插销。 fat D.J.[f?t] K.K.[f?t] adj.

多脂肪的, 肥胖的

A fat man has much more flesh than a thin man. 胖子比瘦子肉多。 The baby is fat.

这婴儿很胖。 丰富的, 大量的

The sale netted a fat profit for the company. 这次销售为公司赚得了丰厚的利润。 n.

脂肪, 油脂

The pig stores a lot of fat in its body. 猪在体内储存了大量的脂肪。 肥肉

She can't eat fat. 她不能吃肥肉。 fatal D.J.['feit?l] K.K.['fetl] adj. 致命的

Her children's death is a fatal blow on her. 孩子们的死对她是致命的打击。 灾难性的

It would be fatal to bring in outsider. 把外人引进来可能招致灾难。 重大的, 决定性的

I made the fatal mistake of letting her talk. 我让她讲话是犯了严重的错误。 fate D.J.[feit] K.K.[fet] n. 命运

I don't believe in fate. 我不相信命运。 死亡, 毁灭

Those evil men met with a terrible fate. 那些坏人都罪有应得。 father D.J.['fɑ:e?] K.K.['fɑe?] n. 父亲

My father carries on a trade in silk. 我父亲经营丝绸生意。 祖先, 先辈

The boy from America said his fathers were Chinese. 那个来自美国的男孩说他的祖先是中国人。



