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2019年高考英语外研版选修7-课时作业(三十九) Module 3 Literature-最新学习文档

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课时作业(三十九) 选修7 Module 3 Literature

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建议时间 / 40分钟

基础检测 Ⅰ.词形转换

1.It's (legal) to read people's private letters without permission.

2.It was a race against time to stop people dying from (starve) after the flood.

3.As Mrs Totten made her way from the beginning of the class, I (desperate) tried to determine which maths problem I would get.

4.This programme was set up with an (intend) of providing help to homeless people.

5.I am writing this letter to tell you how disappointed I have been with the after-sales (serve) at your shop. Ⅱ.单句填空

6. He meant harm and did not intend to hurt or upset anyone.

7.Charles Dickens wrote many works about poverty, (depend) on his experience. 8.Seldom she have time to listen to music, for she is too busy.

9.In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve a warning to you. 10.—The boy is fairly mature his age.

—That's true. More often than not, he behaves just like an adult. Ⅲ.短语填空

11.My father said that if we believe something was true, we should (坚持) it.

12.The robot looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth black hair, speaking (以深沉的嗓音).

13.On weekends, they always drive to the seaside, where they will (搭建) tents to enjoy the sunlight.

14.I (感觉像在家里) living here. The landlady is very kind to me.

15.I have been (精心挑选) to represent the whole team, which is encouraging for me. Ⅳ.句型训练

16.—Did you attend Tom's wedding?

—I (本来打算去), but I went to Shanghai on business.

17.Not until Mr Smith explained the answer to me once more (我才理解) it. 18. (她刚搬到英国) when she started complaining.

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19.She goes running every morning (除了天气不好的时候). 20.When I pass by on weekends, I often see many kids (在那儿闲逛).

能力提升 Ⅴ.阅读理解

What do literary tourists look for when they visit the British Isles? Often it's the charmingly old-fashioned bookshops that provide the perfect excuse to read uninterruptedly and to disconnect from the world. Until recently, the trend for fine coffee and high-speed Wi-Fi was considered by some in the city's bookish crowd to be ruining London's centuries-old tradition of disconnected reading.

But a crop of bookshops is fighting against crazy online engagement and is creating environments where the real-life, Internet-free book reading is the most effective way to expand your social and professional networks. Leading the fighting is Libreria Books, which is in the company of Tenderbooks, Buchhandlung Wakther, Lutyens&Rubinstein etc., all independent bookshops without high-speed Wi-Fi and coffee.

Mr Silva of Libreria was inspired to open his shop after experiencing a common suffering for London's book-lovers—the repeated ringtones of smart phones ruining the peace of his bookshop experience. He wanted to get people reading without interruption. He said, “You can get Wi-Fi anywhere now, but it's not necessary in a bookshop.”

Their mantra(原则) has drawn a wise, brainy crowd. The bookshop should be an escape from an information overload. “ If someone gets a phone call, they leave the shop. It's the same with the Internet—people just know this isn't the space for being online,” said Tamsin Clark, owner of Tenderbooks. And in the face of the Internet overload, some stores are proving to be among London's hottest places.

Mr Silva said “an old-fashioned space” is clearly appealing to book-lovers. He said his shop has had twice as many customers as expected, with visitors from as far as Australia and China. Faced with a

bookshelf recommended by the Queen or surrounded by first editions, who wants to download a morning full of e-mails?

21. What would literary tourists like to find in an old-fashioned bookshop? A.Peaceful reading time.

B.Social networks.

C.High-speed Wi-Fi. D.Free coffee.

22. Why did Mr Silva of Libreria decide to open his own bookshop? A.He saw the trend of running bookshops. B.He aimed at banning Wi-Fi in bookshops. C.He was inspired by other bookshop owners. D.He had an unpleasant reading in a bookshop.

23. What do London's bookish crowd think of the Internet-free bookshops? A.Outdated.


C.Fashionable. D.Professional.

24. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean? A.You can still work efficiently.

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B.E-mails keep coming in all morning. C.People prefer reading to being connected. D.People have no access to downloading e-mails. Ⅵ.完形填空

I remember the first day when I saw Sally playing basketball.I watched in wonder as she struggled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.She seemed so 25 ,but she managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net.The boys always tried to stop her 26 nobody could.

I began to notice Sally at other times,basketball in hand,playing 27 .She practised dribbling(运球) and 28 over and over.

One day I asked Sally why she 29 so much.Without a moment of hesitation she said,“I want to go to college.The only way I can go is to get a 30 .I'm going to play college basketball and I want to be the best one.I believe that if I am 31 enough,I will get one.My father has told me that if the dream is big enough,the facts don't 32 .”

I 33 her through those junior high years and into high school.Every week,she led her team to 34 .One day in her senior year,I saw her sitting on the grass,her head 35 in her arms.Slowly and quietly,I walked 36 and sat down beside her.“What's wrong?”I asked.“Oh,nothing,”came a soft reply,“I am just too short.”The 37 told her that at 165cm she would probably never play for a top team—still less she would be 38 a scholarship—so she should stop dreaming about college.

I felt she was extremely 39 .I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet.She told me that her father said those coaches were 40 .They didn't understand the 41 of a dream.

The next year,Sally was seen by a college basketball coach after a big game.She was 42 offered a scholarship and 43 to the college team.She was going to get the college education that she had 44 and worked towards for all those years.

It's true:if the dream is big enough,the facts don't count. 25.A.silent C.strong 26.A.but C.so


B.again B.small D.huge B.and


C.well D.alone 28.A.passing C.shooting 29.A.studied C.expected 30.A.title

B.running D.struggling B.practised D.improved B.prize

C.scholarship D.reward 31.A.good


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2019年高考英语外研版选修7-课时作业(三十九) Module 3 Literature-最新学习文档


