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人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit5 SectionB(1a-1e)教案-新版

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Unit5 SectionB (1a-1e)教案

1.0 Teaching analysis教情分析

1.1 Teaching objectives 教学目标

1.1.1 Language goals 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: friendly, shy For comprehending: Sentence Structures 1) Let’s see the elephants. Why do you like elephants?

2) They’re really smart. 3) What animals do you like? 4) I like dogs because they’re friendly and smart. Grammar Focus

Let’s see the elephants. (Let’s do sth.表达提出建议。)

2) Why do you like elephants?(Why引导的特殊疑问句对原因提问,答句中用


3) They’re really smart. (really表示程度,修饰形容词smart,本单元中类似的程

度副词还有very, kind of, 另外,a lot也表示“非常”,但是它修饰动词,通常放在句末。)

4)What animals do you like? (what animals为特殊疑问词,“什么动物”,回答时用复数形式表示类别。)

5)I like dogs because they’re friendly and smart. (原因状语从句,because引导原因,注意不能与表示结果的连词so连用。) Ability goals 能力目标 教会学生能灵活运用目标句型Why…? Because…. 进行对话和交流。 教会学生灵活使用smart, beautiful, lazy, small, friendly, cute, scary, shy等形容词表达自己对某种动物的看法。 教会学生在听力练习中根据听力任务专注于关键词汇,并做简要记录。 Emotional goals 情感目标



1.2 Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点

1.2.1 学习并掌握用smart, beautiful, lazy, small, friendly, cute, scary, shy等形容



1.2.3 正确运用已学过的形容词表达对身边朋友的看法。 2.0 Student analysis学情分析 2.1 Fundamental State基本情况

通过前面两个课时的学习,学生对用why引导的特殊疑问句的问答能很熟练地掌握和运用,并能和同伴进行几个话轮的谈论。在本课时中,描述性形容词的量进行了拓展,增加了friendly和shy两个形容词,听力任务由1b听句子,找出形容词的简单任务过渡到1c听对话,完成表格信息,填写的内容都是1a中出现的形容词,这一轮听力任务对学生的听辨能力和速记能力都有考查,在这部分中,教师要教会学生通过记录单词的首写字母代表单词,听完后再完善单词的速记能力。 2.2 Knowledge Reserve知识储备

学生通过Section A的学习,已经能熟练运用形容词表达对某种动物的看法,能与同伴谈论某种动物,表达自己的情感态度,会使用why引导的特殊疑问句询问原因并能用because进行回答,在表达中可以使用原因状语从句进行交流。但是在学生的书面作业中容易出现单独使用名词的情况。 2.3 Class data本班实际

通过Section A的学习,学生掌握了本单元目标句型,基本上能进行2至3个话轮的交流,即What animals do you like? Where are they from? Why do you like them? 因为本班学生属于中等偏上层次的水平,学习能力和学习兴趣较强,乐于通过学习与交流,找到适合自己的学习方法。尤其是本单元话题内容与学生的兴趣点密切相关,学生在有一定知识储备的基础之上更乐于对该话题进行讨论,教师应该抓住契机,引导学生养成积极的学习态度。

Teaching methods教法建议

task-based teaching method任务型教学法 communicative approach交际法 question and answer method问答法

situational teaching approach情景教学法

3.0 教学辅助

blackboard and chalk, computer, projector 5.0 Teaching procedures 教学进程

5.1 Leading-in and warming-up 引入与激趣活动

5.1.1 Play the song “Fox”, ask the Ss to listen and try to catch the names of animals in the song. Then show the pictures of animals: dog, bird, duck, cow, elephant, seal, fox and so on. 5.2 New points input 新知输入(贴标签) 5.2.1 Pre-listening

Show pictures of animals, teach the adjectives: friendly, shy, lazy, cute, beautiful, scary, smart.

Finish the task in 1a, match the pictures and the words. 1. smart ___ 3. beautiful ____ 5. lazy___ 7. small ____ 2. friendly ___ 4. cute ____ 6. scary ___ 8. shy ____ answers: d, f, b, e, c, a, f, e 5.2.2 While-listening

Play the recording, get the Ss to listen, circle the adjectives in 1a they heard. The answers are: 1.smart, 3. beautiful, 4. cute, 5. lazy, 8. shy

Get the Ss to make sentences with the adjectives like this: S1: Elephants are smart. S2: S1 thinks elephants are smart.


Play the recording again. This time, Ss need to fill in the blanks in 1c with the adjectives they heard. Teach Ss how to make notes quickly------Just write down the first letter of the words, after finishing listening, complete the words. Check the answers, and then make dialogues with the information. 5.3 Post-listening

Show four pictures of animals. Cover the pictures. Play the sound of animal, ask the Ss to listen and guess what animal it is. Then they can talk about some other animals. 5.4 Oral output口语输出 Activity 1d

5.4.1 Get Ss to work in pairs, practice the conversation using the sentence patterns in 1d. 5.4.2 Show a picture of Chinese Zodiacs, help the Ss to read the names of each animal. Talk

about their and their parents’ zodiacs. 5.5 Sentence interpretation 难句理解

5.5.1 They are over there, not far from the koalas. 它们在那边,离考拉不远。

(over there是固定短语,意思是“在那边”,在听力和口语中常常出现, far from是3单元的教学内容,表示离某处远。)

5.5.2 What animals do you like? 你喜欢什么动物?

(在这句话中,what animals是句子的特殊疑问词,类似的有what color, what time等等。)

5.5.3 I like dogs because they’re friendly and smart. 我喜欢小狗,因为它们很友好也很聪明。


5.6 Using chunks 语块运用

Help Ss to make their new sentences using the new chunks in this passage. 5.6.1 Let’s see the elephants. (P92 1b)


_____________________________________________________________________ 【仿写造句】Let’s….

__________________________________________________________________ 参考答案:我们去看大象吧。

Let’s join the English club.

5.6.2 What animals do you like? (P28 1d) 【原句翻译】

_____________________________________________________________________ 【仿写造句】What … do you like?

______________________________________________________________________ 参考答案:你喜欢什么动物?

What books do you like?

5.6.3 I like dogs because they’re friendly and smart. (P28 1d) 【原句翻译】

_____________________________________________________________________ 【仿写造句】… because….


参考答案: 我喜欢小狗因为它们友好而且聪明。 I like pandas because they are cute and beautiful.

5.7Practice and Consolidation 练习与巩固 1.我认为熊猫很可爱。

I think ______ are ________. 2.她喜欢大象因为大象很聪明。

She likes _______ ______ they’re _______. 3.你喜欢什么动物?

______ ________do you like? 4.狮子来自于哪里?

Where ______ lions _______ ?

5. 我妈妈的宠物猫有点懒。

My mom’s pet cat is lazy. 答案:

1. pandas; cute

2. elephants because; smart

3. What animals 4. are; from

5. kind of/ a little / a bit

5.8 Summary Guide Ss to work in groups and make a summary about:

Q1: What animals do you like? Q2: Where are they from?

Q3: What can they do? O4: Why do you like them?

Get the Group leader (GL) to share their summary.

In our group, …likes…. They’re from…. They can…. He/ She likes them because…. 5.6预习作业

5.6.1 根据音标拼写单词,帮助学生对本课时单词的音形结合形成基本认知。 5.6.2 英汉互译,考查本课时重点短语,帮助学生掌握语块理解。

5.6.3 根据汉语意思完成句子翻译,选自本课时教材原句,帮助学生掌握本课时重点


6.0 Homework -课后作业

1. Talk about your favorite animal with your friends.

2. Write a short passage about your favorite animal using the adjectives.

3. Discuss: Why do you like your good friend? Why do you like…?

人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit5 SectionB(1a-1e)教案-新版


