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陕西省山阳县色河中学七年级英语下册 Model 3 Unit 2 We are going to c

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We are going to cheer the players

学 Important and difficult points: 学习重难点: 习 1.What are you going to do? 及回答 Key vocabulary. 目 2. Key vocabulary. Key structures. Key structures. 标 “be going to”计划、安排 “be going to”计划、安排 时间 导课 分、自学 分、交流 分、展示 分、小结 分、巩固 分 Learning Steps: I.【预习-展示-反馈】 重点单词: fan, cheer, player, hope, win, during?? 重点短语:look forward to, make friends, enjoy oneself, May Day, take a walk, summer holiday, go sightseeing,have a picnic, 重点短语: 1. 期盼、盼望__________ 2. 交朋友____________ 3. 过得愉快________ 4.五一劳动节______________ 学 习 5. 出去___________ 6.散步___________ 流 7 暑假______ ___ 8. 夏令营___________ 能力目标: 程 9.去观光___________ 10.捡垃圾________________ 通过听、说、读、重点句型: 写继续学习描述1.I am __________ __________ ___________(期盼)the football 人的计划、安排。 match tomorrow. 情感目标:激发2. I’m going to __ ___ (享受)myself during 学生学习英语的兴趣,了解不同the . . (五一劳动节) 民族,不同人群3.We are going to _____ _____ (拣垃圾)in the park. 的休闲安排。 4. We are going (观光)and going to a 重点学习句型: (野餐) .(在海滩上) be going to do 5.I’m going to _____ _______ _____ (散步) this afternoon. sth. 自读课文,回答下列问题。 look forward to… 1. When is Martin going to watch a football match? 2. because作连2. What does Martin hope? 词的用法 3. Why is it going to be a busy holiday for Zhang Sijia? 4. Why is this summer holiday going to be different for Lucy? 5. Who is Lucy going to stay with? II.课堂学习研讨 知识点链接: 1、I’m looking forward to the football match tomorrow. 我期待着明天的足球赛。 I’m looking forward to seeing you again. They are looking forward to going home early. We are looking forward to the trip. 1

小组总结look forward to的用法,其后面可接名词或动名词。to 是介词,不能把to看成不定式的符号。介词后面要跟动名词形式,学过的有be good at doing sth. /What about doing sth./Thanks for doing sth.等。 2.I’m going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday.我要在五一假期好好玩一玩。 【议一议】enjoy oneself 意为______________________它的近意短语是 。 注意oneself 是物主代词,在句子中它的形式要和主语保持一致。如:I enjoy myself . You enjoy yourself . He enjoys himself . She enjoys herself . We enjoy ourselves . You enjoy yourselves . They enjoy themselves. 【练一练】翻译: 祝你开心!__________________________. 3.Usually I spend the summer holiday at home .通常我在家过暑假。spend在这里是“度过”的意思;spend: 还有 花费,花(钱)的意思, 后面可接花费“一些时间/金钱” spend some time/ money on sth.在...上花费时间 / 金钱 e.g. He spends an hour on his homework every day. spend some time/ money (in) doing sth.花费时间 / 金钱做某事 e.g. He spends an hour (in) doing his homework every day. 4. 小组内练习朗读Activity 5归纳because的用法 because表示直接原因,回答why引导的问句或引导原因状语从句。引导原因状语从句时,一般放在主句之后。 eg.——Why are you late for school? ——Because I get up late. He is not happy because his dog is lost. III.巩固练习 一、能力提升题。根据汉语意思,完成句子。 1. 星期五是Lisa的生日聚会, 我结识了一些新朋友。 It’s Lisa’s farewell party on Friday, I_____ some new ______ at this party. 2. 她喜欢躺在沙滩上。 She likes to lie _ _ __ _ __ ___. 3. 这周我打算好好享受我的周末。 I’m going to __ __ ___ ___ this weekends. 4. 今年暑假我打算去观光。 I’m going to _ _ __________ this summer holiday. 5. 她期待新的学期。 She’s _______ ____ __ _ _ new term. 二、根据课文内容填空。 Martin and his friends are going to watch their favourite football team play and (1) __________ the (2) ___________. It’s going to be great (3) ___ and they (4) ____ their team gets the best score and (5) ____ the match. Zhang Sijia is going


to do something with her family and friends on May Day.

They’re going to take a walk or go (6) _________. There’s a lot of (7) _____ in the park, and on 2nd May, they’re going to (8) ______ it.(9) ______ her summer holiday, Lucy is going to a summer (10) _____ and is going to stay with a(n) (11) _________ family. They’re going to the (12) ______ and are going (13) __________. She’s really looking (14) _______ to her holiday in Australia. 课 堂 反 思 3

陕西省山阳县色河中学七年级英语下册 Model 3 Unit 2 We are going to c


