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1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。


从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 14. My brother loves dogs very much. Look! This is _______ dog. A. my

B. her C. his

15. Go along the road, and the market is _______ your right. A. in B. on C. of 16. Both Peter and I _______ born in 2005. A. are 17. - Sandy, can you swim?

- Yes, I _______. I'm very good at it. A. can - Yes, I'd love to. A. visit A. player

B. are going to visit C. visited

B. writer

C. actor

19. Lu Xun was a great _______. I like reading his books very much. 20. - You look tired. What's wrong with you? - I _______ well last night.

A. won't sleep B. don't sleep - My mum will drive me there.

A. How B. Where 22. - _______, or we'll be late for school. - I'm coming.

A. Hurry up B. Don't worry C. Be quiet

23. - Someone is _______ the door. Could you help me answer it? I'm busy now. - Sure, I'll get it.

A. picking up B. looking at C. knocking on


阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Big Brother

C. Why

C. didn't sleep

21. - _______ will you get to the party tomorrow, Betty?

B. must C. need

18. - We _______ the Great Wall next Sunday. Would you like to join us?

B. were C. will be

\ \ \ \

Then the door closed and I was left alone with my baby sister. So unfair (不公平), I thought. I should be out playing football with my 26 . I was quite happy being the only child for 13 years. Why did my parents have another kid?

I decided to watch TV. Mother was very 27 about TV time. She didn't let me watch it in the afternoon, even when I had no homework. But she was not here at the moment, and I decided to take a risk (冒险).

Suddenly I heard the cry of my sister. I remembered what Mother said, \摇摇篮) and she will go back to sleep.\didn't work. The baby was still crying. I put my right hand under her head and my left hand under her body the way Mother did it. And she stopped 29 ! She was just lying there looking at me. It seemed just right to 30 . I remembered the song Mother usually sang to her. And she actually liked my voice. She even smiled.

She kept looking at my face and smiling whenever I looked back. \when you're bigger we could watch TV together and I could teach you to play football.\

When Mother came home at 5 o'clock, she checked on the baby. \are a 31 big brother, \Mother happily.


24. A. wrote B. heard C. learnt D. promised 25. A. difficult B. excited C. friendly D. shy 26. A. parents B. classmates C. brother D. sister 27. A. strict B. happy C. angry D. surprised 28. A. And B. Or C. So D. But 29. A. playing B. laughing C. crying

D. sleeping

30. A. cook B. dance C. sing D. paint 31. A. noisy B. good C. strange D. polite


六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共20分,每小题2分) A

Inventions can change the world. These inventions make us excited about the future. Read on to see what's special about each one.

This shoe is special. It helps you run faster. It was made using 3D printing. It would have taken weeks to make a shoe like this before. But this shoe's midsole (鞋底夹层) can be printed in two hours now. 3D-printed shoe Nobody likes to stop playing a great game when they leave home. With Nintendo, you don't have to. It's small and can be put in a bag. Nintendo Robots can tell you the weather and play your favorite songs. Jibo is a little different. He can also smile and dance. Jibo can hear what you say and answer you. Jibo Robot There are millions of blind people. For them, getting around can ESight 3 be hard. ESight 3 is the world's most powerful glasses. It can help blind people see when they wear it. So users can play it away from home. Much time can be saved. 32. With 3D printing, a shoe's midsole can be printed in ________.

A. two minutes B. two hours C. two days D. two weeks 33. What can Jibo Robot do?

A. Run fast. C. Smile and dance. A. Nintendo. B

Raising Money (筹集资金)

B. Make shoes. D. Play games.

34. Which invention can help blind people see?

B. A 3D printer. C. Jibo Robot. D. ESight 3.

Our class is studying trees this year. We are learning so much about trees and we know that they keep our world healthy. One day, our teacher told us about a nearby arboretum. An arboretum is like a tree museum. Many different kinds of trees are planted there. We were very excited to go there on a school trip.

There was a problem, however. This school trip would cost a lot of money. Parents had already given some money for school trips. But we still needed more money for the bus and the tickets. Our class thought of some ideas.

Then we voted (投票) on our ideas to see which would be the most popular. A read-a-thon won. Kids were excited about this plan. We would raise money by reading for a long time. We also made a sign-up sheet(签名表). Each student shared it with friends and family. They would pay us according to how many pages we read.

I worked hard. I called everyone I knew. I wanted to raise as much money as possible because I really wanted to see the trees at the arboretum. I got twenty-five names.

The day of the read-a-thon finally came. We read for a few hours. I got a little bit tired, but it was a fun way to raise money. At the end of the day, my teacher told us the news. We had raised enough for our trip!

35. There are lots of _______ in an arboretum.

A. buses B. books C. trees 36. What did the students do to raise money for the trip? A. They planted trees. B. They sold their books. C. They made new friends. D. They read for a long time.

37. What did the writer think of the read-a-thon?

A. Enjoyable. B. Boring. C. Easy. D. Expensive. C

Musical Hugs

D. schools

Everyone knows that music can make you feel good. Imagine how great you'd feel hearing a song that's all about you and your favorite people and things !

Songs of Love makes original (原创的) songs for kids facing great difficulties. John Beltzer started Songs of Love as a way to give joy and comfort to kids who are badly sick (生病). \-one at a time,\he said. \ The very first \病人) at St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis. After receiving her song, her mother put her on the phone, and with the most beautiful little voice she just said, \for half an hour. At that moment, John knew he had made the right move, and he wanted to reach more kids.

John quickly got busy gathering a team of songwriters and singers from across the country to compose and record the unique songs. And he soon started Songs of Love.

Over the past 22 years, Songs of Love has made original songs for more than 27,000 children. Each song is written for just one child and is all about his or her \in that child's choice of music style, such as pop, country or rap.

Do you know someone who is going through a hard time? Write a song for him or her! After you finish your song, surprise the person by singing it to him or her, or record and send it. It's like a musical hug!

38. Who started Songs of Love?

A. John Beltzer. B. Brittany. C. A team of songwriters. 39. What does Songs of Love do?

A. It teaches children to sing songs. B. It helps singers by writing songs. C. It makes songs for sick children.

D. It gives concerts to patients in hospitals.

40. The underlined word \A. strange B. personal C. popular 41. From the passage, we know that ________. A. the singers choose the music style B. the songs are all about life difficulties C. Brittany's \

D. more than 27,000 children write songs for Songs of Love

七、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共6分,每小题2分) The Pool Party Problem (问题)

D. modern

D. Some patients in hospitals.

a pool party

Marco wanted to have a pool party for his birthday. He made a list of friends he wanted to invite. His mom told him that six friends would be good. So he told his six friends, Max, Sam, Kai, Liam, Feline and Aiden. They each told Marco that they were sure to come. But Aiden hesitated (犹豫). He smiled and was clearly happy to come. Yet something was wrong. Marco was not sure what it was, but he could tell something was going on with Aiden.

That night, Marco's mom got a phone call from Aiden's mom. The moms talked and then said goodbye. Marco's mom came to talk to Marco, \wants to come to your party. He likes you so much. He thinks you are a good friend.\


\is not a great swimmer,\Mom said. \gets nervous in the water. He doesn't want the other boys to see him scared in the water.\the invitation.

Marco and his mom talked and decided that they would help Aiden out during the party. The kids would only swim in the shallow (浅的) end of the pool. That way, no one would know that Aiden was nervous in deeper water. Aiden could still come to the party and have a good time. Everyone was happy and Marco's party was a success.

42. Did Marco want to have a pool party for his birthday? 43. Who made a phone call to Marco's mom?



