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摘要:随着互联网技术的飞速发展,网络逐渐成為我们生活中不可获取的重要组成部分。伴随着网络用户的日益增长和越来越多的领域开始与互联网结合,产生了大量的用户行为,这些数量庞大的用户行为数据可以反映出用户对产品的关注度和未来用户的潜在需求,这对于所有的互联网产品和运营商来说都有着十分重大的意义。为了找到用户行为的规律,基于数据挖掘的用户行为分析技术应运而生。本文从专利文献的角度对基于用户行为分析技术的发展做了统计分析,总结了相关的专利申请基本情况。 关键词:用户行为;数据挖掘;分类;预测;关联分析
中图分类号:G306 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9129(2019)11-0069-01 Abstract:with the rapid development of Internet technology, the network has gradually become an important part of our life that can not be obtained. With increasingly growth of the Internet users and began to combine with the Internet, more and more field generated a lot of user behavior, the large number of user behavior data can reflect the users' awareness of the product and the potential demand of the future users, that for all the Internet products and the carriers are of great significance. In order to find the rules of user behavior, user behavior analysis technology based on data mining came into being. This paper makes a statistical analysis of the development of the
technology based on user behavior analysis from the perspective of patent literature and summarizes the basic situation of relevant patent applications.
Keywords:user behavior;data mining;classification;prediction;correlation analysis 1 基于数据挖掘的用户行为分析技术概述 1.1 数据挖掘。