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酒店管理KHK BREAKFAST EGG DISHES——集团连锁酒店管理公司2032(叶予舜)

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F&B – Kitchen / Hot Kitchen




That the egg dishes are prepared in a consistent and hygienic manner to ensure quality.

Why is this task important for you and our guests?


1. To ensure the egg dishes are made consistently 2. To ensure the egg dishes are made hygienic 3. To ensure the recipes are followed

STEPS Preparation of the basic breakfast egg dishes Bring water to boil. Carefully place the egg on the bottom of the pot. 1. Why the water does have to boil? 2. Why do you put the egg in carefully? 3. What does the different HOW/ STANDARDS TRAINING QUESTIONS 1) Boiled egg 1

叶予舜 二〇二〇年五月五日星期二

F&B – Kitchen / Hot Kitchen Boil the egg for 3, 4 or 5 minutes as required by guest. Cool down the egg for 10 seconds, in cold water. Serve the egg. Crack two eggs in a bowl. Make sure that no eggshell falls into the bowl. Add some salt and mix the eggs with a whisk. Heat oil in a small pan. When the oil is hot, pour in the egg mixture. Stir the mixture with a plastic or wooden spoon until the mixture becomes slightly solid. Spoon out egg onto serving plate and serve with the 1. Why do you have to make sure there is no shell in the bowl? 2. Why does the oil have to be hot? 3. Why do you stir the mixture with plastic or wood? cooking time do to the egg? 4. Why do you cool down the egg? 2) Scrambled eggs 2

叶予舜 二〇二〇年五月五日星期二

F&B – Kitchen / Hot Kitchen recipe-determined garnish. Heat oil in a pan, when hot add the 1. Why should you not destroy two-cracked eggs without destroying the egg yolk. Fry until egg white becomes solid. If the eggs are ordered over easy, flip the eggs over and continue cooking for some seconds. Discard oil. Slide egg out of the pan on a serving plate and add the recipe- determined garnish. In a large shallow pot, bring a blend of water and vinegar (ratio 1 liter water to 10ml vinegar.) to 95C. Just under boiling point. 1. Why do you use vinegar? 2. Why should the water be just under the boiling point? 3. Why should the yolk not break? 4. Why should you be careful removing the egg? the egg yolk? 3) Fried eggs 4) Poached eggs 3

叶予舜 二〇二〇年五月五日星期二

F&B – Kitchen / Hot Kitchen Separately break 2 eggs (portion per person) into a cup, one at a time to avoid breaking the yolks. Gently slide the eggs into the simmering water and continue to simmer for 3-4mins, until the eggs are cooked. The finished eggs should feel soft when touched; if not then they are overcooked. (Carefully remove the eggs, when done, with either a perforated serving spoon, or spatula from the pan). Strain properly and avoid breaking or puncturing eggs.

Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.


叶予舜 二〇二〇年五月五日星期二

F&B – Kitchen / Hot Kitchen

Summary questions:

1. Why the water does have to boil? 2. Why do you put the egg in carefully?

3. What does the different cooking time do to the egg? 4. Why do you cool down the egg?

5. Why do you have to make sure there is no shell in the bowl? 6. Why does the oil have to be hot?

7. Why do you stir the mixture with plastic or wood? 8. Why should you not destroy the egg yolk? 9. Why do you use vinegar?

10. Why should the water be just under the boiling point? 11. Why should the yolk not break?

12. Why should you be careful removing the egg?


叶予舜 二〇二〇年五月五日星期二

酒店管理KHK BREAKFAST EGG DISHES——集团连锁酒店管理公司2032(叶予舜)


