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Book 2 Unit 5 Quick Fix Society

I. Spell out the words according to the definitions given. The initial letters are given as a clue.

1. a ______to support an idea or plan

2. c ______ accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best of its kind 3. c ______ the condition of being suitable to one’s needs and easy to reach 4. d ______ to delay until a later date

5. d ______ a limited range and amount of food you eat when you want to get thinner.

6. d ______ a short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from a book, report, etc. 7. e ______ a short piece of writing, music or film taken from a longer whole

8. e ______ a person who has seen a crime, accident, etc. and can describe it afterwards 9. f______ a solution to a problem esp. an easy or temporary one. 10. g ______ very beautiful 11. g ______ to please or satisfy

12. h ______ a large group of animals of one kind which live and feed together 13. i ______ to pass a disease to somebody

14. l ______ the way a person or a group of people lives and works. 15. m______ an event that cannot be explained according to the laws 16. o ______ a shop or a place where a particular product is sold 17. p ______ typical of the simple peaceful life in the country

18. r ______ to make you feel you have more energy again and not so tired or hot 19. s ______ hardly noticeable unless you pay careful attention

20. t ______ a short simple tune that is repeated and developed in a piece of music Keys: 1. advocate 2. classic 3. convenience 4. defer 5. diet

6. digest 7. excerpt 8. eyewitness 9. fix 10. gorgeous

11. gratify 12. herd 13. infect 14. lifestyle 15. miracle 16. outlet 17. pastoral 18. refresh 19. subtle 20. theme

II. Complete the sentences, using the proper forms of the expressions chosen among the ones listed below.

a couple of stuff…with… take out agree with do…with… be reduced to save up for stand in line linger over/on get sb. wrong consist of help sb. out wrap…up get…over with pick out

1. Why waste time listening to the whole thing when someone else has saved us the trouble of _________ the best parts?

2. Don’t ____me____. I’m not saying we should go back to growing our own vegetables or making our own clothes.

3. We took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and __________ interstates. 4. The herd of cows is __________ a few dots in the rear-view mirror.

5. What are we going to __________all the time we save besides, of course, rushing out to save

more time?

6. When did it all begin, this urge to do it now, to ____ it_______, to skim the surface of life?

7. Our only real amusement _________ counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again?

8. We ______ ourselves ___ spicy salads and homemade bread in an “all-you-can-eat’ farmhouse restaurant.

9. Once, we __________ every word of a classic novel or the latest best seller. 10. If we wanted a new sofa or a week at a lakeside cabin, we _________ it. 11. We __________ loans instead of making deposits.

12. Instead of ____________ at the bank, we withdraw twenty dollars in as many seconds from an automatic teller machine.

13. We buy a frozen dinner all _________ and ready to be put into the microwave …

14. If our fast meal doesn’t ________ us, we hurry to the medicine cabinet for some fast relief. 15. The bank _____us______ by providing special Christmas Club and vacation Club accounts. Keys:

1. picking out 2. get, wrong 3. a couple of 4. is reduced to 5. do with 6. get, over with 7. consisted of 8. stuffed, with

9. lingered over 10. save up for 11. take out 12. standing in line 13. wrapped up 14. agree with 15. helped, out

III. Translation:

1. 记住去机场时带上身份证

2. 这些士兵正在学习如何在荒野中生存。

3. 政府要采取措施减缓经济发展速度,以免它因速度过快失去控制。 4 她周游世界过后,变得充满活力,见多识广。 5. 我记得第一次求职面试后我感到很失望。 Keys:

1. Remember to bring your ID card with you when you go to the airport. 2. The soldiers are learning how to survive in the wilderness.

3. The government should take measures to slow down the speed of economic development for

fear that it shall speed out of control.

4. She became revitalized and reeducated after her tour around the world. 5. I remember being quite disappointed after my first job interview.



