《国际经济学A(双语)》 2018-2019第二学期
Chapter 3 Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian
Model ? ? ? ? ?
Comparative advantage and international trade Ricardian model The gains from trade
Absolute advantage and international trade Relative supply and relative demand
Chapter 4 The Standard Theory of International Trade
? Equilibrium in Isolation
? Equilibrium in Trade and Trade Gains ? Trade Based on Differences in Tastes
Note: 关于生产方面仅考虑机会成本不变和递增的情况
Ch5 Factor Endowments and the H-O Theory
? ? ? ?
Factor abundance & factor intensity, H-O model, H-O theory
Factor-price equalization theorem Trade and income distribution
Chapter 6 Demand and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of Trade
? The Equilibrium-Relative Commodity Price with Trade-Partial Equilibrium Analysis ? The Equilibrium-Relative Commodity Price with Trade-General Equilibrium Analysis ? The Terms of Trade
Chapter 7 Economic Growth and International Trade
? ? ? ?
Growth of Factors of Production Technical Progress
Growth and Trade: The Small-Country Case Growth and Trade: The Large-Country Case
Chapter 8 Trade Restrictions: Tariff
? ? ? – – ?
Introduction on import tariff Effects of import tariff
Partial equilibrium analysis of an import tariff Small country Large country
The rate of effective protection
Chapter 13 Balance of Payments
1. 2. – – 3. – – – – Balance of Payments
Balance of Payments Accounting Principles Credits and Debits
Double-Entry Bookkeeping Balance of Payments Accounts Current account Financial account Capital account
Balancing items (略讲)
Chapter 14 Foreign Exchange Markets and Exchange Rates
? Foreign Exchange Market and Its Functions
? Foreign Exchange Rates, Forward Premium/Discount
? Arbitrage, Interest Arbitrage, Spot and Forward Rates, Currency Swaps, Futures, and Options
Chapter 15 Exchange Rate Determination
? – – – ?
Purchasing-Power Parity Theory The Law of One Price
Absolute Purchasing-Power Parity Theory Relative Purchasing-Power Parity Theory Monetary Approach to the Exchange Rate
Chapter 18 Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Adjustment Policies
? – – –
Equilibrium in Output and Asset (Money and Foreign Exchange) Markets Output Market Equilibrium in the Sort Run: The DD Schedule Asset Market Equilibrium in the Short Run: The AA Schedule
Short-Run Equilibrium for an Open Economy: Putting the DD and AA Schedules Together
? Monetary & Fiscal Policies
– Temporary Changes in Monetary and Fiscal Policy
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