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human cloning should be banned for the following reasons.

First of all, biological problems underlying cloning are so complex that human cloning is unsafe. It is well known that animal cloning has a high rate of failure. Many animals are born dead or deformed残废的. Even if some survive, they may have defects from which they will die of later on. It was reported that the cloned mice that appeared normal showed evidence of证明, 说明, 表明 genetic mutation(生物物种的)突变. This is because the regulatory mechanisms调节机制, which occur normally during development, are disturbed during the process of cloning. We simply do not have enough knowledge about cloning and the technology at this stage. If we clone humans, we may produce many abnormal反常的, 变态的 kindred, which will be nothing but a disater to our human kind.

Moreover, human cloning will bring some social and moral problems. For example, those couples who are unable to have children might choose to have a copy of one of them(e.g. a copy of the husband). However, how should the wife react to a physical copy of her husband who she is in love with? In addition, when the copy meets friends or relatives of the original, these people will confuse the original with the copy. How they should treat the copy would be another problem. Besides identity身份, his social status would be a great headache to the society.

In conclusion, human cloning should be prohibited in the world because it is scientifically unsafe and will trigger引发, 引起 social and moral crises. Any attempt to clone humans is an irresponsible action to human life and should be severely punished.

WILL TEACHERS BE REPLACED BY COMPUTERS IN THE FUTURE?2008年06月26日 星期四 02:03 P.M.With the development of society, the computer has pervaded遍及 almost all areas of life. Some work which used to be done by human beings can be completed by computers. Therefore, some people assume that teachers will be replaced by computers in the future. To what extent do you agree of disagree with this opinion?


In education, the computer is playing an increasingly important role, so some people assume that teachers will be replaced by computers one day. However, I believe that computers will never be able to replace teachers.

Firstly, the computer can never fulfill teachers's role in nourishing the human mind and spirit. Education is more a process of instruction students emotionally and psychologically than passing on knowledge mechanically. It is widely acknowledged that successful education is always based on a large amount of investment of love and concern. Students need teachers' love while in difficulty, for teachers' encouragement

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can help them gain confidence. No wonder the famous blind educator and writer Helen Keller once said, \find my direction.\死气沉沉的, 没生命的 machine even if all the information of the world could be stored in it?

Another demanding task computers cannot perform is that they cannot teach students according to their individual gifts. A competent有能力的, 胜任的 teacher is always good at finding out students' shining points. For example, when Gauss高斯 was a child, his teacher realised he had a special talent in mathematics and helped him exploit his potential and thus set him to the way of tremendous success in mathematics. This work, of course, is beyond any computer's ability. Besides, teachers can adjust their teaching to different students of different characteristica. Students' characteristics are so diversified 形形色色的 that computers can hardly be programmed to meet this requirement.

In conclusion, no matter how advanced computers will be in future, education still has to be fulfilled by teachers. The teacher is able to be fully aware of students' needs and offer them what they really want accordingly while the computer is merely a tool manipulated(熟练地)操作 by human beings to assist the fulfillment of such tasks.

GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN2008年06月26日 星期四 02:29 P.M.In China, the social and financial pressure on parents is on the rise, particularly on mothers. With many young parents too busy with their paid jobs, children are often left to their grandparents....


In China, many grandparents undertake担任 the responsibility of raising their grandchildren when the young parents are too busy with their paid jobs. This phenomenon has been the subject for dispute for some time. In my opinion, young parents should take care of their children by themselves because there are many disadvantages in grandparents taking care of grandchildren.

First, children who are left to grandparents at an early age may be educationally disadvantaged later in life because they may miss important early learining opportunities that occur in parent-child interaction. It is widely acknowledged that childhood is the golden time to learn. As most young parents receive better education than the grandparents, they can better assist children in their early learning. Scientific investigation has also shown that intimate parent-child contact accelrates children's language acquisition语言习得[掌握] and intellectual development.

Moreover, children brought up by grandparents can develop emotional defects. All children are most attached to使依恋 their parents by nature生来. When

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unwillingly living apart from their parents and seeing other children enjoying parents' love and attention, these children may have a feeling of abandonment, which may develop into an incurable trauma伤口 in their later life.

Last but not least, children's psychological development can be severely affected. These children, deprived of direct care from their parents, are usually spoiled by their grandparents. Consequently, these children are more likely to develop such psychological problems as egoism自我主义, 利己主义 and egotism自我中心, 自尊自大.

In conclusion, grandparents raising grandchildren may cause negative effects on children's intellectual, emotional and psychological development. Therefore, the best place for children is always at their own parents's side.

PSYCHOLOGICAL EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS2008年06月27日 星期五 12:46 P.M.Some people suggest that schools, including primary schools, middle schools and colleges, should carry out psychological education. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


It is reported that nowadays the number of students with psychological problems in middle schools and universities is growing rapidly. Therefore, many people propose that schools should carry out psychological education. Personally, I entirely agree with this proposal.

First of all, students are the social group most likely to incur psychological problems. Currently, Chinese students are under growing pressure: society puts high demands on them; parents have great expectations of them; and they also set themselves exacting强求 challenges. But the fierce competition of various exams forces them to spend almost all their time on study, which deprives them of the chance to know themselves, or to grasp and apply practical social skills. Moreover, most students are brought up in uneventful circumstances, so they are psychologically immature and fragile易碎的, and consequently lack adaptability. When encountered with frustration or adversity不幸, 灾祸, 逆境, they may retreat or react with excessive过多的, 过分的 \对策\

On the other hand, students cannot get the psychological guidance they need. Currently, few Chinese educational institutions have established a psychological health system, and psychological education within primary and middle schools remains nil零. In most cases, students are left to kill the time in their psychological class. Besides, there is not enough communication between parents, teachers and students. As a matter of fact, parents and teachers attach so much attention to young people's study that they often neglect their mental health. All these factors contribute

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to the increasing psychological problems in students.

In a word, psychological education is imperative 必要的 for Chinese students. All schools should offer psychological education so as to achieve the ultimate goal of education----to foster培养 students' capacity for survival, good inter-personal skill, and the means of advancing human civilization.

MARRIED WOMEN'S CHOICE: HOUSEWIVES OR CAREER WOMEN2008年06月27日 星期五 01:05 P.M.Today, a great deal of people hold that a man should devote himself to building up a career while a woman's role should be at home. Some even propose that married working women should quit their jobs to be full-time housewives, bt some strongly oppose it.


As many families become rich enough to spare wives from having to work, the centuries-old悠久的Chinese value that a woman's position is at home revives复兴. The question of whether to be a housewife or a career woman puzzles many Chinese married women. In my opinion, women should never quit their career.

In the first place, when a woman leaves her job and becomes a full-time housewife, family and husband will be the centre of all her life, and she will gradually lose her self-esteem自尊 and become spiritually dependent on her husband. However, if the husband is too busy to spare as much time for her as she has expected, she will feel empty and frustrated.

Moreover, great differences in the living environment between busband and wife may result in a tremendous gap, which may ruin the harmonious family relationship. When a woman gives up her paid job, she will be isolated from the society, and thus ignorant of不知道 the latest happenings in the world while her husband who fully participates in various social activities will be well-informed消息灵通的, 熟悉的, 博识的, 见闻广博的 and upgraded concerning taste and knowledge. Consequently, the couple will have difficulties communicating with each other. Ths may lead to serious family crisis.

Last but not least, a married woman, when quitting from the job, will lose economic independence, which is most important in case of divorce. As the divorce rate is growing higher and higher in today's society, women need to have a career so that they will have a means to support themselves and their children when marriage breaks up分裂.

In conclusion, a career enables women to live a fuller and safer life. They should have their own career for the well-being康乐, 安宁, 福利 of themselves and their families.

Should College Students be Allowed to Change Their Majors Midway?2008年

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06月27日 星期五 01:23 P.M.For a long time, universities in China adopt a rigid policy on students' selected major. Students can apply for several majors at a number of colleges or universities before they are enrolled into the university. Once this process has been completed, it is very difficult for students to alter their choices. Now many universities start to reduce restraint on major shift. ……

Should College Students be Allowed to Change Their Majors Midway?

Most Chinese college students know how difficult it can be to change their majors midway through their studies. Now, some universities have adopted a more flexible policy which allows students to change their majors without restraint自由地, 无拘束地, 无节制地, providing they can meet the entrance requirements入学标准 of the course they wish to take. This has aroused a heated dicussion. In my opinion, this alternation in major policy is good for students' development and should be practiced in all universities.

Firstly, reducing the limitations previously imposed on changing majors gives students another chance to select their careers with a maturer outlook. It is well known that the majors many college students take are not what they are really interested in. As a result, some students have no zest 热情 in their major at all. In the past, students had to either struggle with their original choices or kill their time in desperation无可奈何地 and wait for the second choice in their postgraduate 研究生 studies. Therefore, restriction on changing major is in fact an artificial barrier for students' development and should be lifted.

Moreover, allowing students to shift to the major they are good at means better exploitation of their potential talent. Every student has his/her own passion and talent. Universities, as an important education institution, should try their best to help students to achieve their potential instead of suppressing镇压, 抑制 it. There are numerous outstanding figures in history who gave up their original major and achieved great success in the new major. For example, Yang Zhenning would not have won the Nobel Prize if he has stuck to experimental physics实验物理学.

In conclusion, we should provide students an opportunity to take a more decisive role in choosing their individual destiny. A flexible major policy can produce a win-win situation.

IS A COLLEGE DEGREE NECESSARY IN TODAY'S WORLD?2008年06月27日 星期五 01:43 P.M.With the rapid increase in the cost of college, many people say that the costs of the 4-year college are not worth the return of the investment, and that many jobs do not require a college degree. Is a college degree necessary in today's world?


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