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全国版六年级下册英语期末试题 - 小升初分班测试 (含答案)

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34. According to the passage, we can know that Sunny was ________. A. shy and careful C. helpful and hopeful


B. humorous and knowledgeable D. serious and hardworking

Each year Ben is glad when school is closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Ben knows that this day honors an important man, but Ben does not feel connected to him. However, the small-world theory (理论) connects Ben to Dr. King. Ben’s mom (0) has a close friend, Amy (1). Amy’s uncle, Mark (2), once met and spoke to John Carter (3), the son of President Jimmy Carter (4). Jimmy Carter knew Dr. King (5). In a way, Ben is only “five people away” from Martin Luther King Jr.

The small-world theory says that everyone in the world is connected through a short chain (链条) of people they know. Another name of this chain is degrees of separation. Each degree is a step that separates a person from someone he or she does not know. There are zero degrees of separation between a person and the people he or she knows directly. This means that there are zero degrees between Ben and his mom. There is one degree of separation when just one person separates someone from a person he or she does not know. Ben knows his mom, but he hasn’t met her close friend Amy. Therefore, Ben is one degree away from Amy. As the chain continues, Amy’s uncle, Mark, is two degrees. John Carter is three degrees, and his father is four degrees. Dr. King is five degrees away from Ben. The theory says that there are no more than six degrees of separation between any two people in the world.

The small-world theory has a lot to do with math. The theory assumes (假定) that each person knows 100 people. Each one of those 100 people knows 50 different people. Each of those 50 people knows another 50 people, and so on. When someone continues the calculation to six degrees, it is like this: 100×50×50×50×50×50 = 31.25×109. This number is greater than 31 billion (a billion = a thousand million). There are over 6 billion people in the world. These numbers show it is possible that six degrees of separation could include everyone in the world.

Does the small-world theory work? No one has ever proved it. Maybe the theory

just invites people to think a little more about their places in the world.

35. Ben is two degrees away from ________. A. Jimmy Carter

B. John Carter

C. Amy

D. Mark

36. What’s the meaning of “degrees of separation” in Paragraph 2? A. The chain to connect people. B. The relations between people. C. The steps of knowing strangers.

D. The separation between strangers. 37. What is the small-world theory mainly about?

A. How far Ben is away from Dr. King. B. How many people one can get to know. C. How people are connected in the world. D. How the degrees of separation are set up. 38. We can learn from the article that ________.

A. the small-world theory works

B. more research is needed to prove the theory C. six degrees are needed to know the strangers

D. the writer’s purpose is to help people find out their places 四、完成句子。(共12分,22-24每小题2分,25-26每小题3分)

根据要求或提示写出完整句子。注意时态和单复数。 22. Miss Zhang teaches us English. (根据划线部分提问) ______________teaches you English? 23. They like swimming. (变为否定句) They ____________________ swimming. 24. He can play the piano. (变为一般疑问句) ________ he play the piano?

25. 他经常帮助我学习英语。(help someone do; learn English) __________________________________________________________.

26. 我的好朋友Tom学习很好,大家都喜欢他。(study well; and; everybody) __________________________________________________________.


一、听对话,从下面题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符 的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) 1-5 BACCB

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 (共12分,每小题2分) 6-11




四、完成句子 。(共12分,22-24每小题2分,25-26每小题3分) 22. Who 23. don’t like 24. Can

25. He always helps me learn English.

26. My friend Tom studies well and everybody likes him.


项中,选择最佳选项。(共36分,每小题3分) 27-38 BDDA BBDC DACB


