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2019学年高一英语上学期期中试题 新版新人教版

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一. 阅读理解 (20×2=40分) A

I Don’t Think I Wrote Wrong

Lao Yang was born in a small town. He liked reading when he studied at school. He thought the writers were respected(尊敬) and could get a lot of money. He wrote a lot of stories and posted them to the editorial departments (编辑部) but didn’t receive any answers.

Now he works in a factory. He’s busy at work. When he’s free, he always reads something. He always remembers he hoped to be a writer when he was young. One day, Xiao Ping, his ten-year-old daughter, came back. She looked worried and didn’t eat anything. She said Miss GAO, her Chinese teacher, told them to write a solicit article(征文) “My Father” that evening. But she did not know what to write.

“That’s easy,” said Lao Yang. “Let me help you.”

Then he sat down to write the solicit article at once. He easily finished it on time. He was sure Miss GAO would like it. But one afternoon he asked his daughter if the article had been chosen to post to the editorial department.

“My teacher said your article digressed from the subject(离题),” said the girl. “I don’t think so,” Lao Yang shouted angrily. “I described(描写) just my father!”

1. Lao Yang wrote a lot of stories because _______. A. he likes reading B. he learned much at school C. he wanted to be a writer D. he wanted to help others

2. Lao Yang posted the stories to the editorial departments, _______. A. and he got a lot of money C. and he was respected

B. and he became a famous man

D. but he failed

3. As _______, Lao Yang decided to help his daughter. A. he was a writer B. he was free C. he wanted to realize his ideal(理想) D. he wanted to make his daughter happy 4. Lao Yang hoped _______.

A. his article could surprise the teacher B. his article could be chosen C. the children could like his article

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D. everyone could soon know him

5. Lao Yang’s solicit article digressed from the subject______. A. because he couldn’t write it at all B. because he didn’t know his father well C. because it was too bad to be chosen D. just because he described his father B

Mr. Harris used to work in Dover, but then he changed his work, and he and his wife moved to another town. They did not have many friends there, but they soon met a lot of interesting people, and after a few weeks, they often went to dinner or to parties at other people’s houses.

Then Mrs. Harris said to her husband, “We’ve been to a lot of other people’s houses, and now we must invite them to our house, mustn’t we?”

“Yes, certainly,” answered her husband, “A big party will be the easiest thing, won’t it? Then we can start to invite people to dinner in small numbers next month.”

So Mrs. Harris said, “Yes, I’ll invite all our friends here to a big party on 5th December.”

“How many will that be?” Mr. Harris asked. “Don’t invite too many.” Mrs. Harris was beginning to write the invitations when her husband saw that she was writing, “Party: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.”

“That isn’t very nice, is it?” he said. “You’re telling our guests that they must go at 8:30.” So Mrs. Harris just wrote “Party: 6:30 p.m.”

A lot of guests came, and they all had a good time, so they did not go home at 8:30. In fact they were still there at mid-night when the door bell rang and a policeman arrived. He said, “You must stop making a noise, because someone has complained(抱怨).”

Mr. Harris said he did not want to quarrel with the policeman, so everyone went home. They were sorry to have to go.

When Mr. and Mrs. Harris were alone again, she said to him. “That was a surprise, wasn’t it? Who complained about the noise?”

“I did,” Mr Harris answered in a tired voice.

6. Why did Mr. Harris and his wife move to another town? A. They wanted to make some new friends. B. Mr. Harris changed his work.

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C. They wanted to meet a lot of interesting people.

D. They enjoyed going to parties and visiting other people’s houses. 7. What made Mr. and Mrs. Harris hold a party at their house? A. It was easy to hold a big party at home.

B. They could ask people to dinner in small numbers. C. They had gone to other people’s parties many times. D. They liked making friends with others.

8.. How long would Mrs. Harris like the party to last? A. From the morning till night. B. About fourteen hours. C. About two hours. D. Till midnight 9.When did the party end that evening? A. At about 8:30.

B. When the policeman talked with Mr. Harris on the phone. C. About twelve o’clock..

D. When someone telephoned the police station.

10. Why did Mr. Harris telephoned the policeman about the noise? A.Because someone rang his door bell many times at mid-night. B. He did not want his friends to stay late that night. C. His friends had a good time that night and also feel tired. D. Because he hated the noise. C

Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet, but what is it, do you know? The Internet is a network. It uses the telephone to join millions of computers together around the world.

Maybe that doesn’t sound very interesting. But when you’ve joined to the Internet, there are lots and lots of things you can do. You can send E-mails to your friends, and they can get them in a few seconds. You can also do with all kinds of information on the World Wide Web (WWW).

There are many different kinds of computers now. They all can be joined to the Internet. Most of them are small machines sitting on people’s desks at home, but there are still many others in schools, offices or large companies. These computers are owned by people and companies, but no one really owns the Internet itself.

There are lots of places for you to go into the Internet. For example, your school may have the Internet. You can use it during lessons or free time. Libraries often

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have computers joined to the Internet. You are welcome to use it at only time.

Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. It is possible for you to work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information you need. You can buy or sell whatever you want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information on the Internet is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow? 11. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Internet.

B. Information.C. Computers.

D. E-mails.

12. Which is the quickest and cheapest way to send messages to your friends?

A. By post. B. By E-mail.C. By telephone. D. By satellite. 13. Which may be the most possible place for people to work in tomorrow?

A. In the office. B. At school.C. At home. D. In the company. 14. Whose the owner of the Internet?

A. The headmaster. B. The officer.C. The user. D. No one. 15. What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?

A. English is important in using the Internet. B. the Internet is more and more popular. C. Most of the information is in English. D. Every computer must have the Internet. D

Shaking hands, American style

People often shake hands in the United States. American men shake hands with other

men. American women often shake hands with men, and sometimes they shake hands with other women. Adults shake hands withchildren. And some people eventeach their dogs to shake hands! 16How do they shake hands just long enough?Justhard enough? Here are four little rules to remember. 1. Use your right hand.

2. Use good eye contact (眼神交流). Look at the person in the eye while you are shaking hands.

3. Don’t shake too long. 17 Then let go and pull your hand back toward you. . 4. 18 When a handshake is weak, Americans think the person may not be a hard worker or a good leader. When a handshake is too strong, Americans think the person is too rough (粗鲁的) or has bad manners.

19 They shake hands when they meet for the first time. They shake hands to say congratulations. They shake hands when they meet after not seeing each other for

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a while. And they often shake hands when they say good-bye. In business, shaking hands shows agreement and honesty.

Handshakes are good everywhere. 20 So make sure to shake plenty of hands. A. Offer your hand first.

B. Shake for no more than three seconds. C. How do people shake hands correctly? D. Don’t shake too strongly or too weakly. E. It is not polite to refuse a person’s hand. F. When do people in the United States shake hands? G. Make sure your hands aren’t sweaty when you do this. 二. 完型填空(20×1.5=30)

As a young boy my family was very poor. I would often help do something for the neighbors to 21 a little pocket money.

One day I 22 on the door of an elderly woman and asked 23 she needed me to clean the yard. She asked why I was not in 24 and I showed her my worn 25 , which no longer kept me warm. She 26 me to work in the yard. When I finished, she looked at me and said, “I suppose you want to be 27 now.” She then 28 a jar filled with dollar bills and said, “I’m glad you’ve done a 29 job today but that is not something you should be doing again. I want you to 30 new clothes and get back to school. I also want you to come back to 31 me with your report card and I will 32 you when I see you have worked hard and have some good 33 . Now reach out your little hands and take out as much 34as you can.”

I put my hands in the jar and 35 so much money that it was 36 for me to buy what I badly needed. Later, I returned several times to see the woman and she did just as she 37 She looked at my report card and gave me a handful of dollars and some delicious food every time I 38 her that I had an “A”.

I was twelve years old when I moved from that neighborhood. I will never forget the huge -39this wonderful lady made over my life with her 40 . This is something I hope to do myself in this lifetime over and over again. 21. A. save

B. give C. earn

D. change

22. A. turned B. knocked 23. A. how B. when 24. A. school B. time

C. worked D. looked

C. why D. if

C. trouble D. bed

25. A. bag B. carpet C. coat D. sofa

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2019学年高一英语上学期期中试题 新版新人教版


