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A: It is kind of embarrassing, you know. My camera broke last week when I was trying to shoot a picture of a bird on the roof of my house. B: For how long would you like to keep it? A: Until next Tuesday.

B: Okay. I will bring it here for you tomorrow. A: Thanks a lot. B: You're welcome.

A: Excuse me. Do you know any hotels in Boston? The boss is sending me there, and I have to find a place to stay.

B: I know two... They are the Midtown and the Boston Bay.

A: What are the locations like? I'll be downtown most of the time.

B: The Midtown has the best location, then. The Boston Bay is also good. A: I have read about the Boston Bay. It's the newest hotel in Boston, isn't it?

B: Yeah. It's the biggest, and it has a very good restaurant.But I think it's also the most expensive hotel in Boston.

A: I have to keep my cs down. I will choose the Midtown. Thanks for your help. B: You're welcome.

A: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the nearest post office is? B: Well, it's some distance from here. A: How can I get there?

B: You can go there either on foot or by bus. In fact, it takes at most 20 minutes if you walk there. A: I think I'd prefer to walk there.

B: OK. Let me show you the way. First turn right at the next lights, walk 3 blocks ahead to the theater and then turn left. The post office is right in front of you. A: I see. Thank you. B: You are welcome.

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A: Do you speak English? B: Yes. I speak a little English.

A: Does your father speak English, too? B: No, he doesn't. He speaks Japanese. A: Does he speak Japanese well?

B: Yes, he does. He speaks Japanese pretty well. A: Can you tell me why?

B: Because he studied Japanese for several years in Tokyo.

A: Have you been here long, Mr. Zhang? B: I've been here about six months.

A: Your English is very good. You speak English very clearly and naturally. B: Thank you. I hope I can improve my English quickly while I'm here.



A: Where did you learn your English?

B: I followed a two-year English course on TV before I came here. It was really very helpful.

A: Are you a newcomer? Have you been here before? B: No, this is my first time here. A: Do you speak English?

B: Not much. I find it difficult to understand people.

A: What do you think is the most difficult problem for you?

B: Listening is the most difficult problem for me. And I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation.

A: What's your friend's native language? B: Her native language is French. A: Does she speak English, too?

B: Oh, yes. She speaks English fluently but with a bit of French accent. A: How well do you know French?

B: I speak a little French, and I can read French. Well, to be more exact, sometimes I just guess the meanings of words.

A: Can you write French?

B: Yes, I can. But I often make mistakes.

A: Where are you from? B: I'm from Shanghai.

A: So you aren't a northerner. You're a southerner, aren't you? B: Yes, I'm a southerner.

A: Do you speak the Shanghai dialect?

B: Yes, I do. I can also speak standard putonghua. A: Without any Shanghai accent? B: Well, with a little bit, I suppose.



Ally: Merry Christmas, David. David: Merry Christmas, Ally.

Ally: I heard that you recently got a promotion. Is that right?

David: Yes, I recently got promoted to sales manager at my company. I didn't expect to receive this promotion so soon.

Ally: Congratulations! I'm proud of you.

David: Thank you, Ally. I hope I can do a good job.

A: It's going to be a great concert tonight. Are you up for it? B: Sorry, I can't make it. A: Excuse me?

B: Look, it's not that I don't feel like it, it's parent's evening tonight. Have you forgotten?

A: Oh, yes, it slipped my mind. Anyway we'll have finished by seven o'clock and the concert doesn't



start till eight. B: Well, have fun!

A: What's your plan for the May Day Holiday?

B: I'm going to Pearl Island, the weather there is always perfect. Besides I'm longing for the beautiful beaches there.

A: When will you leave?

B: April 29. I can't help thinking of it. A: I hope you will have a nice trip.

A: Ally, I'm going to have a trip to the west during the summer vacation. Ally: Really? That's cool.

A: What about you? What are you going to do?

Ally: My parents will come over from my hometown to see me. A: Nice. Well, give my best regards to your family. Ally: Thank you. Have a nice vacation.

A: I'm very glad to have a chance to get together with you. B: Me, too.

A: Would you like something to drink? Which do you prefer, beer or Coca Cola? It's on me. B: Qingdao beer, please.

A: Let's toast to our get together. B: And to your health. A: Cheers! B: Cheers!

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A: Will it be OK if I smoke here? B: I'm sorry, that's not allowed here.

A: Do you think I could smoke somewhere in this building? B: I'm afraid you can't. This is a non-smoking building.

A: Would it be all right if I sit here? B: Please do.

A: Could I open this window?

B: I'd rather you didn't if you don't mind.

A: I'm really lucky you stopped and offered me a lift. B: It's good to have some company for the drive. A: Is it all right if I put my rucksack on the back seat? B: Yes, of course.

A: It started to rain just as I left the house this morning and my clothes and shoes are wet through. Would you mind if I took my shoes off?



B: No, of course not. I don't mind. Go ahead.

A: I wonder if you could lend me your coffee pot? B: Yes, why not?

A: Em..Do you mind if I use your kitchen for a while? B: No.

A: Could you tell me how to turn the stove on? B: OK. Let me show you.

A: Manager, can I possibly have a day off ? B: Of course you can. When?

A: Would tomorrow be OK? I have to have a driving test for my driving licence. B: Tomorrow is all right. I'll set it up. A: Thank you. You've been so nice. B: Good luck to you.



Customer: Um, I think there's a mistake on the check. Waiter: Oh, really?

Customer: I think you've given us the wrong one.

Waiter: Did I? May I have a look? Oh, you're right. I am so sorry. This is for table thirteen. Customer: I don't think we'd eaten that much!

Waiter: Indeed you didn't. I'm sorry. I'll be back in a moment.

A: Margaret, I'm thinking of buying these new sandals. What do you think? B: A good choice. You need some sandals for the summer. A: What do you think about these green sandals?

B: I don't think green sandals will go well with your clothes. I think black or brown would be a better choice.

A: Aunt Sally, do you agree that people should get their parents' permission before getting married? B: Why, I think it's a good idea. I don't approve of people getting married until they have talked to their parents and got their approval. Why do you have to ask?

A: I was discussing this with John today this morning, so I decided to find out what you think, I quite agree with you. But my friend thinks differently. B: Well, each to his own opinion.

A: Ally, did you see the movie last night? B: Yes, I did. I thought it was a failure.

A: Oh, come on! It wasn't a bad movie at all.

B: Well, it may be so for you. I still think everyone has a right to his or her own opinion.

A: I think we should buy an imported car.



B: I'm afraid that's not such a good idea. It will cost us an arm and a leg buying it now. How about next year?

A: I don't see your point. Why next year?

B: It's reported that the price of imported cars will come down a lot next year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A: I'm sorry, I'm late again. The traffic was terrible.

B: Well, that's OK. But the boss wants to see you. He asked about you early this morning. A: Oh, that's too bad. What can I say to him?

B: Well, perhaps you'll have to explain why you were not in the office this morning. A: OK. I'm going to see him now.

B: You'd better go and see him after 10. He is having a meeting now.

A: Thank you, Mr Green. To tell the truth, I don't want to be late. But the traffic is always so heavy. How can I help it?

A: Oh, it's freezing in this room.

B: Yes. You see, I've closed all those windows but it doesn't help actually. A: Why don't you turn on the electric heater?

B: It doesn't work. There is something wrong with it. A: Have you called the repairman?

B: I've tried several times, but the line is always busy...

A: Oh, what a nuisance! Those guys are making too much noise again! It's already past 12 o'clock. B: I'm not surprised at the weekends. But I'm really fed up with all this. A: And so am I. We've got to do something about it.

B: Yes, we'd better let them know how we feel about it. Shall we go and talk to them? A: Oh, yes. Let's go right now.

A: Dick, I'm afraid I have to talk to you. I can't stand it any longer. B: What's the matter? Is there anything bothering you?

A: Yes. I hate to say this, but it's your smoking that bothers me. You see, smoking not only wastes your money but also harms your health.

B: Oh, don't be silly. Even some doctors smoke.

A: Yes, that's true. But that does not mean smoking is not harmful. Everywhere you look, newspapers, books all say smoking is a foolish thing.

B: But if smoking were really harmful, why do so many people still keep puffing the stick? A: They will regret it sooner or later. Anyway, I have no patience with your smoking.

A: Look, Ted, I wish you'd stop dropping ash everywhere. B: I'm sorry, Li Hong. I promise I shan't do it again.

A: I don't remember how many times you have promised me that. I have had enough of the mess you make.

B: Take it easy. I'll clean the room this time.




