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数词是表示数量多少或顺序先后的词。分为基数词和序数词 二、重要知识点提示: 基数词

1. 表示数量多少的词是基数词,如:one, two, three等。 2. 数词的构成


2)从13-19均以后缀-teen结尾。 3)从20-90的整十数词均以后缀-ty结尾。表示“几十几”时,个位和十位之间需加连字符。 4)整百数由1—9加hundred构成。

5) 整百数和整十数之间由and连接,十位与个位之间要加连字符“-”。如果十位数为零,那就在百位和个位之间用and连接。

6)千 thousand 百万 million 十亿 billion 序数词



八减t(eighth), 九去e (ninth),f来把ve替(five---fifth,twelve---twelfth); 单词ty作结尾,ty变成tie(twenty-twentieth);


1) 第一百、第一千、第一百万、第十亿都是在基数词后


一.用括号内所给数词的正确形式填空.28′ are in Class________(3).

have________(12)months of the year. December is the _____________(12)one. is my________(1)bag. birthday is (21).

have________(3) like my________(3) book.


1. Children’s Day(儿童节) is on the________of June(六月).

2. There are________months(月)in a (年). 3. Teacher’s Day(教师节) is on the________of September(九月).

4. Three plus(加) six is________. 三、选择50′

grandmother is_____ old. year



3) 序数词前必须加定冠词the


1986年9月1日 September 1st, 1986 / 1st September, 1986



表示半点钟时,用“钟点数+ thirty”或“half+ past +钟点数”表示

C、“几点几分”的表示法 (1)用“钟点数+分钟数”表示

(2)分钟数在30分钟以内的,用“分钟数+ past +钟点数”表示,意为“几点过几分“

(3)分钟数超过30分钟的,用“(60-分钟数)+ to +下一个钟点数”表示,意为“差几分到几点”


visit this museum every day.

of of

are two ________people in the meeting room.

of of

can say the number 78,645 in English like this________.

thousand and six hundred and forty-five thousand six hundred and forty five thousand six hundred and forty-five

eight thousand six hundred and forty-five is the second day,and________. is the fourth is fifth second day is Tuesday second day is Thursday

6.“The year 1999”should be read(应该读作)“The year _____.”

and ninety-nine ninety-nine

thousand nine hundred ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine

are ________months in a is the ________month of the year.

; twelve ; twelfth ; twelve ; twelveth

’s the date todayIt is ________. to go 4th is five and eight

_________is Lily inShe is in________. ; row five ; Row Five ; Row Five ; row Five

11.There are ___________ days in a year. A.three hundred and sixty five B.three hundred and sixty-five

C.three hundreds and sixty five D.three hundreds and sixty—five

12.Danny lives in __________. A.room 404 B.Room 404 C.404 room D.404 Room 13.Jim is in __________.

A.class one,grade six B.grade one,class six C.Class One,Grade Six D.Grade One, Class Six 14.The bike cost me _________ yuan.

A.five hundred forty B.five hundreds fourty C.five hundred and forty D.five hundred fourty 15.My telephone number is ____________. A.eighty eight two forty four zero nine B.eight eight two double four O nine C.eighty eight two forty-four zero nine D.eight eight two four four zero nine

16.We are learning__________now. twenty-first lesson Twenty-first 21 th lesson 21 st 17.Mary is _________ girl.

A. an 8 year old B.8一years—old

C.the 8 years old D.an 8一year—old 18. ____________people died in the traffic accidents in the world

of of thousands of thousand of

19. This is her___________birthday, I think. twentieth twenty’s

20.There are__________children in the country school. thousand five hundred and sixty

thousands five hundred and sixty thousands five hundreds and sixty thousand five hundreds and sixty

21.---How many workers are there in your factory ---There are two __________.

A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundred of D. hundreds of 22.—What time do you get up every day A.It’s seven o’clock B.Seven o’clock time C.At seven D.On seven

23..Fifty plus__________. A. fourty is ninety B. forty

is ninety C. thirty is ninety D. fifty is ninety 24..There are________students in this school. A. four hundred fifty-two B. four hundreds fifty two C. four hundred and fifty-two D. four hundreds and fifty-two home is about___________away from the school. A. three hundred metre B. three hundreds metres C. three hundred metres D. three hundred metre 四、英汉互译.15′

第五单元_____ Lesson Eight___________

第59中学___________ 五年级四班____________ Bus 7:07___________

7+8=15_________ 1994年_____________ 352____________ one o eight___________ Team Seven________ 第三行____________ 第5小学__________ five little mice________ 第六号房间________



