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牛津译林版九年级英语下册9B Unit3 单元综合测试卷(含答案)

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单元综合测试Test for Unit 3 of 9B


( )1. My robot a virus for a week. What a terrible thing!

A. had B. has had C. has caught D. had got ( )2. Remember, you do, I will always be on your side.

A. whenever B. whatever C. however D. wherever

( )3. My brother doesn't know to do with his robot but I don't know to deal

with my computer.

A. how; how B. what; what C. how; what D. what;how ( )4. My robot doesn't work. Something has with it.

A. become wrong B. got wrong C. gone wrong D. done wrong ( )5. ―Alan, it's late. Why not go to bed?

―Jenny hasn't come back yet. I for her.

A.waited B. have waited C. am waiting D. was waiting

( )6. ―Have you heard of the story Guardians of the Galaxy? It like this; One day,

there was a boy...

―Oh, it funny and exciting.

A. goes; sounnds B. comes; looks C. tells; looks D. says; sounds ( )7. He made mistakes in his writing that his teacher got angry with him. A. too many; much too B. so many; much too C. too much; too much D. so much; too much ( )8. What time do you expect her ? A. arrive B. is arriving C. arriving D. to arrive ( )9. About of the engineers in my company to be in their A. two-ninth; seems; forties B. two-ninths; seem; forties C. two-ninths; seem; fortieth D. second-ninths; seems; fortieth

( )10. , what he said in the meeting is true except that a few numbers were still not


A. In general B. In all C. In this way D. As a result ( )11. ―Mum, could you buy me an iPad like this?

―Sure, and we can buy one than this, but this. A. a better; better than B. a worse; as good as C. a more important;not as good as D. a cheaper; as good as ( )12. The robot needs , but you do that yourself.

A. checking; needn't B. checking; needn't to C. to check; don't need to D. to check; don't need ( )13. In the past, the poor man for a long time every day. A. made to work B. was made work C. was made to work D. made work

( )14. My friend Tom often complains his parents because they are always strict

his study.

A. with; in B. to; in C. with; with D. to; with


( )15. ―How can I improve my English?

― , you should speak it as much as you can.

A. First of all B. On the other hand C. As usual D. Of course

( )16. I had at that time that I could not pay for the Christmas card.

A. so little a money B. such little money C. so little money D. such little a money

( )17. The robot a virus. You'd better as soon as possible.

A. has caught; have it fixed B. has caught; have it fixing C. has been caught; have it fixed D. has been caught; have it fixing

( )18. ―How soon will you start your journey? ―I'm not sure. I haven't decided . A. when shall I ask the boss for leave B. where I will go to spend the holiday

C. whether I would go by train or by plane D. who could invite me to go

( )19. They failed to pass the exam last time. I regretted them.

A. to be not able to help B. being no able to help C. not being able to help D. not be able to help

( )20. ― ? ―I've got a headache.

A. How are you B. What's wrong with you C. What are you doing D. How do you do


Like many people, I enjoy science fiction(小说).I love reading about brave travelers 1 visit far-awayworlds. The stories are not true, but I still think it is great to 2 the night sky and imagine the world to one star.

I can imagine 3 my parents felt when Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon. Until that day in 1969, humans had always looked at the moon 4 never reached it. Our ancestors(祖先)told stories about the moon goddesses(女神), such as Selene and Chang'e. The goddesses lived in a place that humans could never visit. After 5 of years, we did something unbelievable. If human beings can walk on the moon, then surely we can do 6 more!

Some people say, \destiny(命运)is in the stars.\ 7 , the most important thing humans will do in the future is to travel into outer space. I believe that this will come true in the future, and we must prepare. We travel to the moon today, and 8 we can travel to Mars tomorrow, so we should learn what need to know in order to go even farther.

It sounds silly to spend a lot of money 9 to the moon. However, a hundred years ago few people believed that humans would 10 the moon. If we continue studying the stars, we will achieve much more in another hundred years.

( )1. A. that B. which C. what D. where

( )2. A. look up B. look up at C. look down at D. look down ( )3. A. what B. how C. that D. if ( )4. A. but B. and C. so D. then


( )5. A. thousand and thousands B. thousand and thousand C. thousands and thousands D. thousandsand thousand

( )6. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything ( )7. A. For example B. Such as C. In other words D. Of course ( )8. A. though B. because of C. if D. then ( )9. A. fly B. to fly C. trip D. on a trip ( )10. A. get to B. arrive C. get D. reach at 三、阅读理解(18分)

For most kids, homework is just part of their daily lives, but have you ever imagined that one day you won't need to do any homework at all? Such a thing has just happened in a school in the UK.

Nottingham East Academy, a school in the UK, has established a non-homework policy (政策)recently. The school plans to give an extra lesson and provide more activities for students to do at school. So the students no longer need to do homework after class. When the school announced this policy, students, parents and teachers were all shocked.

The school, Nottingham East Academy, is the country's largest school. It has a total of 3,570 students. Barry Day, president of the school, thinks that homework is unnecessary and can easily cause argument both at home and at school. He once told the local newspaper, \give homework for children to do simply because they think it should be given. Actually, homework doesn't help with education at all.\

Letting kids do their homework at school is becoming popular in the UK. Several other schools are welcoming the policy and are taking similar measures(措施).Tiffin Boy's School has started giving students less homework. Students now spend less time on homework. The time has dropped from two or three hours to just forty minutes a night. Nottingham East Academy is asking students to read for pleasure with their parents at home instead.

( ) 1. The underlined word \ paragrap probably means

A. 制定 B. 抱怨 C. 发表 D. 取消

( )2. How much time does it take students to finish their homework at Tiffin Boy'sSchool


A. None. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. D. Forty minutes.

( )3. According to the passage, which statement is WRONG?

A. Nottingham East Academy is larger than any other school in the UK. B. In the UK, no school has announced a non-homework policy so far. C. Letting kids do their homework at school is popular in the UK. D. Reading after school is good for students.

( )4. Barry Day thinks homework unnecessary because . A. most people don't think homework should be given B. he doesn't think homework is helpful to education C. homework takes students too much time

D. some schools welcome the policy ( )5. The best title for the passage is . A. Homework is Necessary B. Reading after School C. Non-Homework Policy D.Amazing Advertisement

Emily and Anne did know, of course. They had known about Charlotte’s book for a long time.


牛津译林版九年级英语下册9B Unit3 单元综合测试卷(含答案)


