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第1讲 名词和数词


题型 典题试做 1.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 which showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart 语 法 填 空 disease and early deaths from all causes (cause). 2.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)This switch has decreased pollution(pollute) in the country's major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people. 3.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)I'm a scientist (science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys. 1.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)Last winter when I went there again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken.chicken→chickens 短 文 改 错 2.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)When I was little, Friday's night was our family game night.Friday's→Friday 3.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)Besides,they often get some useful informations from the Internet.informations→information 4.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons.eighteen→eighteenth 1.可数名词单复数的错用; 2.混淆名词的可数与不可数; 3.考查序数词和基数词的基本用法。 1.给出名词提示词,考查名词的数; 2.不同词性和词形之间的相互变化。 命题解读

考点一 [题组试做] Ⅰ.单句语法填空

1.(2019·福州四校联考)I have noticed how the music can change one's view, and I am thankful for the way musicians work to the best of their (able) to provide this music for their audience.

abilities [考查词性转换。根据空前的their可知,空处应用名词形式,且ability作“能力”讲时为可数名词,结合语境可知,应用其复数形式,故填abilities。to the best of one's ability “竭尽全力”。]

2.(2019·沈阳质量监测一)China has once again showed its ability to change the world with its “four great new (invent)”—high-speed rail, electronic payment, shared bicycle, and online shopping.

inventions [考查名词和名词的数。前面有four great new修饰,故用其对应名词的复数形式,故填inventions。]

3.(2019·陕西质量检测一)Like many other (university) at that time, the Harvard at the early stage often ran into financial crisis. The school board often had to go to Europe to raise (donate), but as you can predict, they often came back with their hands empty.

universities [考查名词的复数形式。句意:和当时的其他许多大学一样,早期的哈佛大学经常遭遇金融危机。university为可数名词,此处表示“其他许多大学”,故用其复数形式。]

donation(s) [考查名词。句意:学校董事会经常不得不去欧洲筹集捐款,但正如你所




4.(2019·太原阶段测评)It is one of the official language of the United Nations to develop more effective communication.

language→languages [考查固定用法。“one of+可数名词复数”为固定用法,故此处应用名词复数形式。]

5.(2019·合肥第一次质量检测)My favourite sport is swimming, so I decided to go swimming in the sea one afternoon with my friend, Wang Fei and Li Lei.

friend→friends [考查名词单复数。根据该句中的“Wang Fei and Li Lei”可知,作者和两个朋友一起去游泳了。friend为可数名词,故用复数形式。]


名词按其词汇意义可分为专有名词和普通名词。普通名词包括可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分, 不可数名词没有单复数之分。


可数名词都有单数和复数之分。 (一)名词复数的规则变化

变化规则 一般情况加-s 例词 map—maps;girl—girls; house—houses;mouth—mouths class—classes;box—boxes; 以-s,-x,-sh, -ch结尾的加-es brush—brushes;match—matches, 但是stomach(胃)的复数是stomachs; ox(公牛)的复数是oxen “辅音字母+y” 结尾的变y为i 加-es city—cities;country—countries; party—parties;factory—factories, 注意:以元音字母+y结尾的则直接 加-s,如boy—boys;toy—toys tomato—tomatoes;potato—potatoes; hero—heroes;Negro—Negroes; 以-o结尾的 名词许多加-es mango—mangoes;volcano—volcanoes; zero—zeroes/zeros 但是,以下这些以-o结尾的名词复数 直接加-s:radio—radios;zoo—zoos;

bamboo—bamboos;piano—pianos; kilo—kilos;photo—photos half—halves;leaf—leaves; 以-f,-fe结尾 的名词,通常 变f或fe为v 再加-es shelf—shelves;thief—thieves; wolf—wolves;wife—wives; life—lives;knife—knives。 但是也有的直接加-s,如roof—roofs; chief—chiefs;handkerchief— handkerchiefs/handkerchieves 合成名词构成复数时,通常只将里面所含的主体名词变成复数,如果没有主体名词,则将最后一部分变成复数 (二)名词复数的不规则变化 变化情况 例词 child—children;foot—feet; tooth—teeth;mouse—mice; man—men;woman—women 特殊变化 注意:由man或woman构成的合成 词,其复数形式也是-men和-women, 如an Englishman—two Englishmen; 但German不是合成词,故复数形式 为Germans 单复数同形 集体名词,以 单数形式出现, 但实为复数 有些名词的单 复数有不同的 拼写方法 二、不可数名词 细菌bacterium(单数)—bacteria(复数); 资料、数据datum(单数)—data(复数); 现象phenomenon(单数) —phenomena(复数) people,police,cattle deer,sheep,fish,Chinese, Japanese,means sons-in-law女婿; passers-by过路人; story-tellers讲故事的人; go-betweens中介人; grown-ups成年人

不可数名词包括专有名词、物质名词和抽象名词,一般没有单复数之分。 1.常考的不可数名词

advice建议 experience经验 (注:作“经历”讲时可数) fun开心、快乐的事 news/information/word 消息,新闻 progress进步 wealth财富,富裕 jewelry珠宝 2.抽象名词具体化 抽象名词在表示具体的概念时,可以与不定冠词连用,常见的和常考的有: 单词 beauty comfort success failure honor pride shock delight surprise pleasure 3.物质名词的复数现象 (1)有些物质名词用复数形式表示与原来不同的事物。 paper(纸)—papers(证件,论文) custom(风俗习惯)—customs(海关) arm(胳膊)—arms(武器,装备) air(空气)—airs(摆架子,装腔作势)

(2)有一些物质名词用复数形式,表示由大量该物质组成的事物。 sand(沙子)—sands(沙滩,沙漠) water(水)—waters(水域,水体)

抽象名词意义 美;美丽 安慰;慰藉 成功 失败 荣幸 骄傲 震惊 高兴 惊奇 乐趣 具体化名词意义 美丽的人或事物 令人感到安慰的人或事物 成功的人或事 失败的人或事 令人荣幸的事情 令人骄傲的事情 令人震惊的事情 令人高兴的事情 令人惊奇的事情 令人高兴的事情 equipment装备 exercise锻炼(注:作 “练习;体操”讲时可数) furniture家具 baggage/luggage行李 practice练习 knowledge知识 change零钱(注:作 “变化”讲时为可数名词)



