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campus,they can learn through their own experiences and observations.They can understand better about what they have learned from textbooks. Besides,study tours contribute a lot to shaping a student’s life values and personalities.They become more confident in getting along with others.It also helps students develop the sense of social responsibility, creative spirit and practical ability.

Of course,we must put safety in the first place in the course of study tour,which is also the major concern of our parents and schools.

【解析】1. 本题为话题作文,给定的话题为My Opinions on Study Tour. 研学旅行之我见。 2. 写出我们学校组织这次学习旅游的目的, 是让学生对生活和社会有一个更好的了解。 3. 介绍学生对这次研学旅行的看法,有些学生表示欢迎,也有些表示反对。

4. 具体介绍本人的观点。(1)对培养学生的学习兴趣起着至关重要的作用。(2)可以通过自己的经验和观察来学习。(3)学习旅游有助于塑造学生的人生价值观和个性,使他们更加自信地与他人相处,也有助于培养学生的社会责任感、创新精神和实践能力。 5. 最后要提出安全的要求。我们必须把安全放在第一位。 6. 时态以一般现在时为主。人称较为灵活。

15.(·北京中考模拟)现 在 ,某 英 文 网 站 正 在 开 展 以 “成 就 ”为 主 题 的 征 文 活 动 ?假 如 你 是 李 华 ,请 用 英 语 写 一篇 短 文 投 稿 ?谈 一 谈 你 经 历 的 让 你 很 有 成 就 感 的 一 件 事 情 ,主 要 内 容 包 括 :你 取 得 了 什 么 成

就 ,你 是 如 何 做 到 的 ,以 及 你 在 取 得 成 就 的 过 程 中 学 到 了 什 么 ? 提 示 词 语 :write,translate,friend,help,teamwork,better 提 示 问 题 :1. What achievement have you made? 2. How did you make it?

3. What have you learnt from the experience?

【答案】Last year I wrote my own book of poetry. This book is special because I worked with a close

foreign friend to translate some Chinese poems into English,which was very challenging. In order to

make them better accepted and easier to understand,we collected lots of materials from the library

and the Internet. It took me and my friend one year to translate them.

During the process of translating the poems and working with my friend,I learned a lot about the world around me and really got in touch with my soul. Furthermore,I think my English is better

than it used to be. Most importantly,I learned the value of teamwork. My friend and I were determined to finish this huge task and that's exactly what we did. I feel so proud of my achievement

and I hope I can publish my book soon.

【解析】现 在 ,某 英 文 网 站 正 在 开 展 以 “成 就 ”为 主 题 的 征 文 活 动 ?假 如 你 是 李 华 ,请 用 英 语 写 一篇 短 文 投 稿 ?谈 一 谈 你 经 历 的 让 你 很 有 成 就 感 的 一 件 事

情 ,主 要 内 容 包 括 :你 取 得 了 什 么 成就 ,你 是 如 何 做 到 的 ,以 及 你 在 取 得 成 就 的 过 程 中 学 到 了 什 么 ?话题作文写出的句子要达意,完整,语法正确,合乎习惯,特别是句式,谓语动词形式要有根有据,选用比较有把握的词汇,用恰当的句型写出确切反映内容要求的句子。英语作文要注意人称和时态,注意提供的观点、材料,要注意句子的完整性,谓语动词的正确形式,句子之间的衔接和过渡。英语作文,要忠实于材料,不必扩展,注意用好连词,多用非谓语,慎用较难的句型,一定不能写错句。 translate ---into--- 把---翻译成---;in order to为了; used to do过去常常做某事


以下图画呈现了林涛和梅梅在公园里发生的事情。请用英语写一篇约100词的短文。 要求:1.完整叙述图画内容。 2.简要陈述你从中学到了什么。

【答案】One day Lin Tao and Meimei were playing in the garden. They found that a young tree needed watering and it was going to die. So they decided to do something for the young tree. First, Meimei kept the tree straight and pushed the earth hard down with her foot. Then Lin Tao knocked a board into the earth. It said,

“Please take care of trees.” After that, they quickly got water and watered it carefully. Both of them were working hard. Their teacher, Miss Li, spoke highly of them. Trees are good for the environment. We should protect them. 【解析】


点睛:这是一篇优秀的作文。首先短文内容完整,符合图片所传达的信息,表述准确。作者在短文中叙述了林涛和梅梅两人在公园里给小树浇水、并挂牌子告诉人们注意保护树木。整篇文章按照事情发生的先后顺序叙述,条理清晰。文章最后的两句话也点明了文章的主题。其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,文章以一般过去时态为主,谓语动词用了过去式,尤其是注意了不规则动词过去式的形式,如found, kept, got, were, spoke等。语法规范、准确。短文中还使用了较丰富的句型和短语,如They found that a young tree needed watering and it was going to die.这句话中使用了并列句和宾语从句;再如So they decided to do something for the young tree这句话中使用了句型decided to do sth.决定做某事;After that, they quickly got water and watered it carefully. Both of them were working hard. Their teacher, Miss Li, spoke highly of them.这两句话中用了短语after that, speak highly of等等。



历史: 日期: 庆祝活动 The Dragon Boat Festival 特色食品 目的 两千多年 每年农历五月初五 赛龙舟,包粽子(用粽子叶包着糯米,肉,豆) 粽子 纪念屈原 很好的传统节日,提醒我们回顾历史,纪念名人,也给我们一个和家人团聚的节日。 你的感受 参考词汇:农历:Chinese Lunar calendar 糯米:sticky rice Dear Amy,

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours sincerely, 【答案】Dear Amy,

I learn from your letter that you want to know something about the Chinese traditional festival---the Dragon Boat Festival. I ‘m happy to share what I know about it with you.

The festival has a history of more than 2000 years. It falls on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar. On that day, people watch exciting dragon-boat races and make delicious zongzi, a kind of special food with sticky rice, meat, etc, wrapped in bamboo leaves. These two are both done in memory of Quyuan, a great poet in history. In a word, we all love the festival because it’s a good reminder to look back on

history and a wonderful time to get together with family. I hope that you can come to celebrate it with us in the near future.


要考查一般现在时,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:I learn from your letter that……,I’m happy to……,The festival has a history of……,These two are……,we all love……,I hope that……等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。

点睛:本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头表达了我很高兴向你介绍端午节,接下来介绍端午节的历史,日期,庆祝活动,特色食物和目的,最后表达我的感受。此处want to do sth, share sth with sb, according to, in a word, look back, get together等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。


难忘的初中三年学习生活已经接近尾声,你一定既有收获又有不足,也有许多对自己未来的期待。请以My Unforgettable Middle School Life为题,根据下面的思维导图,写一篇短文介绍自己难忘的校园生活并描述对未来的期盼。


2.短文须包括所有要点,并补充相关信息,可适当发挥。语言连贯、通顺; 3.短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

How time flies! My colourful middle school life is nearly ending. Here is what I think about myself.

【答案】How time flies! My colourful middle school life is nearly ending. Here is what I think about myself.

In the past, I learnt a lot of knowledge not only from books but also from the teachers. So, I am very grateful to them. They helped me a lot! I also got on well with my classmates. We shared happiness and sadness together. We were like a big family. However, I still have a lot to improve. I

didn’t do well in Maths because I gave up easily when meeting difficult Maths problems. Besides, I didn’t have a good sense of time. I used to go to school late and that made my teachers angry. Therefore, in the future, I will try my best to become better. I will work harder and organize my life and my time better. I hope one day, my school and teachers will be proud of me! 【解析】试题分析:本篇书面表达以“My Unforgettable Middle School Life”为题,结合本题所给的写作信息,阐述自己难忘的中学生活。根据内容提示可知本文会用一般过去时态和一般将来时态,注意一些常见句式的应用。写作中注意连词、固定短语的交替使用,使文意连接紧密,还要注意使用丰富的语句,注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系,最后最好要表达出自己的感想和看法。

写作亮点:本文结构紧凑,要点齐全,语言简练。文中 not only …but also…,help a lot,share happiness and sadness,do well in,give up, besides,so, and, a good sense of time, used to, make sb.+adj.,therefore, be proud of等词(组)恰当使用,使上下文意连接紧密;文章的最后I hope one day, my school and teachers will be proud of me! 表达了自己愿望与想法,使文章增色不少,值得学习。


现在越来越多的人在网上购物,网购已成为流行趋势,二网购的利弊也成为人们讨论的焦点,请参考下面的信息,并结合就的观点些一短文,谈谈你的看法。 1.方便,可以在家买东西,不受时间限制。

2.有很大的商品信息,可以买到当地没有的商品。价格较便宜。 3.买货容易退货难;实物和图片有差距。 4.网络支付不安全。


【答案】Now Internet Shopping is more and more popular in the world.

It’s a new way of shopping. It has lots of advantages. The most important is convenient. You can shop whenever you like because the online shops are open 24 hours a day. It is easy to buy goods and it is also easy to find the things that you can’t buy in the shop. And they are cheaper. Besides, we can learn lots of information about goods.

Every coin has two sides. So is Internet shopping. You can’t see the material objects or check their quality. Usually the pictures are more beautiful than the goods. So when we get the goods and don’t like them, they sometimes are not easy to give back. What’s more, it’s not safe to pay through the internet.

We should be careful when we shop on the internet. 【解析】



